THE CONTRA COKE TRAIN: The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection

THE CONTRA COKE TRAIN: The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection


THE CONTRA COKE TRAIN: The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection


THE CONTRA COKE TRAIN: The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection

Rumored Dead, Black Ops NSA-CIA Gene Chip Tatum Alive!

By Stew Webb

Federal Whistle blower

During the last two days, I spoke with “dead” Chip Tatum, the long time CIA figure believed murdered years ago.

Tatum had been involved in assassinations for the U.S. Government and was tasked with killing a presidential third party candidate Ross Perot, a job he refused.

Radio 1997 Stew Webb Whistle blower and NSA-CIA Operative Gene Chip Tatum

THE CONTRA COKE TRAIN: The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection

By Gene Chip Tatum

During 1983, Colby established contact again advising him he would shortly be contacted by “a man called North.” This, as Tatum was to later discover was none other than Lt. Col. Oliver North – the central architect of America’s Nicaraguan Contra campaign. Besides fighting a covert war, North was also the link-man in much, much dirtier work.

The “Contragate” years teem with well documented accounts of illicit wholesale gun running and dope smuggling. The expose series published in Autumn 1996 by the San Jose Mercury Post, entitled the “Dark Alliance,” openly finger-points at the CIA and the Reagan administration for turning a blind-eye to massive Cocaine smuggling. Moreover, the series of articles claim that the explosion of “crack Cocaine” in Los Angeles resulted entirely from the Contra leaders-cum-dope peddlers who made vast personal fortunes from their activities. Today, the official argument remains that the Contra’s were “freelancing” without the knowledge or consent of their CIA “handlers” or North’s so called “Enterprise.” Despite these assertions, mountains of hard evidence point in a different direction including an entry from North’s own diary which shows his knowledge of Cocaine shipments.

In stark contrast to these denials, Tatum says North’s “Enterprise” not only set-up the Cocaine factories, “ran” the Colombian cartels but were also responsible for master-minding the massive shipments of narcotics into the US. Significantly, he is not alone in making these accusations. A number of those involved in Col. North’s operations have subsequently come forward and spilled the beans. Almost all of these “whistle-blowers” have been hounded and jailed. Some have died, whilst others have fled. The whole Contra thing, Tatum states, was also being used by an extremely covert group called Pegasus.

During February 1985, Tatum was piloting “Dustoff” (Medevac) flights for the US Army’s 3/498th Medical Company, stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Two flight crews, including Tatum’s, were transferred to Palmerola Air Base, Honduras. Each flight consisted of a Pilot, co-pilot, medic and crew chief. Once familiarized, they assumed the Medevac mission for Joint Task Force Bravo. In 1984, he had previously infiltrated the 3/498th on the instructions of Lt. Col. Oliver North – who had established contact under the code-name “Jake” (North had “control” of the 160th air wing and was also deeply involved with the tactical planning of “black ops” missions in the Grenada invasion).

On 15 February 1995, during a flight to La Cieba, Honduras, he was instructed to contact his local “handler” – Major Felix Rodriguez – later to prove a major figure in the Iran-Contra investigation. Rodriguez informed Tatum that in addition to his Army “Medevac” duties he was to support covert “Pegasus” missions. These, he was told, would take priority over his other duties. He was also given his “chain of command;” three individuals – any of whom could authorize Pegasus missions.

In addition to Oliver North and Felix Rodriguez, Tatum would, henceforward, take orders from Amiram Nir, a former Mossad agent and Advisor to Vice President Bush. Aviation support for Pegasus missions operated out of Ilopango airbase, Honduras (home of the CIA proprietary airline Corporate Air Services) plus numerous Contra camps located in the jungles and mountains along the Honduras/Nicaragua border3. A common feature of all future Pegasus missions was the transport “of large white coolers in and out of the Contra camps.”

On 26 February 1985, Tatum and his crew were instructed to fly two individuals to one of the larger Contra camps on the Honduran border. His flight log lists the names of the two individuals as Bill Cooper and Buzz Sawyer – both of whom worked for Corporate Air Services. Following a meeting between the CIA agents and Contra leaders, Tatum was given a sealed cooler marked “Vaccine” weighing approximately 200 lbs and instructed to deliver it to a USAF C 130 transport plane at La Mesa airport, Honduras. Two crew members off-loading the cooler accidentally dropped it breaking the seal. Inside was over 100 bags of Cocaine. Tatum resealed the cooler and later watched as it was transferred aboard the C-130 outward bound for Panama.

On his return to Palmerola Air Base, Tatum phoned Col. North advising him of his discovery. North replied that it was “a trophy of war” and that the “Sandinistas are manufacturing Cocaine and selling it to fund the military.” North closed the conversation by saying that “the Cocaine was bound for the world courts as evidence” against the Sandinistas.

The whole incident struck him as odd and strongly reminded him of earlier missions dating back to 1983-4 when he was stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, as a Special Operations Pilot. Regularly he would transship white coolers marked as “medical supplies” to Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas. On two occasions he carried similar coolers to Mena airport, Arkansas. Deliveries of medical coolers to Mena were picked up by Dr. Dan Lasater – a close confidant of then Arkansas Governor, Bill Clinton. Now almost two years later he decided to document his discovery to safeguard his “retirement.” Thereafter, all Pegasus flights were documented on the reverse of his flight logs.

This was a difficult time for Tatum, since he had three balls to juggle at the same time. On the one hand he was flying classified active duty missions for the US Army, on the other he was flying CIA missions arranged through Mil Group A (CIA) – located at the embassy in Tegucigalpa – and thirdly he was flying Pegasus missions under the control of William Colby, Oliver North and George Bush following his recruitment into Pegasus by Colby in 1986,

Tatum completed numerous missions during his rotation to Honduras. Picking up and trans-shipping coolers containing Cocaine was a regular event. Extraordinarily, this included infiltrating Nicaraguan airspace (Tatum says it was not difficult to infiltrate any country and that Foreign Powers would kill to know how it is done) and landing at Bluefields Airbase with deliveries for placement aboard civilian C-123’s and C-130’s.4 This was followed by a brief stint to Columbia, where he had been assigned to assist the Drug Enforcement Agencies “war on drugs,” only to discover the DEA were heavily engaged in narcotics trafficking.


One of the most flamboyant individuals involved in the Cocaine trail from Columbia through Honduras, Panama and on in to the United States, was Barry Seal. Seal flew an assortment of aircraft, off-loading shipments of weapons in South America, and picking up deliveries of Cocaine for his return flight to the US on behalf of Col. North’s “Enterprise.” His primary base of operations was Mena airport, Arkansas. Seal, a CIA “asset” was later arrested and became a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) informer. Prior to his killing in 1986 – allegedly by a Medellin Cartel assassination squad in revenge for informing on them – Seal openly boasted he had information that implicated high government officials – including then Vice President Bush – in the Enterprise’ narcotics trafficking business.

Tatum would soon get to meet Barry Seal and become close friends. Tatum recalls being present during a meeting between Oliver North, Felix Rodriguez, Amiram Nir and General Alverez from Honduras, when North stated that Vice President Bush was going to have his son, Jeb, arrange “something out of Columbia.” This conversation focused on Barry Seal’s increasingly notorious activities. When Tatum later heard Seal had died he immediately understood who was behind the killing. The discussion also made it clear that VP Bush, Governor Clinton and his three respective “handlers” were knee-deep in the Cocaine venture and making a fist load of money.

Unknown to all those present, Seal had earlier provided Tatum with a list of names of those high government officials deeply involved with or responsible for controlling the narcotics business. Seal called them the “Boss Hogs.” This has remained a tightly held secret by Tatum until recent weeks. The list cites the surnames and is re-produced below as I received it, complete with misspellings where they have occurred. I have appended their full names and titles in brackets where appropriate/available.

Casey Director of Central Intelligence William Casey
Clair-George Clair Elroy George – Head of CIA’s Central American Task Force
Bush Vice President George Bush
Kissinger Dr. Henry Kissinger, Chmn Kissinger Associates, former US Secretary of State, former National Security Adviser
Haig General Alexander Haig, former Secretary of State
Greg Donald Gregg, former National Security Adviser to VP Bush, ambassador to Korea and alleged joint “controller” of Panama’s Manuel Noriega, along with William Casey
Clairage Duane “Dewey” Clarridge, CIA
Fernandez Joseph Fernandez – CIA Costa Rican Station Chief
North Lt. Col. Oliver North – National Security Council Aide
Singlaub John Singlaub, CIA covert operator
Colby William Colby, Director of Central Intelligence 1973-76
Secord Richard V. Secord, regarded as a “brilliant” CIA black operative
Weld William Weld, head of Criminal division, US Justice Department – instrumental in “blocking” Senate investigations into narcotics according to testimony of former Senate special investigator, Jack Blum
Rodriguez Felix Rodriguez, CIA officer with close connection to VP Bush
Peroot General Peroot, Defence Intelligence Agency

Most, if not all, of these names are readily familiar to Contra gate investigators and journalists covering this story. Allegations regarding the involvement of former President George Bush in the Cocaine business are by no means new – they abound in plentiful supply. The fact that Bush pardoned a number of his closest advisors – who faced criminal prosecution and possible jail – late on Christmas eve 1992, just weeks before Bill Clinton’s inauguration, left a sour taste in the mouths of many. If prosecuted they clearly would’ve fingered the President himself.


But Tatum’s story takes us even further along the dark road of power, greed, and corruption. During l986, he had left Honduras and set up a money laundering business in Watertown, New York State – close to the home base of the Army’s 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum. The location was chosen with care. With access to Fort Drum’s telephone lines for secure communications, he was assigned a Cherokee 140 fixed wing aircraft5 used to ship personnel and supplies – under radar cover – across the Canadian border. His tenure with these companies lasted from 1986 through to 1990. This was a pure Pegasus operation.

It was at Watertown, that Tatum was provided with a civilian cover in the form of three construction companies: American National Home Builders; American Constructors and American Homes. Funding was provided by Henry Hyde, Republican politician for Illinois – well known as the CIA’s “black” money-man. Hyde provided a $250,000 line of credit with Key bank, Watertown. (MDC subsidary company) Although Tatum was listed as the President in all three companies, all were in reality under the control of Ben Whittaker, a lawyer from Rochester, New York. Whittaker, Tatum says, is closely associated with Tony Wilson of the Wilson family who owned Xerox Corporation. They are extremely wealthy and “friends of the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers.” In addition, he was also closely associated with South Eastern US Investment Group (SEUS) – an investment bank in Savannah, Gorgia, from 1985 through to 1989. Another proprietary he was associated with was Irving Place Development, a service organization of Irving Bank and Trust Company. Cocaine proceeds were laundered through these companies by an ingenious use of construction loans.

In response to a question asking why was the “drug related money” placed in “Arkansas Colorado and Ohio,” Tatum simply explains that he doesn’t know why, adding that “It was being done before I got there. I assume banking laws and whether or not Bush had people in his pocket in these areas.” He does explain that the primary figure involved in the laundry exercise in Arkansas, was “Jack Stevens.” Jackson Stevens, owner of Worthen Bank & Trust Company is closely aligned with President Bill Clinton. Tatum states that “…Clinton received the cash and divided it up between Stevens and [Dan] Lasater to clean it up. Stevens company [Worthen bank] was used as the guarantor providing ‘warehouse’ lines of credit.”

Developing this theme in more detail, Tatum explains that the “Enterprise” were receiving drugs in exchange for the guns they supplied to the Contra’s. The raw product in the form of coca leaves was supplied by the Colombians and pressed into large cube-shaped bales and then shipped to Nicaragua and Honduras.6 All the “product” was pre-sold and the delivery into the US “guaranteed.”

This eventually resulted in the sale proceeds being pre-paid to Panama, under Noriega’s control. Some of this money was washed through banks and other companies operating in Panama and elsewhere. The rest was sent to Arkansas, Ohio and Colorado. Thereafter, the dirty money was filtered via construction loans with permanent “takeouts” “arranged by banks and mortgage lenders.” These, in turn, were later sold to Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s – negotiable US Federal securities that are traded globally on a daily basis. Each laundry “cycle” lasted from six months to a year. The result was dirty money transformed into good, clean US currency.

This system wasn’t arbitrary or accidental. One initial “test-bed” was a small residential mortgage lender named Carl I Brown (CIB), in Kansas. Others were larger and still others became national. All were ultimately destined to be purchased by a bank (proprietary) from Japan within a specific time-frame: 1996 – as part of ongoing Pegasus plans. Eric Brown, the son of the founder of CIB was heavily involved in these activities. Three additional companies were involved to Tatum’s knowledge: US Homes, Pulte Homes and Richmond Homes. All became very successful, providing “The American Dream – as VP Bush put it in a meeting in 1987.”

X was invited to spend a relaxing week-end at a luxury hotel as a guest of his friend George Bush. The evening started with cocktails and was followed by a fine meal. “Nothing but the best were the orders.” Following the meal, he was ushered into the suite of a blonde “bomb-shell,” supplied by the CIA. A dose of Burundanga had been ingested during pre-dinner cocktails.

His host for the week-end was a trusted18 year veteran field intelligence officer. X was gallant with the blonde as they both moved into the bedroom where video cameras were already set-up in one corner. In short order, the blonde had X standing naked in front of her, slipping his manhood in her mouth. All the while the video cameras whirred. Slowly stripping off, the blonde then instructed X to reciprocate the favor. Naked, the blonde boasted a large erect penis, saying “now take it in your mouth,” He obliged, his love-making recorded 24 frames a second on celluloid. The male prostitute was hired, Tatum says, from a bar in New York and killed the same evening.

Two weeks later, X – wholly unaware of the events of that evening – was visited in Nicaragua. He was presented with a copy of the video footage along with instructions. Tatum says that X can never allow that video to be seen… “Not only does it reveal his homosexuality, but it also reveals his bestiality and satanic worship rituals.” As frame after frame flicked by, X wept, forced to watch himself kill and gut his homosexual lover, and then eat the still warm heart. Neutralized, Mr X became a leading member of the Nicaraguan government a few short weeks later.11

These, plus other accounts of Tatum’s thirty year life as a CIA deep cover agent and membership of the ultra secret international hit-squad Pegasus.

I also have a copy of a TWIX message from the Commander US Forces, Honduras, (Task Force Bravo) stating to his superiors that “It has become increasingly evident during the past six weeks that Medevac A/C in direct support of JTF’s, in some cases, are being utilized for other than Medevac requirements and are being controlled by other than Medevac Officials.” Tatum says he obtained a copy of this message from his Pegasus controller.
I also have a copy of Tatum’s full book manuscript on Operation Red Rock, together with a letter he sent to William Colby, dated 6 March 1996, which threatens “I will not only write about the missions but about the N.W.O. timetable and planned events including a chronology. And I will name names.” I have other documents that I am not permitted to reveal but which corroborate missions in South America.
The word “contact” is not meant to imply that Don Holmes was a CIA type. Tatum says that “through 1985 “aviation” support for Pegasus was primarily out of Palmerola AFB, Honduras. Ilopango airbase is in El Salvador and it had “operational” support.

Tatum adds that he had limited flights to Bluefields but “primarily the military aircraft used were USAF C141’s and C130’s at Palmerola, LaMesa and San Lorenzo, Honduras. At San Lorenzo there were also civilian aircraft, including civilian C123’s.”

In addition to flying rotary wing aircraft Tatum also was competent flying smaller fixed wing. He had access to both at Ft. Drum.

Tatum adds in this connection that they were “supplied with leaves and paste called “bazooko”… the reason for that was because they were not supplying the paste fast enough so they needed the leaves to make up for the time. The leaves were brought from Peru.”

I had written this sentence based on information provided to me and also extracted from a long list of Q&A’s provided to author Rodney Stich (in my possession) In reviewing this article for errors, omissions, Tatum stated that “there were no US DEA or ATF agents in Pegasus.” This appeared to conflict with an earlier reply to one of Stich’s questions which stated, in part “DEA was represented. We had DEA agents. ATF agents.” Naturally I wanted this clarified and asked Tatum to explain this quite significant amendment. He replied advising that “there were joint missions where DEA and ATF agents were used… they were not officially part of Pegasus.” Nancy Tatum advises that since Chip Tatum was in prison at the time these Q&A’s were prepared for Stich, the “misunderstanding” was hers.

Tatum adds that he also “flew fixed-wing, multi-engine props and jets… for the various mission,” he was not limited to rotary-wing aircraft.

These injuries occurred during the departure of the “team” – six hours after the assassination itself – when they came under anti-aircraft fire as they flew low level across the border.

Tatum was wearing two Kevlar (lightweight body amour) vests which absorbed the impact of incoming rounds.

Tatum has provided me with the name of this individual, a well known politician. He also asked that I consider excising this account from the article, for a variety of understandable reasons. I have elected to keep it as I believe it is both an important and highly significant account.

I phoned and spoke with Ron Lard, an official at the DEA HQ, Virginia, to ask about the properties of Burundanga. He was unable to provide any information. However, through other sources I can confirm that this drug is well known to cause both amnesia and a zombie like trance in which the target follows all orders. Dr. Camilo Uribe, head of Bogota’s toxicology clinic says “it’s like chemical hypnotism.” See Wall Street Journal 3 July 1995.


Gene Tatum was a personal friend of mine he and I did many radio show together in 1996-1997 as co-guests.

Bush Shadow Government Player CIA-NSA Gene Chip Tatum and the Denver Connections Stew Webb’s ex-in-law Leonard Millman.

VIDEO Radio Program:

Gary Webb’s serious of articles the Dark Alliance in the San Jose Mercury Press was a result of Gene Tatum’s exposure of George H. W. Bush’ CIA Narcotics Smuggling.

I, Stew Webb released the Short Version below of the Cutolo Affidavit in 1993 after being given both the 90 page long version and the short version in August 1993 by my Friend Bill McCoy DOD-CIA-Private Investigator (Murdered in 1997)

The reason the Long Version has not been released is to protect those named in it who are still alive.

Stew Webb Video 1993 Corruption in High Place describing the Cutolo Affidavit.

Note Dois Gene Tatum

Your kind and generous contributions are much appreciated and needed thank

you Stew Webb.Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to contribute today.

Stew Webb
Phone 816-492-9809

Contributions by mail:

Stew Webb

102 Penn Ave.

Long Lake, South Dakota 57457




Posted in Breaking News

About the Author
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a Realtor-General Contractor-Home Builder until 3 car crashes in 2010-2011 (attempted murders see picture my Van on concrete barrier below Breaking News column) and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistle blower - Activist of 39 years and has been a guest on over 4,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and now has his own Radio Network .Stew was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and Hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings Neil Bush Director, the Denver International Airport Frauds Hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 Hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank Bailout. Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush - Millman - Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of 13". Larry Mizel is now in control of this Organized Crime Syndicate RICO. I have contributed to the following books: * “Defrauding America”, by Rodney Stitch * "Drugging America", by Rodney Stitch * “The Mafia, CIA and George Bush” by Pete Brewton * “The Oklahoma City Bombing Power of Politics”, by David Hoffman * “Bushwacked” by Uri Dowbenko * “Silverado Savings and Loan” by Steve Wilmsen * “Drugging America” by Rodney Stitch * I was instrumental in brokering a deal that has lead to Al Martin’s new book “The Conspirators”, I have known Al since 1991, when I had to hide from the FBI who tried to jail me for exposing,“The Bush Crime Family-Denver Connection-King Pin Leonard Millman”, my former-father-in-law. @@@@@ (Your kind and generous contributions are much appreciated and needed, Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to contribute today thank you Stew Webb. Contributions by mail: Stew Webb Phone: 785-213-0160)


Contact Stew Webb


I Stew Webb have contributed to the following Books

Current Radio Programs

Charlene Renee More Breaking News 2100 Show

Stew Webb Whistle blower Chronicles Video

October 25, 2010 Attempted murder of Stew Webb by 2 goons working for FBI JTFG Joint Task Force Group Kansas City, Missouri, Click on the picture to see additional information and pictures.

I am on social security disability because of 3 car crashes,  2 were attempted murder of me.

Click on the picture below and read the Private Investigators report Grandview, Missouri Police covered up for the FBI with a false report.  This broke every vertebra in my neck.–Stew Webb

Attempted Murder of Stew Webb

Grandview, Missouri Police Obstruct Justice and tried to Cover up the car crash by FBI Stooges and Killers.

SEE: PROOF (Exhibits 1-22)

Stew Webb December 3, 2023 my story how I became a US Whistle blower

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Chatty Gargoyle at Denver International Airport

Larry Mizel and the Pro Jewish Mafia

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