AIPAC and Abramoff Operated Child Sex Blackmail Ring

AIPAC and Abramoff Operated Child Sex Blackmail Ring

AIPAC and Abramoff Operated Child Sex Blackmail Ring, (

Is AIPAC a protected Israeli Intelligence Operation?

Out of the DC Hilton, Ritz Carlton, Sheraton Hotels, Little Boys and Girls for Military and Defense Contracts, Congressman, Senators, Media and others Blackmailed

DC Hilton Ritz Carlton used for congressional child sex says federal agent

Stew Webb Federal Whistle blower – Activist

This is a story of the U.S. Shadow Government tied to Organized Crime, Foreign intelligence, current and retired FBI Trolls and stooges and how they have Blackmailed, Imprisoned, Murdered, defamed and tried to destroyed their reputations, those who have exposed their crimes or got in their way.


U.S. senators and congressmen are covering up the Dusty Foggo government lobbyist and military prostitution and pedophilia ring in Washington involving legislators, news reporters, military officers and high government officials. Alberto Gonzales and President Bush fired San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam because she was probing the Dusty Foggo / Jack Abramoff D.C. sex ring.

Is child sex and prostitution in exchange for defense contracts and votes for war too explosive for the American people to hear?

According to a long-time senior intelligence agent the Washington, DC Hilton, Ritz Carlton and Sheraton Hotels were used for compromising House and Senate members, National Media hosts who had sex with children in a legislative and media Blackmail ring.

AIPAC – American Israeli Public Affairs Committee was directly involved with Israeli


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

Jack_Abramoff_Convicted_GOP_lobbyist  GOP Republican Convicted Lobbyist Jack Abramoff who took provided male and female heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and child prostitutes sexual services to numerous US Congressmen, US senators, national media hosts and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington hotels.

“The whole Republican and Democratic Parties were for sale, the House, Senate and the White House.”

“Poppy Bush and Abramoff were up to their eyeballs in this kid shit,” said the Federal Agent.

The Washington Hilton was specifically used for sex with children because it has what the agent termed a “super secure section for VIPs that is out of public view and which reportedly employs no camera surveillance, an area able to hold around 6-10 vehicles so that no one could observe abducted, abused or drugged children flown in from other states who were coming to or leaving the hotel.” I was told that Hilton employees began to become suspicious of Abramoff’s operation, so children were moved to the Washington Ritz-Carlton according to other intelligence officials.

The operation was organized by convicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff and ensnared California GOP Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham—convicted for bribery and currently serving eight years in federal prison.

The resigned Florida Republican Representative Mark Foley’s page-boy sex predator case is only the tip of the iceberg-a pedophile scandal linked to the George HW Bush administration.

The agent who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the case added that the secluded entrance was originally used in response to Bush 41 family friend John Hinckley’s attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan outside the Hilton on March 30, 1981 just after Reagan and Vice President Bush took office. Interestingly, the assassin’s brother Scott Hinckley was scheduled to have dinner with Bush 43’s brother Neil Bush on the evening of the assassination attempt, but the curious “coincidence” was covered up as perhaps one of the most spiked news stories of the last century.


The Neil Bush Scott Hinckley story was original reported by Margie Sloan once an Investigative Journalist who I worked with on many investigative articles in 1989-1994, Margie’s name appears in a book The Mafia CIA and George Bush by Pete Brewton as a contributor.

This Whistle blower and Iran – Contra Whistle blower Al Martin both contributed to Pete’s book but asked Margie at the time not to identify us as sources when it was publish in 1992. Margie who I meet with in person in 1989 in Kansas City with Senior Time Magazine correspondent Jonathan Beaty we all worked together on the various serious of article about Neil Bush, Silverado Saving, the Denver Airport Scam, “MDC-NYSE” Illegal Campaign Money Laundering also known as the Keating 5 which one of the five was Israeli Senator John McCain.


August 2, 2014

Soon after Mr. Comey because the Director of the FBI this year 2300 child were taken into child protection and 150 pimps were arrest. Why didn’t the FBI arrest George HW Bush and his Zionist partners who ran the Child Sex Ring?

Little Boys and Girls for Military and Defense Contracts

U.S. senators and congressmen are covering up the Dusty Foggo government lobbyist and military prostitution and pedophilia ring in Washington involving legislators, news reporters, military officers and high government officials. Alberto Gonzales and President Bush fired San Diego U.S. Attorney Carol Lam because she was probing the Dusty Foggo / Jack Abramoff D.C. sex ring.

Did some senators vote for the Iraq war and taxpayer-funded military contracts because they were blackmailed over sex for votes?

Will honest legislators and career federal agents continue to let them get away with it like they did during the Sr. Bush administration?

Will we see more call-boy sex headlines in the Washington Times?

Will sexually compromised news executives and reporters continue to suppress the story?

Federal agents already handed the evidence to Carol Lam before she was fired. Will Lam speak out?

Will senators and congressmen continue the cover-up?

Does this explain the weak Gonzales hearings and refusal by Democrats to ask WHAT the fired attorneys were investigating?

Is child sex and prostitution in exchange for defense contracts and votes for war too explosive for the American people to hear?

Is that the reason for the cover up?

Or is it prison terms?

AIPAC Decapitators inside US Government Intelligence Analyst

AIPAC Officers and Board Member

DEJA-VU Daddy Bush all over again? GOP the “Gay Old Pedophiles,”

FBI-CIA Shadow Government figure Ted Gunderson and his role in Blackmailing Congressman and Senator running the “Brownstone – Brownstar” Child Sex Ring with CIA George Pender for “Daddy Bush”, and Gunderson’s roll in covering up The Boys Town, Omaha, Nebraska connection.


Evidence of George HW Bush administration pedophilia employed federal court and state child protection agency testimony directly from some of the abused children involved, adding veracity to the original reporting of Rodriguez and Archibald in theWashington Times.

The Bush 41 Justice Department, acting through the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office in Omaha, NE, emerges from the record of the Franklin investigations not so much as a party to the cover-up, but as its coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury and tampering with evidence—federal personnel were seen to apply all of those techniques in the Franklin case.”

The testimony of the abused and murdered children who were flown back and forth to Washington, DC to attend “parties” sometimes attended by our highest elected officials is a lesson of incomparable tragedy related to present Capitol Hill sex-ring scandals alleged by federal agents.

Evidence indicates that history repeats itself, and federal agents say that Congressman Foley is only the tip of the iceberg. This, while President Bush and Vice President Cheney have been quickly distancing themselves from the evidence and story as if to say, “not again.”

Male prostitutes toured Bush 41 White House before federal agents were sent into the streets to collect and destroy copies of this Thursday, June 29, 1989 Washington Times headline story by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald which led to multiple follow-up stories.



Witness says abducted children–23 now dead–abused by 20-30 pedophile members of congress at child sex parties held at Embassy Row mansion where Secret Service-secured presidential limo was seen parked outside. Parties were also held at known Homosexual Congressman Barney Franks “Brownstone”.

D.C. Row mansion where Secret Service-secured presidential limo was seen parked outside

Russell E. “Rusty” Nelson in March 2005 who according to U.S. District court testimony [2-5-1999] was impersonated by another photographer at Capitol Hill child sex parties during the Reagan and Bush presidencies, told me last week that in 1988 he refused Hunter Thompson’s offer of $100,000 to film a graphic child sex “snuff movie to be sold to wealthy private clients where a young boy would be murdered as a sacrifice.” I have been homeless, in hiding and staying under the radar screen ever since,” said Nelson.

Nelson enhanced his credibility in sworn testimony before Nebraska U.S. Senior District Court Judge Warren Urbom on February 5, 1999 [pp 101-154] resulting in Urbom awarding attorney John DeCamp’s client–pedophile victim Paul Bonacci, $1 million dollars in damages for sexual abuse in a case against convicted GOP activist Larry King, Director of the Franklin Savings and Loan in Omaha who sang the national anthem at the 1984 and 1988 Republican national conventions.


Nelson was set and arrested by Nebraska Police and by FBI Division #5 Bush Cover up Stooge CIA Ted L. Gunderson in order to silence Rusty Nelson. I, Stew Webb was personally involved in trying to help Rusty Nelson who called me after his arrest in 2005 and said Gunderson wanted to put him behind bars for life because Ted Gunderson was involved with George K. Pender in the “Brownstone Operation” also known as the “Brown star” the blackmail operation of Congressman and Senators, Media, Defense Contractors and others for George HW Bush, and Gunderson wanted the left over pictures to destroy them, Rusty stated if I had given them I would have been killed by Gunderson.

Nelson was living in Nebraska in hiding to keep Bush and Gunderson off his tail because they wanted to murder Nelson. Nelson was arrested on charges of not registering as a child sex offender while living in Nebraska.

According to Nelson Former NYPD and US Custom Agent Jim Rothstein who I have known since 1991 contacted Actor Mel Gibson’s father who provided funds for Rusty Nelson’s defense attorneys.

Jim Rothstein is very knowledgeable of Ted Gunderson’s Washington, D.C. child sex ring for George HW Bush and how Gunderson has illegally set people up and incarcerated them in behalf of the Government and the Bush Crime Syndicate.

Take Michael Riconosciuto who worked with Ted Gunderson out of the Bush CIA Cabazon Indian Reservation, changing the stolen Inslaw Promise Software by planting a trap back door in the software for the Bush Crime Syndicate. When Riconosciuto came public about what he had done, Ted Gunderson framed him up for the Bush Crime Syndicate and Michael Riconosciuto has served 20 of a 24 illegal year prison term.

The Octopus Nothing Is Secret

ABC reporter Danny Casolaro after meeting with my good friend Bill McCoy was murdered in Fairfax, Virginia he was working on his book the Octopus.

FBI Ted Gunderson told this Whistle blower in 1998 when I was infiltrated by Gunderson in Las Vegas and actually became a friend until Gunderson tried to extort me out of documents I did not have in 2000 so he could blackmail a public official involving a Killer Tomas Gaul, which Gunderson was fined by the Attorney General Nevada Licensing Division $2.500.00 stated, “I talked with Danny Casolaro several times just before he died then laughed”.

Ted Gunderson sold Osama bin Laden also known as CIA Asset Tom Osmond Stinger Missiles while head of the Los Angeles FBI field office. Read here about Michael Riconosciuto and the Inslaw Software.

Gunderson and CIA George Pender were in charge of the Brownstone-Brown star Blackmail Operation in Washington. When the children of Boys Town Omaha, Nebraska began to make this public Ted Gunderson immediately rushed in for George HW Bush to cover up and identify and dispose of “kill” or discredit any and all witness and victims of Gunderson’s Pender and Bush’s Child Sex Ring.

One question still need to be addressed was Nebraska Attorney John Decamp, who I have met in Lincoln, Nebraska complicit in the cover up with Ted Gunderson?

Is this the reason his book “The Franklin Cover up came out after The Washington Times broke the story, to limit George HW Bush’s involvement in Omaha, Nebraska?

Or was John Decamp a victim who became a target of Dirty Bag Ted Gunderson like so many of us Whistleblowers who where speaking out and Ted Gunderson calls stating “I can help you”, meaning kill or discredit you after he gets you down on video tape to boost his own credibility to bluff the public into thinking Gunderson’s a good guy and find out what you really know for Daddy Bush.

Ted Gunderson sold Osama bin Laden also known as CIA Asset Tom Osmond Stinger Missiles while head of the Los Angeles FBI field office





Inslaw Promise Software Michael Riconosciuto and Ted Gunderson

The Document below proves the theft of the inslaw software and the illegal sale of William Hammiltons software that was sold to the U.S. Justice Department.

Dallas, Texas: Daddy Bush’s Shadow Government Stooge Clint Murchison

Clint Murchison Jr. was the previous owner of the Dallas Cowboys and was dirty FBI-CIA Ted Gunderson’s direct handler and the cross over between the dirty shadow Government CIA and FBI where George HW Bush’s attorney Boyden Gray made weekly trips to the Murchison Jr. home in Dallas, Texas.

On the evening of November 21, 1963 George HW Bush and many involved in the Murder of President John F. Kennedy were seen partying at Clinton Murchison Sr., home in Dallas, Texas. On the day of November 22, 1963 within one hour after the Murder of President Kennedy, George HW Bush, Richard Nixon and others according to witnesses were back at the Murchison home celebrating, drinking and toasting that the U.S. President was dead. FBI Ted Gunderson a Hoover insider Cointel Pro agent was assigned as an FBI agent to the Dallas, Texas office shortly after President John F. Kennedy was murdered. Was Gunderson there to dispose of witnesses?

After Clinton Murchison Jr. died in 1997-1998 Ted Gunderson spent nearly one year there handling the disposal of the Murchison Jr. Estate where Gunderson held parties to court and identify for the FBI those in the Dallas Patriot movement while doing his weekly radio program as a cover.

One of Gunderson’s radio programs where guest David Hinkson mentioned a article about Radio Talk Show Host Art Bells son had been a victim of something to do with pedophilia in which a school teacher was sentenced to prison, Gunderson immediately used this statement to attack Art Bell, calling Bell, “a pedophile” because Art Bell would not put FBI Disinformation actor FBI Ted Gunderson on Bell’s radio program Coast to Coast. Gunderson was sued by Bell and Gunderson Government insurance carrier for the FBI; AIG Insurance paid Art Bell over $1 million dollars in an undisclosed settlement.

Gunderson then went after David Hinkson, because Hinkson had cut off Ted Gunderson after Hinkson knew Gunderson was lying about Art Bell and other matters. Gunderson conspired with Annett Hazlet and Anthony Hilder to steal Hinksons business.

Gunderson did another one of his previous known murder for hire scheme he had done on others to set them up for the FBI to jail them.

David Hinkson has now served 10 years in Federal Detention illgally on Gunderson’s murder for hire scheme.

The two interviews below where done by Roland Hinkson, Dave’s father and it says it all about Ted Gunderson.

Cesspool of Corruption by Roland Hinkson

Over 10 years Dave Hinkson has been illegally incarcerated, Dave’s family has spent over $4 million dollars for private investigators, defense attorneys, court fees and other related cost. This is one of those Political Prison cases because of a corrupt ex FBI agent who was out of control and knew how to frame someone like Gunderson did with Booth Nichols, murdering Rich Post, Michael Riconosciuto, this Whistleblower-author and so many others the list is too long to tell in one article.

Affidavit of 12 year old molested by FBI Ted Gunderson in 1972 at Satanic Ritual

Cesspool (w)Lb24 (Final Book) by stewwebb1

ROLAND HINKSON – Forensic Legal Investigator and Reporter

My son, David, verses Goliath

Isolated in a tiny prison cell without any human contact and with the prospect of 43 years behind bars, David Roland Hinkson, a Vietnam veteran, asked himself,

“What have I ever done to be treated like this in my own country?”

Hauled away in chains, the Department of Justice carried out an order by Ninth Circuit Judge, Richard C. Tallman, to house David in ADX, a Super Max Federal Penitentiary, in Florence Colorado–the most sever in the United States.  The prison has one-thousand, four-hundred remotely controlled steel doors inside and is surrounded by twelve-foot high razor-wire fences patrolled by vicious attack dogs.  Amnesty International concluded that SuperMax, where David Hinkson was incarcerated for years, maintain conditions that “constitute psychological pain and agony tantamount to torture.”  David’s life now became a nightmare.

Stew Webb, whistle blower  called me asking for an update on the situation with David.  So here’s the update:

After eleven years, my son still remains in prison for a conviction based solely on testimony of one man.  David was convicted and imprisoned for 33 years based on the testimony of a former U.S. Marine, PFC Elven Joe Swisher.  Also, he was given a 10 years sentence based on a misapplied IRS law.  Or was it, in fact, misapplied?  Read on; you be the judge.

However, the question David had asked eludes me even today.  When I first learned from David that the Justice Department announced they were charging him with Murder-for-hire.  I said,

“Don’t worry, David, no jury would be so stupid as to believe such nonsense.”

While we, the four members of David’s family, sat silently awaiting the verdict; when announced,  the thirty-four U.S. Government attendees who attended ruptured with delight.

“Tonight, we celebrate,” voiced one.

What transpired over the following months before and during his trial made me cringe in disbelieve.  I don’t suggest that the jurors were stupid per se–no, they were typical, acted normal and reasonable based on the information that was spoon-fed to them.  Certainly, we have every reason to believe that what our servants of the people, our government, really want is justice.  Don’t most decent citizens want to see the guilty abusers of our rights punished according to fair and just laws?

But what happens if the system breaks down or the abusers are themselves violating laws from within the system?  Can there then be any “justice?”  Wouldn’t it be normal for the father of an inmate to want to see his son or loved one released to freedom?  Of course.  Even if he or she is guilty?  Yes, probably so.

Yet how would you feel if you uncovered a fraud, if you learned that there was treachery, lies and deceit involved in destroying the life of your loved one?  And worst of all, that your loved one was totally innocent of any crime.  What if it turns out that a highly honored judge himself lies from the bench and participated with political operatives within the justice system–not for justice, but for silencing someone.  These are grave accusations and must and can be proven.  But the cost is very high.  The appeals process is lengthy and complex.  For David’s defense so far, not including lost income from WaterOz, our attempts to get David a fair trial has now cost over four million dollars ($4,000,000.00).

In a press release on the PRWeb (February 2, 2013) the following was published:

“Dr. David Hinkson, a naturopath, inventor, philanthropist, entrepreneur, a has already spent ten years in various Federal penal facilities.  Hinkson supporters believe that the government has punished this innocent political prisoner enough [any punishment was too much] and that he should be released to return to his business, humanitarian and scientific endeavors.  If not, Hinkson has 33 more years to serve, effectively a death sentence.”

A panel of three judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declared that David was entitled to a new trial because of erroneous rulings by Trial Court Judge Tallman.  The Panel of Appellate Court judges was composed of Judge Hug (former Chief Judge) and Judge Fletcher (a law professor)–the dissenting Judge was Margaret McKeown).

Excerpts taken from various appeals to the Ninth Circuit provide some insight into how the judges viewed the several appeals.  They said,

“In an indictment filed on September 2004, following a two-week trial in federal district court in Boise Idaho, a Jury convicted David Roland Hinkson of soliciting the murder of three federal officials [a judge, IRS agent and Justice Department agent].  The government’s star witness supporting the conviction was Elven Joe Swisher.

The government maintained in its opening statement to the jury that Swisher was a Korean War combat veteran, wearing a Purple Heart lapel pin on the witness stand.  Swisher testified that he had told Hinkson that he was a Korean War combat veteran and that Hinkson, ‘impressed’ by Swisher’s military exploits, solicited him to kill the officials.  [The Prosecution] maintained throughout the trial that Hinkson’s understanding of Swisher’s military exploits showed that he was serious in his solicitations of Swisher.”

The problem with their theory is the total lack of evidence that such a conversation ever took place.  Federal government prosecutors accepted without any evidence what-so-ever that Swisher was truthful and had no reason to lie.  They took him at face value.  After all, he was a “Super Hero” who had fought to save lives of prisoners of War (POWs), was a combat veteran and a man respected by those who knew him.  The only problem is that they knew, or should have known, that he is a shameless, blatant liar.

The Majority Opinion of the Appellate Panel judges (Fletcher and Hug) presented some revealing facts about Prosecutor Michael Sullivan performance at trial, that

“In his opening statement to the jury on January 11, 2005, the prosecutor stated affirmatively that Swisher was a Marine, a Combat Veteran from Korea during the Korean conflict.  At several points during Hinkson’s trial, the prosecutor emphasized Swisher’s military background, and Hinkson’s understanding of that background, in an effort to show the seriousness of Hinkson’s solicitations.

“The government now concedes that Swisher neither served in combat nor earned any personal military commendations, and that Swisher presented a forged military document in court and repeatedly lied under oath at trial.”

Trial Judge Tallman had removed the jurors from the Court room if anything exculpatory to David was to be presented–that is, anything likely to prove his innocence.  Probably the most glaring is Tallman’s denial of allowing the jurors to see David’s passport showing he was outside the United States during the time the accuser, Swisher, claimed they discussed murder-for-hire.  It was the FBI from outside the Idaho jurisdiction that investigated Swisher and brought four charges for which he was convicted and sentenced to prison; one of the charges was perjury.  He testified, under oath, repeating the same lies instrumental in convicting David.  One would think that Judge Tallman would acknowledge defeat in David’s case, because David was convicted as a result of Swisher’s lies.  Not so with Tallman.

Judge Tallman, new to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, was appointed by then President Bill Clinton along with a batch of other judges upon the departure of the Clinton Administration.  He was assigned by designation from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to the lower District Court (Trial Court).

Under the rules, if there’s an injustice committed by the trial court, one must appeal to the appellate court.  Yes, who sat on the Appeals Court to hear the complaint?  None other than the same judge–Richard C. Tallman.

After disallowing the military records in trial, Judge Tallman denied a new trial motion in spite of new affidavits and documents from the custodian of US Military records proving Swisher’s forgery and fraud–affidavits of witnesses Tallman said he would permit to testify if obtained; but, he changed his mind. Thus, it’s apparent why Tallman denied all meaningful exculpatory evidence in trial and in anticipation of an appeal.

DENIED!  DENIED!  DENIED!  Of course, it was an embarrassment for Tallman to be overturned.  So this Judge would rather confirm a questionable conviction and commit a potentially innocent man to life in prison in order to save face.  Could there be any rational, honest excuse for not allowing a retrial due to the fact that the sole accuser was later exposed as a total fraud.

Chief Judge Kozinski joining with Judge Fletcher’s said,

“Without Swisher, the government had no case.”

The steps to appeal a conviction include something called an “en banc” (means a full court–except in the case of a court with an inordinate number of judges).  The Ninth Circuit is composed of 29 active judgeships, so they’re limited to eleven judges in an en banc hearing.  So eleven judges will have their law clerks review the submissions for appeal.

Rather obvious, the appeals judges don’t become familiar with the details of a case.  They have too many cases.  Thus, the best way to expedite cases is to rely on the joint efforts of factions from all eleven judges–which can results in political decisions.  If this were not so, how could a court be divided 6 to 5 on a guideline test such as the Harrington Test which is composed of five prongs in which they agree on either all or none of the prongs?  This is not to say that all judges play politics.  There are honest and honorable judges who truly stand on principle.  The way to determine which is which is to study their decisions when you know the facts.

How about Swisher?  The crimes of which he was convicted normally result in a 20 year sentence.  The judge gave him an incredibly light sentence.  After our endeavoring for a couple of years to get the government to investigate Swisher’s fraud, his lies and his theft, the Inspector General and a remote, distant branch of the FBI finally took action.  The notorious Elven Joe Swisher finally faced Judge Winmill’s Court.  I attended his trial.  He was charged and convicted only with stealing government funds, perjury, forgery and decorating himself with medals reserved for genuine combat veterans who courageously distinguished themselves in battle.  Yes, he went to a Federal prison but only for a couple of months and was mollycoddled with compassionate hands.  I believe if he were to blow the whistle, several government agents could face felony charges.

No one likely knew this man better than his daughter, Cheryl.  In her Affidavit, she reveals his loathsome character.  She wrote to me as follows:

Thank you for your insightful article regarding the numerous criminal activities of Joe Swisher.  As one of the daughters molested and abused by him and in fact his only daughter by blood I applaud you.

It is unthinkable that he may be allowed to escape justice yet again, and let me assure you that he is held in the worst regard by his immediate family.  It is my belief and the belief of mental health professionals with which I have had contact that Joe Swisher is a sociopath–in modern terms “antisocial personality.”

I only lived with him for a few years, but we children lived in terror of his violent temper and never knew when we would be visited in the middle of the night to provide him with sexual services.  So much fear.  I know that when I was in my teen’s my father’s mining associates with the help of my older brother tried to bring charges against him for, I believe, embezzlement and fraud.

I do know that my father has a long pattern, a lifetime of destroying others to get what he wants as well as classic “delusions of grandeur.”  So I have absolutely no doubt that he is at work in your life as well.  He will never stop hurting others.  He doesn’t even acknowledge that he ever has.  I believe there is clear, irrefutable evidence that he has antisocial personality disorder.  .  .  .  He can and will continue to manipulate from prison if justice is ever served, but at least that harm will be mitigated.  My past has given me insight into helping others that I encounter that have been raped, beaten, molested or tortured.

Six and one-half years ago, April 2007, as an investigative reporter I wrote the follow article called, “The David Hinkson Story:”

“Our legal arguments are so strong that they can only be defeated by a nakedly political decision–probably unpublished–to spare the government embarrassment,” so stated Appellate Attorney Dennis Riordan, who represents David Roland Hinkson–founder of WaterOz Mineral Company (that employed about 40 people).

This is the shocking story of what happened to Mr.  Hinkson.  David started his company in 1991.  He had been motivated to learn about health and proper nutrition after traditional approaches failed to deal with numerous personal health problems.  His discoveries were incredible.  However, his social naivety and trusting nature resulted in his being victimized by thieves and unscrupulous government persons.  David’s story is scandalous.  He began his journey, a journey through Hell.

Attorney Riordan said, “This is such a significant case that the judges may take their time preparing for oral arguments.  There are two components to this saga.  David was charged with and convicted of  Solicitation to Commit Murder  and for  Structuring.  In the Solicitation Case, he was charged with 11 Counts–acquitted of five, three dismissed, but he was convicted on three.  The sole accuser, who convinced the Jury that David was guilty, was Elven Joseph Swisher of Cottonwood, Idaho.”

But he had plenty of help by Government agents–including the Judge.  This judge, Richard C. Tallman, sentenced David to 33 years at the most sever prison in the United States, ADMAX.  He managed to have David placed in solitary confinement.  David Hinkson has been in solitary confinement for much of the past four years and is still there [but, after six years was moved to a penitentiary].

In the Structuring Case, he was sentenced to 10 years.  His crime: he paid his employees on Thursdays $9,000 but within 24 hours paid his construction workers varying amounts which brought the total to over $10,000. in cash.

The Credit Union had failed to send a Cash Transaction Report (CTR) to the government of a withdrawal made by his manager.  The fact is that a law designed to ensnare drug-traffickers was misapplied to a legitimate, exempt payroll situation.

This case has cost the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and has cost us well in excess of three million dollars.  The amount of money lost by this treachery amounts to millions more.  There is no way proper restitution can be made.

For the sake of providing a little background, I include excerpts from an article I wrote for the American s Bulletin, September/October Edition (2006) entitled,  “Framing of a Political Prisoner–The David Hinkson Story,”  I quoted David’s own account of his arrest:

On the morning of the 21st of November, 2002, I was startled out of a sound sleep by screams.  I looked over at the door and I saw approximately eight men storming into my [bed] room dressed in black and holding machine guns.  I heard over and over, Freeze, mother f***er.

I heard someone say, as I was being held down,

‘Where s your gun?’

All of the machineguns were pointed at me.  I was still partially asleep when the only agent not in SWAT or military dress dragged me out of bed [at 5:45 am]….  That man, David said, was [IRS Criminal Investigation Division (CID)] Agent Steven Hines….

Hines, in an effort to cover-up for the fact that he should not have been in that raiding party, testified [under oath, of course] on September 26, 2003, that it was his friend, FBI Agent William Long, who had held the gun to my head on that November morning.

David had done nothing to merit this Gestapo type assault?  FBI agent Will Long later threatened David saying, “I’ll put you away for the rest of your life.”

Why?  We don t know for sure.  We only speculate.  David had previously sued Hines and several other agents of the IRS and agents of the Justice Department.

The Grangeville Gazette April 16th, 2002, headlines stated,

“Local Businessman Files 50 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against IRS Agents and a Local Attorney.…”

David Hinkson filed a civil rights complaint in Federal Court in Coeur d’Alene against Steve Hines, Gerry Morgan, Dennis Albers, Nancy Cook, and the Internal Revenue Service.

As David’s father, my purpose in writing that article was not only to help exonerate and free my son but to provide an example of how a corrupted government will destroy an innocent victim.  I hoped to help defrock the treacherous conspiracy gripping this Nation.

As I stated in my Article, “There are but two possibilities concerning this article: (1) I’m paranoid, incompetent, dishonest or

(2) What I’ve written is true.”  I swore under oath by everything I hold dear that everything in this article is true to the best of my knowledge.

John Pugsley, president of The Sovereign Society pointed out that,  “History proves that governments inevitably grows corrupt, and that corruption leads to an increasing use of police and military force, both against foreign enemies and against its own citizens.”

It’s clear from the circumstances of this case that when government agents conspire to target someone such as David, they broker special favors for individuals who agree to act as cooperating informants.  They entice them to provide false information or to act as witnesses.

By cooperating with officials, false witnesses themselves often get charges dismissed; or they receive other inducements.  David had “pulled the chain” of all the agents up the line of command.  A conspiracy to get David was in the making.  There was a prize to be had for all participants.

Assistant United States Attorney Nancy Cook offered to drop the charges if Dave would plea-bargain and pay a $5,000 fine.  I learned painfully later: that the United States and our system of so-called-justice–that I’d been taught about all my life–is a total fraud.

The story I wrote for the Americans  Bulletin continues:

“Since David refused to cooperate, these Federal villains came up with a new tactic: accuse David of  Murder-for-hire––a favored charge.  That’s one that would infuriate the public.  So release to the media accusations that David wanted to kill agents of the government.  Thus, any jury-pool would be compromised.

“Maybe the worst scandal in FBI’s history was the Joseph Salvati case.  Salvati spent three decades in prison for a crime he didn’t commit (as reported by   He was put there by uncorroborated, false testimony from an informant under the protection of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  There is compelling evidence that the Bureau knew Salvati was an innocent man, and then [they] conspired to keep him in prison for more than three decades…. After his release from 30 years in prison the FBI agent responsible said, ‘What do you want, tears or something?’”

Dave,  I said,  “No jury will be so stupid as to believe this murder-for-hire nonsense that they’re now accusing you of.”

Nancy Cook [who was trying so hard to ensnare David] must be a first year law student.   But as I watched the fraud unfold, the perjuring agents, the dishonorable judges, the cowardly media and gullible, manipulated public all share in a despicable railroading of an innocent man, I was finally awakened.

So FBI Agent Will Long set up a ruse to ensnare David.  A female employee, Marianna Raff, that David had fired for stealing $6,600 from his house, told Long she’d testify that David wanted to pay her to kill a judge and a couple of people she knew David disliked.  David came to the Sheriff’s Office to report the theft.

Instead of pursuing the theft, the real crime, Agent Long placed David under arrest.  David was wearing a voice-activated tape-recorder under his coat.  He asked why he was being arrested.  In response, he was told to “shut up.”

At a detention hearing on April 9, 2003, before Magistrate Williams, Agent Long lied under oath stating that Hinkson had not demanded an attorney.  But David had the concealed tape-recorder in his shirt pocket.  When the recorder later was discovered in David’s personal belongings and transcribed by a court reporter, it proved that Long had perjured himself [of course, no mention of this by the Court]

Judge Tallman refused to allow the jurors to hear David’s exculpatory evidence–evidence that showed Swisher was a liar and had forged his military records (DD214).

Later, Swisher was exposed for his forgery and lies and was expelled from the Marine Corp League, the Purple Heart Organization and the VFW.  Yet the Government has failed to prosecute him for his numerous felonies.  [Could it be because] Elven Joe Swisher became the Government’s star witness.

Swisher had fraudulently sued David for various amounts.  First, according to a Swisher associate in the Marine Corp League, for $6,000.00.  Then [his then friend and associate] Joe Volk heard that David owed him [Swisher] $9,000.00.  Swisher threatened that if David did not give him half of his business (WaterOz Company), he would testify against David.  Later Joe Volk heard from a trial transcript that Swisher was suing [David] for $522,000.00 that he now said was owed to him.

It was just one year ago that I wrote a letter to David as follows:

“As you know, David, there’s no doubt in our minds that you are a victim of a ruthless, uncaring bunch of criminals.  These criminals come in many forms–sometimes as FBI agents, sometimes as IRS agents and sometimes as judges….  Swisher is an incorrigible rogue.  His crimes include forgery, fraud, theft and blackmail….  Hopefully we can bring the conspirators before the bar of justice for prosecution.  But since some of the culprits are in government, we may get only justice in the court of public opinion.  Humiliation and dishonor may be their only punishment–time will tell.”

In an article in a local publication entitled “Detachment, Who’s Who,” appears the following flattering statements about Joe Swisher.  The article said,

“Swisher was 17 years old when he joined the Marine Corps.  In the fall of 1950, he decided to visit Inchon on D-Day plus 2.  The cities of Seoul and Wonsan where visited, and then he took a leisurely jaunt up to Frozen Chosin.”

In that publication, dated March 2004, called Tell It To The Marines, “Joe Swisher was elected as Commandant of the Sergeant Major Linehan North Central Idaho Detachment–1034.  He thanked the membership for electing him as Commandant.”

The Article described Swisher as a “decorated combat veteran from the Korean War era, as having served with the third battalion, third Marines, third Marine division (3/3/3) as well as third battalion and fifth Marines…  He became a regular member of the Marine Corps League in 2001 and the life member in 2002.  [Thus,] he’s a life member of the Marine Corps League, of Disable American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Military Order of the Purple Heart….

“He discovered he was not welcome [by the Chinese] and commenced the return trip to the coast.  However the Chinese Communist seemed aggravated by his presence and he thought that they were anxious to have a remembrance of his visit, and so he traded a small amount of his blood in the snow for an equally small amount of Chinese shrapnel and the now famous North Korean frostbite.

“Later he was air-evacuated out of Koto-Ri to Hamhung and then to the U.S. Naval hospital in Yokosuka, Japan.  From there he was transferred to Mare Island in California.  Quite a trip for a native Pennsylvania Dutchmen.”

But wait, there’s more.  I wrote the follow-up story that went out over the Associated Press:

Former Marine Expelled for Life from the Marine Corps League.  The National Hearing Board of the League held a lengthy hearing in Lewiston, Idaho, at the Red Lion Hotel, on April 1, 2006.

Two-hundred pages of documents were reported to have been gathered in an investigation prior to the Hearing.  This was the first hearing in twelve years by the National Marine Corps League.  Members conducting the hearing, “Findings of the Board” affirmed to Mr. Swisher:

(1) You have submitted record documents (DD214) found … to be a fraudulent … per the National Personnel Records Section, St.  Louis, Missouri – Verdict: Guilty;

(2) You did adorn Department of Defense Ribbons and Medals of which you were not awarded … Verdict: Guilty.

By a unanimous vote of the Hearing Board according to the MCL Administrative Procedures they declared that Mr.  Swisher be EXPELLED from the Marine Corps League for Life.

National Personnel Records Center verified that Swisher was a fraud.

PFC Swisher claims he took part in a special expedition after the Armistice was signed with Korea.  The purpose, he stated, was to free American prisoners of war (POWs).  The operation was highly secret, classified, he said.  But upon investigation by the National Personnel Record Center, there was no evidence Swisher was involved in any classified operation.  Swisher’s documents were altered (forged) according to the Record Center.  Retired Marine Colonel Woodring, who was a captain at the time, confirmed that his signature on Swisher s DD214 was a forgery.  Woodring had no authority to sign discharge documents.

Since Swisher would have been age 16 when the Armistice was signed in 1953, Swisher’s story was [had to be] modified.  He said he was selected for a special expeditionary force.  Truth is, he was never in any combat situations.  “Because of his heroism under fire,” having been wounded from a grenade etc., etc., etc., he maintained claim to The Silver Star Medal, Purple Heart Medal, The Navy & Marine Commendation Medal with Gold Star and other medals and Ribbons.

However, according to the Personnel Record Center, Swisher is not entitled to any decorations.  What is more, the Commendation Medal didn’t even exist when Swisher claimed it.

[Now the real story:]

Mr.  Swisher served in the Marine Corps on active duty from 1954 to 1957.  He was stationed at Camp Fuji (Japan) from March 4, 1955 until May 6, 1956.  He had been demoted from corporal to PFC as a result of one of his three court marshals.  He was in an auto accident in the State of Washington, thus giving rise to his injuries.

Because of his past [so-called] “heroic performance” he endeared himself to other Marines who held him in high honor [by electing him] as the Sergeant Major Linehan Detachment Commandant, [and he] was assisted by other well meaning members of the Detachment in getting [what he called] “deserved benefits.”

Once his fraudulent papers were in order, Swisher managed to obtain, at taxpayers’ expense–not only open heart surgery but $30,000.00 back pay.  Also the taxpayers are paying for his ongoing income stream of $2,500.00 per month.

In an affidavit of Ben S. Casey, one of the jurors at David’s trial, Casey said:

“I was surprised that Mr. Swisher was allowed to tell such lies which created the impression that he would be a good hit man candidate based on having been a decorated combat veteran and having participated in secret post-Korean-War rescue operations.

“These lies discredit him as a witness and therefore discredit the rest of his testimony.  I relied upon the credibility of Mr. Switcher when I cast my vote to convict Mr. Hinkson.  If I had known that Mr. Switcher was not a credible witness, that he lied about having combat experience and was not entitled to wear a Purple Heart, I would not have the voted for a guilty verdict against Mr. Hinkson.”

Returning to the Appellate Court situation with Attorney Dennis Riordan; he, in summary, said regarding the Tax Case that “the challenge to the structuring counts is irrefutable on in its legal merits. In their lengthy delays, fancy footwork and doubletalk, the Federal Government actually concedes facts upon which David’s claims rest.  However, it’s a tossup who will be on the 3-judge panel [We lucked out by having two highly skilled, intelligent and honorable judges in that panel].”

Our past experience is that judges now make up the laws as they see fit.  And the evidence is overwhelming.

Appellate Attorney Riorden listed salient points as follows:

  • “Swisher never served in Korea nor was he wounded there and has never received metals or commendations.
  • Swisher had obtained disability benefits falsely.
  • Swisher swore that he was an old disabled veteran, and his disability was all caused by a hand grenade at the end of the Korean War.
  • The government informed the jury that Swisher was a combat veteran during the Korean conflict, that he was not adverse to this kind of violent activity.
  • With the Government’s knowledge and acquiescence, Swisher wore a Purple Heart metal.
  • Swisher testified later, on cross-examination, that he had been in combat–not in Korea but–following the Korean War.  He said his unit was engaged in combat to attempt to free POWs still in secret prisons camped in North Korea.
  • Swisher proffered a document that purported to validate not only the Purple Heart, but also four other commendations.  This was the replacement DD214 he previously had used to illegally obtained disability benefits.
  • The government argued that the reasons Hinkson allegedly solicited Swisher was that Hinkson knew Swisher had previously committed similar offenses.
  • Government also argued that the exclusion of the proof of Swisher’s criminal conduct was harmless as to whether Swisher lied or not.  That, they said, would not alter the fact that he solicited Swisher to kill the three Government agents.
  • The facts clearly demonstrated Swisher mounted to the witness stand intending to commit perjury and obstruction of justice.
  • The Government argues that Swisher’s military record was irrelevant–all that matters was what he told Hinkson.  But evidence law has long recognized that those two points are inextricably intertwined.  Undermining the former also undermines the latter.
  • The Government learned of Swisher’s fraud of receiving benefits obtained fraudulently through a forged DD214 while the trial was still in progress.  If Swisher had admitted his lack of combat experience, he would stand to lose his disability payments and expose himself to prosecution for defrauding the Government.
  • The Government urged the jurors to find Swisher credible while withholding relevant facts about his military experience.
  • The Government urged the jury to convict on Swisher’s charges based on his “powerful testimony.”  Had the jurors learned that Swisher adorned himself with a fake Purple Heart, lied under oath and forged documents, the government would not have stood a prayer in gaining a conviction.
  • The only government witness who claims what Swisher said to Hinkson, was Swisher himself.  Therefore any testimony by Swisher was highly material to the central issue.
  • The Government was obliged to inform jurors that Swisher had lied about his military record before it attempted to defend the credibility of its witness’ remaining testimony.  To correct due process violations caused by a witness’ false testimony, the Government was required to inform the jury of falsity, rather than remain silent on issues in closing and to urge jurors to find David guilty but Swisher, the sole witness, credible.
  • The Trial Court’s rulings prevented David from introducing evidence to establish that Swisher lied under oath and produce false documents to the jury that would decide David’s guilt or innocence.
  • The Lower Court’s misinterpretation of the Federal Rules of Evidence concerning exclusionary rulings constitutes abuse of its discretion.
  • The Government argued that a new trial was time barred.
  • The Government also ruled that evidence offered on a new trial motion was cumulative, inadequate and without merit.
  • The District Court’s erroneous evidentiary rulings were of constitutional dimension and thus mandate reversal unless proven harmless beyond reasonable doubt.  The error cannot possibly be deemed harmless.
  • The jury could not have decided Hinkson’s intent unless the government proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Swisher was credible.  The jury could not have made a decision on Swisher’s credibility without considering the fact that Swisher had lied to law-enforcement officers–and on cross-examination having lied about his having killed in combat–of which he never experienced.
  • In the government’s view, to deny David his sixth amendment rights does not matter because David is surely guilty of these charges.  That’s Orwellian logic of a totalitarian regime.  David’s Constitutional rights to a fair trial compelled the Government to eject their dangerously flawed contentions.
  • Yet the government contends that Hinkson would have been required to call several witnesses to vindicate the documents.  In fact, no such witnesses would have been required.  Under the law, “No witnesses are needed to authenticate public records.” The Government’s own records prove that Swisher is a fraud.  Not only when a man’s life is at stake, but Rule 403 allows exclusion of relevant evidence only if the evidence is substantially outweighed by considerations of waste of time.
  • The jury would have had a different impression of Swisher’s credibility had the jury seen the defense’s documents exposing the witness’ carefully crafted plan to deceive them.”

The American people are now engaged in a war.  We barricade our front door while enemies to our Constitution enter unobtrusively through the back door.  If we fail to identify, expose and disable the pernicious enemies of our once great America, there will be no hope for any American in his or her lifetime.                              [End of Article]

In conclusion–The Justice Department of the United States of America has ruthlessly attempted to silence David Hinkson by manipulating the laws of the Land.  Now our Nation is divided.  There are forces dedicated to establishing a New World Order and demise of our Constitutional rights.  When appointees to powerful positions in government can, with impunity, violate our Constitution, when the end justifies the means, where will it stop?  If the other half of our divided nation stands by with only a whimper, our inheritance is gone.  We all must learn to bow down and point our fingers at someone else to blame.  We must not now desert the principles our founders and veterans fought to preserve.  David Hinkson today is but one who suffers.  Tomorrow it may be you or your loved ones.  As Patrick Henry so nobly said, Give me Liberty or give me Death.

A Conversation with Ted Gunderson’s ex wife

In 2000 in a taped recorded conversation with Gunderson’s ex-wife José line who had divorced Ted Gunderson in 1972 stated “Ted was diagnosed in 1971 and the Psychiatrist said he was a Paranoid schizophrenia and began taking medication and acted normal”. José line further stated that in 1972 Ted stopped taking his meds and when he came home from work one evening and she saw him strip down naked and jump in their swimming pool in front of his 11 year old daughter Laurie Gunderson and her friends, José line immediately called the girls into the house locked the door and through Ted Gunderson’s clothes out the window and filed for a Divorce. José line further stated that Laurie Gunderson and Ted Gunderson Jr. both have been diagnosed with the same mental problem as Ted Gunderson.

Gunderson after being put to early retirement by the FBI Los Angeles office in 1979 after holding Satanic ceremonies in his FBI Los Angeles office and his field agents filing reports against him was ordered to take a psychiatric evaluation where the psychiatrist identified Ted Gunderson was a Paranoid schizophrenia and needed medication he was put to early retirement.

Paranoid schizophrenia, also called schizophrenia, paranoid type is a sub-type of schizophrenia as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersDSM-IV code 295.30.[1] It is the most common type of schizophrenia.[2][3] Schizophrenia is defined as “a chronic mental illness in which a person loses touch with reality (psychosis)” .[4] Schizophrenia is divided into subtypes based on the “predominant symptomatology at the time of evaluation”.[5] The clinical picture is dominated by relatively stable, often paranoiddelusions, usually accompanied by hallucinations, particularly of the auditory variety (hearing voices), and perceptual disturbances. These symptoms can have a huge effect on functioning and can negatively impact a person’s quality of life. Paranoid schizophrenia is a lifelong illness, but with proper treatment, a person suffering from the illness can live a higher quality of life.[4] Although paranoid schizophrenia is defined by those two symptoms, it is also defined by a lack of certain symptoms (negative symptoms). The following symptoms are not prominent: “disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, or flat or inappropriate affect”.[5] Those symptoms are present in another form of schizophrenia, disorganized-type schizophrenia. The criteria for diagnosing paranoid schizophrenia must be present from at least one to six months.[5] This helps to differentiate schizophrenia from other illnesses, such as bipolar disorder.[5] It also ensures that the illness is chronic and not acute, and will not go away in time.

Paranoid schizophrenia is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, but it was dropped from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. The American Psychological Association chose to eliminate schizophrenia subtypes because they had “limited diagnostic stability, low reliability, and poor validity”.[6] The symptoms and lack of symptoms that were being used to categorize the different subtypes of schizophrenia were not concrete enough to be able to be diagnosed. The American Psychological Association also believed that the subtypes of schizophrenia should be removed because “they did not appear to help with providing better targeted treatment, or predicting treatment response”.[6] Targeted treatment and treatment response vary from patient to patient, depending on his or her symptoms associated with the illness. It is more beneficial, therefore, to look at the severity of the symptoms when considering treatment options.

Comparison of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are mental diseases (used interchangeably with disorder) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition (DSM IV). Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder, and bipolar disorder is a mood disorder. However, because of their very similar symptoms, differentiating between the two tends to be difficult. Specific aspects of each disease makes the diagnosis clearer to the psychiatrist.

While symptoms are a main way to diagnose either diseases, recent studies are allowing psychiatrists to usemagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to create better, definite diagnoses. Through MRIs, the psychiatrists can see specific structural differences in the brain. These differences include volume of gray matter,neuropathological size differences variations, and cortical thickness, which then leads to cognitive differences on tests. These differences are seen throughout the lifespan of the diseases, and often occur soon after the initial episode. Although the diseases are different, some of their treatments are similar, because of their shared symptoms.

Church Committee Hearings on FBI Cointel Pro

FBI Ted Gunderson who had to testify before the Church Committee on FBI Cointel Pro murders and abuse of American’s Civil Rights was nearly fired from the FBI over those hearing.

Gunderson bragged to this Whistleblower Stew Webb how he broke up the Black Panthers by sending love letter from one to another’s wife.

Panther leader Bobby Seals who I meet in Denver where he spoke at a conference was unaware of what really had happened to him and a female now Professor of law at a major University. Seals and the Professor spent 18 months in jail, charged with murder which they were not involved in and were found not guilty by a jury.

Radio Talk Show Host Alex Jones


Ted Gunderson was a frequent guest on Conspiracy Wing Nut Alex Jones internet radio program putting out disinformation for the FBI to the American Public.

Why did Alex Jones not do his homework and verify all these lies Gunderson told the audience?

The book “The Last Circle” by Sherri Seymour has a lot of information about Gunderson’s dirty activates for the Bush Zionist Organized Crime Syndicate.

The Document below is First Intercontinental Development Corporation which was involved in rebuilding Lebanon after the 1981 invasion by Israel. Note the names CIA George K. Pender, CIA Robert Maheu vice president of the Latter Day Saints “Mormon Church”, Robert Booth Nichols who is named in the last circle, former Dallas Cowboys owner Clint Murchison Jr., Ted Gunderson’s handler who was the acting conduit between dirty FBI and dirty CIA for George HW Bush.


The Finders

What was known as the finders was an investigation by the US Customs after Police outside of Washington, D.C. busted a van hauling children to Mexico. These children had been used by George HW Bush to blackmail the US Congress and Senate and other Government Officials and Media. I was given this full set years back by an E-Systems Whistleblower. Ted Gunderson sold these document to the public to act as though he was exposing this when in fact he was there to identify anyone who would contact him and file a report to his dirty FBI #5 Handlers and was paid by the FBI to be a cover-clean-up actor after he had been kicked out of the FBI and no longer could carry a badge or gun. Gunderson sold his copies for $10.00 with the names all blacked out. Below are copies not blacked out.

The Finders U.S Customs reports











February 1987 Police seize evidence: US News  Through a glass, very darkly Cops, spies and a very odd investigation.


Ted Gunderson Scripting Terrorist False Flag attacks for Bush Organized Crime Syndicate.

When Gunderson had infiltrated this Whistleblower in 1998-1999 I was at his rented condominium on many occasions and saw his stooges coming and going. I even helped him get on radio talk shows as a guest.  I even thought he was a good guy and did programs with him until US Intel officers said Stew, what are you hanging around with Gunderson. That is when I began to question who Gunderson worked for.

One person Ted Gunderson talked with almost daily was Mike Blair an associate of Michael Collins Piper of Spotlight News paper out of Washington, D.C.

Willis Cardo the original owner had become a friend of mine in 1993 and even paid my trip to Washington so we could plot out a time line to release all my evidence in articles. After Spotlight did two articles one on the Denver International Airport Frauds and the second on Bill Clinton titled CLINTON NAMED AS LONGTIME SPOOK-CIAthat was the beginning of the end of Willis Cardo and his Spotlight Newspaper, infiltrated and taken over by the stooges that now control what is known as American Free Press.

Willis became a target of the Bush-Zionist Organized Crime Syndicate and their operatives and Trolls they were successful and basically put Willis out of business.

One reporter for Spotlight Michael Piper Collins who worked at Spotlight became one of the new Reporters for the American Free Press which took over Spotlight Newspaper and pushed Willis Cardo into basically Bankrupt. I heard rumors a couple of years ago Willis might be dead so I tried to contact him and did not prevail.

The article below was one of Ted Gunderson and Mike Blair’s scripted false-flag attacks for the Bush Organized Crime Syndicate and there where many more.


The recent articles below by Veterans Today Editor Professor Jim Fetzer, tell it all regarding the American Free Press.

The Ugly Truth about Michael Collins Piper, Cass Sunstein and Sandy Hook by Jim Fetzer

After two defeats over Sandy Hook, AFP editor declines a third debate: Since two parties associated with American Free Press (AFP) have been defeated in debate about Sandy Hook, where they have served as apologists for the “official account” by maintaining that 20 children and 6 adults actually died there, the executive editor of AFP, Chris Petherick, has declined the challenge of a third debate, which would appear to be a wise decision on his part in light of Abraham Lincoln’s admonition.

FBI Division Number 5 Trolls and Stalkers

Ted Gunderson worked for FBI #5 until his death giving names of Whistleblowers, Patriots, Victims and other to his superiors for money. I saw his tax returns he showed me in 1999 and said why did the FBI pay you this extra $12,000.00 separate from your retirement? That is when I realized something was wrong. Those victims who called him on the phone he would turn in. He brought harm to all most all whistleblowers, he would video tape them and play friend then try and smash their reputations for the Bush Organized Crime Syndicate on the payroll of FBI.

Gunderson sent a swat team in to kill me in Las Vegas in 2,000 the Detectives apologized and stated “We know now Ted Gunderson lied to us to harm you” and swat team left after 5 hours and gave me a form to fix the house that every window was broken out and the doors were blown off with grenades fired from guns.

The next day Gunderson called me up and threatened me about exposing his FBI-CIA Iran Contra activities you can hear the recording here.

No one killed Ted Gunderson he died from prostate cancer which would have been an appropriate death for a Child molester.

FBI Ted Gunderson had sex with 12 year old at Satanic Ritual in 1972

Ted Gunderson and his FBI Division # 5 stooges most declared mental cases like Gunderson included Tim White a known cross dresser that Denver FBI agent Mark Hostlaw hired and put on the snitch troll payroll to target Iran Contra Whistleblower Al Martin and this Reporter-Whistleblower.

FBI agent Mark Hostlaw was assigned by U.S. Attorney Henry Solono to investigate my evidence after I filed a Grand Jury Demand in Denver U.S. District Court in 1995, Case number 95-y-107 Judge Richard Matsch was assigned the case.

A standing order that never has been by Judge Richard Matsch, was Mr. Webb give the new U.S. Attorney Henry Solona, a chance to do his job, if he does not then I will allow you to appear before the Grand Jury yourself, that order has never been fulfilled and the Case never has been dismissed.








This recording of FBI Agent Mark Hostlaw in 1995 reporting Under 18 U.S.C. 4 Federal Crime Act for violations of the Barclay-Cole-Indenture Act which is High Treason committed by the Bush Organized Crime should have landed George HW Bush and Leonard Millman, two of the Illuminati Wizards in Prison.  Instead Hostlaw did not do his job and at the time US Attorney Henry Solano was already backing off after an order by Judge Richard Matsch to investigate this Whistleblowers allegations and evidence.

Recorded Evidence of FBI Mark Hostlaw, Obstructs Justice and who later hires Troll Tim White to target, stalk and defame Whistleblower Stew Webb for Denver’s FBI.

Recorded Evidence of U.S. Attorney Henry Solono, Obstructs Justice, talks to Iran Contra Whistleblower Al Martin and Whistleblower Stew Webb reporting Blackmail of U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senators “The Control Files” involving Hillary Clinton, at Judge Richard Matsch’s order, this Grand Jury case number has never been closed. Al Martin within one month was falsely arrested and held in a Florida jail under a fictitious name and this Whistleblower was falsely arrest and detained at the Adams County Colorado Jail, where I was detained in a cork lined cell-tank and spray with Anthrax. Within six months two Guards at the County jailed died of a mysterious illness.

Others who have been identified working for Gunderson’s team included Doug Malar, Tim White, Larry Lawson, Brenda Nigre, Pamela Shuffert, Francine Kelley, Doreen Miller also known as John Allman, also known as Ken Adachi (Dead for 24 years) of, a total Troll and Stooge website to feed you disinformation and the list goes on and on.



U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch


Original File Date Feb. 27, 1995

Re-Filed This Date: July 1, 2003 By Fed Ex

Stamped & Recorded By The Clerk of The Court July 2, 2003

303-335-2714 U.S. District Court Clerk

Re-Filed By Fax August 4, 2004

Pages 1-21

Stewart A. Webb,

And in behalf of

Amanda Melia Webb (Amanda Millman)

Plaintiff’s Daughter,

And in behalf of

The People Of The United States of America

And The United States Of America

Independence, Missouri 64055



Kerre Sue Millman (aka Kerre Webb) attempted murderer of her-infant daughter re: mental disturbance warrant-case number 84-2107-MI State of Texas vs. Kerre Sue Webb (Millman) for attempted murder upon her infant daughter Amanda Melia Webb age-28 days old, Aug 10, 1984, co-conspirator-recipient of illegal monies from Leonard Millman/Narcotics Money Launderer Bush Crime Family

Leonard Yale Millman (Co-Conspirator Bush Crime Family Money Launder/Kingpin/Scamster/Terrorist “The Denver Connection”) Organized Crime Figure, Conspired to murder, Plaintiff Stewart Webb, Owner & controller MDC Holdings, Inc. Obstruction of Justice, Securities Frauds, Loan Frauds, Loan reinsurance frauds, Real Estate Loan Frauds, conspired to cause economic plunder,(Death Penalty). Conspired, manufactured Illegal Biological Chemical agents and sold to foreign enemies of The United States of America, aka Iraqgate-BNL Bank-Gulf War Syndrome. Violations of The Barkley Cole Indenture Act, Treason.

Elaine Ruth Millman (Co-Conspirator, wife, and partner to Organized Crime Figure Leonard Millman, Securities Frauds, Loan Frauds, Loan reinsurance frauds, Real Estate Loan Frauds, Obstruction of Justice.)

George W. Bush (Co-Conspirator of Murderer, Appointed President of The United States of America, (not legally elected) Acting as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces of The United States of America, Obstruction of Justice, Mass Murderer, Involvement in Aid & Abet, Enabled & Co-conspired to allow massive Financial Fraud, and misconduct with prior knowledge to allow injury to such investors at who had no knowledge of the events to transpire. Obstruction of Justice. Aid & Abet, Enable to cause the deaths of Federal Agents/Civilians/Military—-Murder..)

George Herbert Walker Bush (Co-Conspirator Ex CIA Director/Former US President, Co-conspirator to Terrorist event know as 9-11 Sept. 11, 2001, Co-conspirator to Terrorist Bombing of The Oklahoma City Federal Building April 19, 1995, Obstruction of Justice.) Conspired, manufactured Illegal Biological Chemical agents and sold to foreign enemies of The United States of America, aka Iraqgate-BNL Bank-Gulf War Syndrome. Violations of The Barkley Cole Indenture Act, Treason.

Neil Bush (Co-Conspirator Former Director Silverado Savings & Loan, Narcotics trafficking, Securities Frauds, Obstruction of Justice)

Jeb Bush (Co-Conspirator Governor Florida, Narcotics trafficking, Obstruction of Justice)

Marvin Bush (Co-conspirator 9-11, Sept. 11, 2001 Houston Causality Insurance Company)

James Baker (Co-conspirator to terrorist event know as 9-11 Sept. 11, 2001. Houston Causality Insurance Company)

Carl Lindner (Co-Conspirator Bush Crime Family Money Launderer/Kingpin/Scamster “The Ohio Connection”)

Gale Norton (Co-Conspirator US Secretary Of Interior/ Former Attorney General Colorado, Obstruction of Justice )

Phillip D. Winn (Co Conspirator Convicted HUD Figure/Former Swiss Ambassador/ Illegal Pres. Pardon, MDC Director, Obstruction of Justice)

Larry A. Mizel (Co Conspirator CEO MDC Holdings, Inc. Parent Co. of Silverado/Imperial Savings, Securities Fraud, Narcotics Money Laundering, Narcotics trafficking, Pension Funds Frauds)

Norman Phillip Brownstein (Co-Conspirator Council to CIA Director George Bush Current Bush Crime Family Attorney, Former MDC Director, Obstruction of Justice.)

Oliver North (Co-Conspirator Narcotics Trafficker, Iran/Contra Player, murderer.)

Hillary Clinton (Co-Conspirator CIA Counsel US Senator NY., Narcotics Money Laundering to M&L Business Machines Company Denver Colorado, Obstruction of Justice, Blackmail of US Congressman & Senators.)

William Jefferson Clinton (Co-Conspirator CIA Agent/Former US President, Narcotics trafficking into The United States of America, Iran/Contra, Obstruction of Justice)

Charles Keating (Co-Conspirator CEO Lincoln Savings/CIA Operative, Money Laundering to MDC Holdings and BCCI)

Federico Pena (Co-Conspirator Former Mayor Denver, Co., Former Secretary Transportation/ Resigned Sec Energy while under indictment, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Wellington Webb (Co-Conspirator Bond Fraud Denver International Airport Mayor Denver, Colorado)

Meyer Blinder (Co- Conspirator CEO Blinder/Robinson/National Brokerage Group of Companies, an MDC Subsidiary company)

Linda Thomas (Co-Conspirator Divorce Judge Dallas, TX. Obstruction of Justice, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice.)

Brian Campbell (Co-conspirator Divorce Judge Denver Colorado, Ongoing Obstruction of Justice, Permanent Restraint order against Stewart Webb & Amanda Webb-Amanda Millman now of legal age.)

Zita L. Weinshenk (Co-Conspirator US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Edward Nottingham (Co-Conspirator US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice)

Sherman Finesilver (Co-Conspirator Retired US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Henry Solano (Co-Conspirator Former US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice Co-conspirator attempted murder.)

Michael J. Norton (Co-Conspirator Former US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice, recipient of bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Greg C. Graff (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Brother Robert Graff MDC Director.)

Thomas O’Rourke (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)

F. Joseph Mackey (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)

Charles Szekely (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Public Defender, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)

Charles Sandage (Co-Conspirator, Obstruction of Justice)

Lee Redneick (Co-Conspirator Inspector General US Department of Justice Public Integrity Section Washington. DC., Obstruction of Justice) (Note: “” & “” )

David Mann (Assistant Inspector General US Department of Justice Washington DC., Obstruction of Justice, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Robert Pence (Co-Conspirator Former FBI/sac Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

James M. Lyons (Co-Conspirator Director MDC, Key Player Whitewater Development Frauds.)

Allan Karsh (Co-Conspirator Denver Kingpin Leonard Millman’s Brother-in-law)

Ted L. Gunderson (Ex FBI/CIA, Murderer, Scamster, Supplied Bin Laudin with Stinger Missiles Stole From US Military Arsenal-China Lake/FBI/CIA/Iran Contra Player, Perjury, Obstruction of Justice. Currently Stalking and committing criminal harassment of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs witnesses. Perjured testimony to extort plaintiff. Perjured testimony to Jail plantiff Stewart Webb, Charges later dismissed with prejudice, Scamster, Fraudster, ongoing criminal activity,Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses )

Thomas Gaule (Co-Conspirator Convicted Killer, Las Vegas NV. Mental Case/Sidekick-Co-Conspirator to CIA Ted Gunderson, Obstruction of Justice, Extortion, Perjured testimony to extort Plaintiff, Perjured testimony to Jail plantiff Stewart Webb, Charges later dismissed with prejudice,)

Anna May Newman (Co-Conspirator Former employee for CIA Agent Clint Murchison side-kick-to CIA Ted Gunderson, perjury to Obstruct Justice.)

TIM WHITE (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson/Leonard Millman Predicate Felon Cross-dresser, Child porno collector, making Death Threats against plaintiff and plaintiff witnesses, stolen weapon, Criminal harassment, Perjured testimony to Obstruct Justice, acting as an informer to the FBI-Denver Police. Plotting to extort Plaintiff, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

BRENDA NEGRI (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson, making death threats, criminal harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

LARRY LAWSON (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

SHIRLEY ANDERSON (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

DOUG MILLAR (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson, violations of copyright laws, criminal harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

SHERRY SHRINER (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Charles Bruce Stewart (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Ken Adachi (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Dennis BossackCo-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Ann Bossack (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Rosalee Grable (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Nate Dapier (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Tom Fisher (Co-conspirator Denver Police Department, Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses with Tim White)

Louis Swent (Co-conspirator Arapaho County Sheriff Dept., Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses with Tim White)

FBI Mark Hostlaw (Co-conspirator FBI Div. 5 anti-terrorist division, Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses, with Tim White)

Las Vegas Police Department (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Las Vegas District Attorneys Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Las Vegas FBI Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Las Vegas US Attorneys Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Nevada Attorney General’s Office (Unnamed co-conspirator)

Kansas City, Missouri Police Department. (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Additional Yet Unnamed Defendants 1-5000

and Co-Conspirators




NOW COMES, Plaintiff, Stewart Webb, pro se, and files this Motion to Reopen and in support therefore, would respectfully show the court the following:

I. Motion to reopen, provides that when it clearly appears to be necessary to the due administration of justice, the court may permit additional evidence to be offered at any time; provided that in a jury case no evidence on a controversial matter shall be received after the verdict of the jury.


In order for justice to be served in this case, Plaintiffs, should be allowed to reopen and submit additional evidence, decisive to this matter, to the trier of fact for the following reasons: See: this entire filing,

That an attempted murder of Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb occurred in Sept.

1995 shortly after the Plaintiff and witness Lt. Commander Al Martin

Retired Office of Naval Intelligence, gave testimony by telephone to

the Denver U.S. Attorney Henry Solano. The plaintiff took ill for more than

4 years due to a biological chemical attack, and false arrest

and that the Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb’s witness, Al Martin was falsely arrested and held for 42days under a fictions name. We both felt at the time to stay alive we had to back off the pushing for a Federal Grand Jury.


PETITIONER seeks to offer the following additional evidence and evidence never presented, due to attempted murder of Plaintiff, and jailment of witness, Al Martin of Iran Contra Key Witness. See:“ “ .


PETITIONER was diligent in obtaining the above referenced evidence.


Presentation of this additional evidence will not cause undue delay in this case. Furthermore, presentation will not cause an injustice in this case.

WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED Plaintiffs, prays the court grants the Motion to Reopen and allows PETITIONER to present original and additional evidence and to further grant any other such relief available in law or in equity.

Respectfully submitted

By:Stewart A. Webb Pro se Petitioner & Plaintiffs,


Denver FBI Violate First Amendment Rights of Nebraska High School Journalist after asking for interview with Federal Whistleblower Stew Webb for the High School Journalist’s newspaper that was never published

May 31, 2007 Breaking News

Hasting Nebraska High School

Home of the Tigers

900-1000 Students

Craig Kautz Superintendent

Jay Opperman Principal

1100 W. 14th St.

Hastings, Nebraska 68901

Return-Path: <> Delivered-To: Received: (qmail 22428 invoked from network); 30 May 2007 22:34:19 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; Wed, 30 May 2007 15:34:19 -0700 Received: from mail by with spam-scanned (Exim 4.60) (envelope-from <>) id 1HtWkf-0007jS-JK for; Wed, 30 May 2007 15:34:45 -0700 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.4 (2006-07-25) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=0.0 required=5.0 tests=HTML_MESSAGE autolearn=unavailable version=3.1.4 Received: from ([]) by with esmtp (Exim 4.60) (envelope-from <>) id 1HtWkf-0007jP-98 for; Wed, 30 May 2007 15:34:45 -0700 Received: by with SMTP id 50so1023645wri for <>; Wed, 30 May 2007 15:34:18 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; b=FaAilPmQCSqbNryyTSB+ukeV5YGo4v7sGNG8xPY4BfyF0SVyfUQnn4JJCPXScQQizcqswH+V8uldGW++DA8CovN1A7rIPmj0OIJ9VuLMxh5u2RwlYXCGR3t1i0QUD1pOVfFouLdXr4iRIzIBiK80E50T0BK4W+xyJegeqx9FyXs= DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=beta; h=received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; b=RkrBlGtoupMXzmS/bCvFtutAE+HBglWXyOHIKLvdBq81VLGZGLt/X0LCV/EfEmz4xpU3o0Kt9+2i4IuoiWaEpXwcoZeFnJlYXFioiRZ7+SV6pVTv0GbqU86RbRMwl0NyAsS7DuQYgGlK6gXGfua7Q7NddajkA1vc8XfGjwTLkWM= Received: by with SMTP id y14mr14693865bud.1180564457780; Wed, 30 May 2007 15:34:17 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Wed, 30 May 2007 15:34:17 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 17:34:17 -0500 From: "Miles Nelson" <> To: Subject: (none) In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_Part_10800_14540796.1180564457747" References: <>

I tried contacting you at hopefully this will reach you

———- Forwarded message ———- From: Miles Nelson <> Date: May 28, 2007 11:42 PM Subject: (none) To:

This is Miles Nelson, I have been trying to contact you for over two months now. It seems that the government does not want me to have contact with you. I have been contacted by FBI agents stating they are with a Internet Safety Department that’s running out of Denver, Colorado, they asked me the reason for me contacting you, i told them that they would have to speak to you about this issue and that i wouldn’t be making a comment on it. I believe they have been monitoring my Internet activity since then and could possibly be listening in on my phone conversations. I would like more information on your lawsuit against the Nebraska State Patrol. So if you get this please email me back as soon as possible or call at (402) 902-4089. I will be in further contact using different email address’s computers and IP addresses.

Journalist, Miles Nelson – Miles

Conclusion: Ted Gunderson was not a good guy but a slim ball.

I have so much evidence on FBI-CIA Ted Gunderson working for the Bush-Zionist Organized Crime Syndicate also known as the Shadow Government and what Ted Gunderson did to others who became his victims for Bush, it is in the hundreds, I could write a book on Gunderson, he is dead burning in Hell where he belonged and I will not waste any more of my time on the subject. The only reason I wrote this article was because of Ted Gunderson’s roll with CIA George Pender and George HW Bush in the Blackmail of Congressman, Senators and other Government Officials with their Child Sex Rings in the 1980s and the AIPAC Abramoff child sex ring and the ties between both operations which is AIPAC members and Daddy Bush.

Get involved help change America

Related links to this article, how George HW Bush and the Israelis started the original spying and targeting of Americans and compromising the US Congress and Senate, and now the whole world.

By Stew Webb

Americans are being  Spied on, Targeted and Harassed by FBI Trolls on the internet, FBI – CIA Hit teams are killing Whistle blowers, wake up.

Below are all inter related articles:

The Octopus Nothing is Secret

Secret NSA Satellite Facility located in Jerusalem

McMartin Preschool Pedophilia Case: Mother targeted by FBI Ted Gunderson

AIPAC and Abramoff Operated Child Sex Blackmail Ring

Your kind Contributions are very much appreciated thank you. – Stew Webb

Contributions by mail:

Stew Webb

12820 SW K-4 HWY #B

Topeka, Kansas 66601-9749


Posted in Breaking News

About the Author
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a Realtor-General Contractor-Home Builder until 3 car crashes in 2010-2011 (attempted murders see picture my Van on concrete barrier below Breaking News column) and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistle blower - Activist of 39 years and has been a guest on over 4,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and now has his own Radio Network .Stew was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and Hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings Neil Bush Director, the Denver International Airport Frauds Hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 Hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank Bailout. Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush - Millman - Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of 13". Larry Mizel is now in control of this Organized Crime Syndicate RICO. I have contributed to the following books: * “Defrauding America”, by Rodney Stitch * "Drugging America", by Rodney Stitch * “The Mafia, CIA and George Bush” by Pete Brewton * “The Oklahoma City Bombing Power of Politics”, by David Hoffman * “Bushwacked” by Uri Dowbenko * “Silverado Savings and Loan” by Steve Wilmsen * “Drugging America” by Rodney Stitch * I was instrumental in brokering a deal that has lead to Al Martin’s new book “The Conspirators”, I have known Al since 1991, when I had to hide from the FBI who tried to jail me for exposing,“The Bush Crime Family-Denver Connection-King Pin Leonard Millman”, my former-father-in-law. @@@@@ (Your kind and generous contributions are much appreciated and needed, Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to contribute today thank you Stew Webb. Contributions by mail: Stew Webb Phone: 785-213-0160)


Contact Stew Webb


I Stew Webb have contributed to the following Books

Current Radio Programs

Charlene Renee More Breaking News 2100 Show

Stew Webb Whistle blower Chronicles Video

October 25, 2010 Attempted murder of Stew Webb by 2 goons working for FBI JTFG Joint Task Force Group Kansas City, Missouri, Click on the picture to see additional information and pictures.

I am on social security disability because of 3 car crashes,  2 were attempted murder of me.

Click on the picture below and read the Private Investigators report Grandview, Missouri Police covered up for the FBI with a false report.  This broke every vertebra in my neck.–Stew Webb

Attempted Murder of Stew Webb

Grandview, Missouri Police Obstruct Justice and tried to Cover up the car crash by FBI Stooges and Killers.

SEE: PROOF (Exhibits 1-22)

Stew Webb December 3, 2023 my story how I became a US Whistle blower

Copy and Paste the like below in your browser:




Chatty Gargoyle at Denver International Airport

Larry Mizel and the Pro Jewish Mafia

Breaking News
