March 27, 2018
Updated April 21 2018
Updated April 18, 2018
President Trump Stop NSA NAZI Espionage
Letter to Kansas City US Attorney Timothy Garrison purpose to Prosecute Cyber Terrorism
Evidence of Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower April 21 2018
Evidence of Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower April 18 2018
President Trump Stop NSA NAZI Espionage
President Trump Stop Cyber Terrorism against Stew Webb Whistle blower
US CIA Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower February 1, 2018
Letter to President Trump 2017-02-23 from Whistle blowers
Letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions from Whistle blowers
Stew Webb Whistle blower sues US Government Assassins P1of2
Stew Webb Grand Jury Demands
By Stew Webb
Federal Whistle blower
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) [18 U.S.C. Section 1030] makes it illegal for anyone to distribute computer code or place it in the stream of commerce if they intend to cause either damage or economic loss. The CFAA focuses on a code’s damage to computer systems and the attendant economic losses, and it provides criminal penalties for either knowingly or recklessly releasing a computer virus into computers used in interstate commerce.
Someone convicted under the CFAA could face a prison sentence as long as 20 years and a fine of up to $250,000.
I will be posting the entire report proving over 6 million felonies over three years against my email account, my internet service providers and my website under The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) [18 U.S.C. Section 1030] and Violations of my 1st Amendment Right to freedom of speech and Violations under RICO The Racketeering Influence and Corruption Organization Act plus attempted murders since 2009 because of filings in US District Court in Kansas City for Injunctive Relief from attempted murder using Blackwater Helicopter to lazer and kill this whistle blower then three car crashes from October 2010 – November 2011 which I have not been paid and which the car crashes has disabled this Whistle blower and I am being cheated out of one half of the social security minimum that I am entitled to under US law.
Below are at least 12 or more links to Israel, US DOD, British Intel, Larry Mizel, George HW Bush, Kansas City FBI, Missouri Fusing Center and many others in the US Shadow Government also now being called the Deep State. The Shadow Government is the top of the deep state also known as the Illuminati also known and the Council of 13 also known as the 12 Disciples of Satan, George HW Bush, Larry Mizel, Henry Kissinger, William Grace, Answar Ben Shari, Pope Benidick, David Rockefeller, Patrick WU aka Patrick WY, Meyer Rothchild, Paul Warberg, and I am missing 2 of the 12.
April 15, 2018
Larry Mizel Wide Open West Financial Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
April 14, 2018
Google Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Federal Whistle blower April 2018
March 29. 2018
Larry Mizel Wide Open West Financial Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
March 28, 2018
Cyber Attackers exposed by Stew Webb Federal Whistle blower March 28 2018
March 26 2018
Ten Cyber Terrorist Implanting Malicious Codes against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Cyber Attacker hits Stew Webb Whistleblower 912 hits in 12 hours
Cyber Attackers Network planting malicious codes against Stew Webb Whistleblower 2018
Intelliwave cyber attacks against Stew Webb Federal Whistle blower
Wide Open West Finance LLC cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
March 22 2018 Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Federal Whistle blower
March 16, 2018
Cyber Terrorists planting malicious codes against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Denver level3 cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
US Government or Israel Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
SHARKTECH NET Tim Timrawi Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Longmont Colorado Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
March 10, 2018
President Trump todays Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Federal Whistle blower
March 5, 2018
Cedar Rapids Cogentco Peter Davis cyber attacks Stew Webb Whistleblower
US Gov or Israel Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
March 4, 2018
US Government or Israel Cogentco Cyber Attacks Stew Webb Whistleblower
Hurricane Electric Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
March 3, 2018
Westminister Colorado computercrews Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Fort Huachuca Arizona Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Melbourne Australia Synergy Wholesale cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Alibaba San Mateo CA Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
March 3 2018 Cyber Attackers against Stew Webb Whistleblower Exposed
US Gov Israel PSINet Washington DC Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Amazon US Gov Israel Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Fidelity Larry Mizel Denver Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Malicious File Uploads cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Cyber Terrorists attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower in 24 hours
Cyber Attack against Stew Webb Whistleblower 39 hits in 24 hours
Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower 26 hits in 24 hours
Defense Net Inc Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Amazon Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Gordon Duff aka Bob Foote Cyber Network Exposed
Amazon Cyber Attacks Stew Webb Whistleblower 479 hits in last 4 hours
United Kingdom Cyber Attacks Stew Webb Whistleblower 157 hits in last 4 hours
Verizon Wireless Cyber Attacks Stew Webb Whistleblower 79 hits in last 4 hours
Amazon Cyber Attacks Stew Webb Whistleblower Hundreds of Hits in 24 hours
Amazon Cyber Attacks Stew Webb Whistleblower 394 Hits in 24 Hours
Amazon Cyber Attacks Stew Webb Whistleblower Hundreds in 24 hours
Israel Mossad Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Larry Mizel Wide Open West Financial cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
March 3, 2018
Skype Cyber Attack against Stew Webb Whistle blower
March 3, 2018
US CIA or Israel Mossad Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower 2018-02-08
US Gov or Israel Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
February 17, 2018
US CIA Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
February 1, 2018
Kris Thompson Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
USAG Sessions Larry Mizel Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
USAG Sessions Larry Mizel Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
US Attorney General Sessions Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
George Bush Cyber attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
Larry Mizel Insurance Co Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
Larry Mizel Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower 18-USC-1010-1015
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
Xfinity Comcast Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistleblower
Israel, Lockheed Martin, Larry Mizel WOW Financial, Hughes Corp, and US Air Force Cyber Terrorists 2015-01-17
Cyber Terrorist Felonies against Stew Webb Whistle blower
Joe’s Data Center Cyber Terrorist Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
Kansas City FBI Cyber Attack against Stew Webb Whistle blower
(Top right) Larry Mizel Bank Bail Out Scamster AIPAC Director
Larry Mizel Cyber attack against Stew Webb Whistle blower
British Cyber Terrorist Attack against Stew Webb Whistle blower
George HW Bush Cyber Terrorism against Stew Webb Whistle blower
City and County of Denver Cyber Terrorism against Stew Webb Whistle blower
US DOD Cyber Terrorism against Federal Whistle blower
Google FBI Kansas City Cyber Terrorism against Whistle blower
The U.S. Spy Hub in Australia
CIA’s Secret Spy Tool
US NSA Cyber Attacks against Stew Webb Whistle blower
US Government and Israel Cyber attacks US Whistle blower
Stew Webb 1st amendment rights violated Cyber Terrorism attacks 2015-01-12
Warning to Child Porno Kings your days are numbered
Letter to President Trump 2017-02-23 from Whistle blowers
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Updated January 28, 2018
searched cyber attacks on stew December 7, 2017
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Center for Cyber Intelligence Cyber Attack against Stew Webb Whistle blower
Your kind Contributions are very much appreciated thank you. – Stew Webb