John McCain’s Wife Hiding War Profits, Untaxed Off-Shore Accounts?


The Illuminati Zionist Denver Connection

Federal agents: Cindy McCain’s full tax returns will show war profits, pre-9/11 insider trading, secret off-shore accounts linked to 1241 Class C Nevada corporation payoffs and bribes (Real Corp Realty)


By Tom Flocco Edited and updated since 2008

by Stew Webb


Washington—According to a high-placed federal agent actively based in Washington, DC who spoke with federal whistleblower Stewart Webb, Republican presidential candidate and Senate Armed Services Ranking Member John McCain’s wife Cindy Hensley McCain’s multiple undisclosed federal income tax returns will reveal millions in Iraq War military procurement contract profits involving Hensley & Co. (Hensley Beer), Mrs. McCain’s large Anheuser-Busch beer distribution firm.

In more shocking allegations which media and Democratic congressional leaders have failed to investigate, a U.S. intelligence authority with scores of federal contacts, said federal agents also know that Mrs. McCain made millions in insider short-sale profits involving Swiss re-insurance put option stock orders placed prior to the September 11 attacks—profits of death which have remained untaxed by the U.S. government and raise questions as to her 9/11 tip-off.

Federal agents alleges Cindy McCain’s complete 2001 tax return would also reveal that she has a secret offshore 1241 corporation set up with “private trust accounts established by Senator McCain’s late ‘Keating Five’ scandal (Stew Webb Exposed) and Bush 41 money launderer Leonard Millman who was also Stewart Webb’s father-in-law—all of which screams for a federal probe of Real Corp Realty.

Agents also alleged that Mrs. McCain has made millions from a joint business enterprise with both Hillary and Bill Clinton and Fox News billionaire Ruppert Murdoch which involves a pornographic website with its 1241 corporate headquarters in the Cayman Islands. Leonard Millman financed Ruppert Murdoch Zionist Media Empire with from ongoing Iran-Contra Narcotics Money Laundering.

Using an arm’s length distance from his wife’s assets to shield himself from conflict of interest problems, McCain released only a two-page summary from his wife’s separate 2006 federal income taxes which were filed six months late via an IRS-approved extension, after which Mrs. McCain received a 2007 tax extension until October 15, 2008—just 19 days before the November 4 presidential election in 2008—unless she files for an additional extension to hide the profits until after the election.


Agents told Tom Flocco last week that Anheuser-Busch is one of a number of companies under a widespread federal investigation over the last few months into bid-rigging, bribery and kickbacks by members of the military and civilians connected to the Pentagon purchasing system involving Iraq War profiteering.

Stewart Webb, who said he was illegally imprisoned by President George H.W. Bush just prior to the Bush-Clinton election from 1992-1993 as a political dissident in order to obstruct justice and suppress his knowledge of Bush 41 Iran Contra drugs-for-weapons evidence, alleged to us that last week’s offer by a European company to purchase Anheuser-Busch could be a pre-arranged attempt to hide evidence of wartime beer company profits tied to Mrs. McCain’s reported $100 million-plus financial empire and untaxed off-shore income linked to 9/11profits—all of which could expose conflicts of interest and threaten the viability of John McCain’s presidential candidacy.

While complete income tax transparency would reassure the public that the McCain’s and their family members have not profited either directly or indirectly by the sale of Anheuser-Busch nonalcoholic beer and bottled water products in war zones, Democratic party leader acquiescence and U.S. media recalcitrance in exerting enough pressure on Senator McCain and his wife has resulted in the release of incomplete data regarding Cindy McCain’s vast beer fortune and alleged untaxed off-shore finances. Zionist Fake Jew Crime Boss Meyer Lansky started Cindy McCain’s father in Business and Lanksy turned over control to Zionist Fake Jew Crime Boss Leonard Millman in the 1970s Stew Webb Whistleblowers ex-wife’s-father. Leonard Millman had gained respect from his ruthlessness and murders for the Commission including outing Bugsy Siegel over the Las Vegas Hotel Construction over billing when Leonard Millman ratted him out to the commission aka the Council of 13. Bugsy was murdered for diverting funds from the Hotel Construction to his Hollywood Movie Stars-lovers. Leonard Yale Millman became known as the Illuminati Council of 13 members the top 12 Mobsters –Luciferians of the world who now control 90-95 % of all economies worldwide and who in 1981 controlled 20% of the US economy and in June 2012 controlled 95% of the US economy according to the General Accounting Office the watch dog for the U.S. Congress. The Council of 13 are Satanists-Devil Worshipers. They call themselves Luciferians, the 12 are Humans possessed by Evil entities who Worship the 13th One the Devil-Lucifer-Aliens-Fallen Angels who appears before them when they do child Human Sacrifices on their Satanic Ritual Dates.

Bush-Mizel Denver Human Sacrifice

According to reports, Senator McCain began an extramarital relationship after meeting Cindy Hensley in 1979, after which he divorced his first wife Carol in April, 1980 and married Hensley the next month in May, 1980 after signing her prenuptial agreement which allowed Mrs. McCain to file separate taxes for 27 years which effectively helped avoid continued public financial scrutiny while her husband sought elective office.

The heiress originally said she would never make her tax return public but decided to disclose her $6 million total income from 2006 via the top two summary pages which included $4.5 million from rental real estate, royalties, partnerships and trusts, from McCain’s bribes through Leonard Millman’s Real Corp Realty shopping center owners, $300,000 in salary income, $280,000+ in dividends and $740,000+ in capital gains—part of her reportedly vast personal holdings which include Arizona’s Hensley Beer and a total $100+ million net worth.

The McCain presidential campaign in 2008 took advantage of the Memorial Day weekend to make Mrs. McCain’s incomplete tax disclosure, also waiting to make the two pages public after releasing Senator McCain’s medical records—making the tax issue almost a complete afterthought.


Anheuser-Busch’s Budweiser beer is sold on military bases throughout the world and its nonalcoholic beer and bottled water products are contracted to the Afghanistan and Iraq war zones.

Military beer sales leave Cindy Hensley-McCain open to questions about war profiteering since Hensley Beer is the third largest Anheuser-Busch distributor in the U.S. while Senator John McCain sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee with war oversight and Democrats and Republican look the other way.

While the military has tried to discourage heavy drinking among the troops, beer and wine distributors have lobbied the House of Representatives to increase the number of military stores that sell beer and wine.

“Military personnel should be able to purchase beer in the most convenient way possible,” said Terry McAuley, military sales director for Anheuser-Busch—even though the Pentagon opposes the lobby while attempting to deglamorize the use of alcohol, claiming it disrupts discipline and could hurt military readiness and safety.

Just prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks, President Bush’s then top military advisor and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Hugh Shelton met in California for eight hours with his successor General Richard B. Myers—“Black-Jack” Myers a Bush 911 Crime Family Stooge, according to intelligence insiders—and Air Force Chief of Staff General Michael E. Ryan to discuss how to obtain seats on corporate boards, pay packages, perks, stock options, approaching future employers and landing lucrative consulting contracts according to June 2005 news reports.

In late 2001 August A. Busch III, Chairman of Anheuser-Busch and his son August A. Busch IV met with Shelton in Manassas, Virginia to finalize Shelton’s seat on the company board of directors, his salary of $181,518 and 10,000 stock options on Anheuser-Busch shares currently worth $565,100 dollars according to the Corporate Library research organization.

Shelton’s responsibilities reportedly include advising the company and its distributorships like Hensley Beer regarding which senators, congressmen and military procurement officers to call to facilitate the distribution of hundreds of thousands of Anheuser-Busch bottles of water and nonalcoholic beer products to troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan.


As a member of the company’s corporate governance and nominating committees, Shelton participates in key decisions involving current reports that foreign entities are seeking to buy Anheuser-Busch outright or acquire it via a hostile takeover—but Democrats are not questioning whether there is an attempt to gain influence with a possible McCain presidency and/or potentially adjusting records involving Hensley Beer.

In 2007 military officials said $6 billion in procurement contracts providing for essential supplies such as food, water and shelter to U.S. soldiers in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan were under review by criminal investigators regarding bid-rigging, bribery and kickbacks—a figure more than double what the Defense Department had previously disclosed.

A study by the Defense Department’s inspector general found that the Pentagon couldn’t properly account for more than a trillion dollars in monies spent; and a Government Accounting Office report found Defense inventory systems so lax that the U.S. Army lost track of 56 airplanes, 32 tanks and 36 Javelin missile command launch-units.

Hensley Beer executives Robert Delgado—president and chief executive officer, Andrew McCain—Hensley chief financial officer and John McCain’s step-son from his first marriage to Carol Shepp, and August Busch III—chairman of Anheuser-Busch’s executive committee, are among Senator McCain’s top career givers.

In 2000 McCain voted against the fiscal 2001 transportation appropriations bill which set a national standard of .08 % blood alcohol level for drunken driving while the National Beer Wholesalers Association also opposed the legislation, telling members it had succeeded in “delaying and diluting the version of the bill.”

McCain in 2008 courted NASCAR voters and internet video fans, serving as honorary starter at a North Carolina speedway race with his wife Cindy and Dale Earnhardt Jr. who drove the Budweiser car which was painted military camouflage rather than its trademark red as NASCAR’s official beer brewed by Anheuser-Busch—whose products have helped to create the McCain family fortune.


According to reports, Anheuser-Busch has also been signing contracts and investing hundreds of millions in brewery operations in China and Vietnam; and controversial Clinton administration figure James Riady’s Lippo Group (Chinese Intelligence which owned WorthernBank in Arkansas tied to George HW Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Iran Contra, Drugs for weapons ) is the holder of a license for a Sea World attraction in Indonesia while Anheuser-Busch owns all the Sea World theme parks in the U.S. and some overseas operations.

The Senate Armed Services Committee and its Ranking Member McCain in particular have not assured voters that Anheuser-Busch’s military beer, water and non-alcoholic beverage contracts are not linked to the Pentagon bid-rigging and bribery scandal being probed, raising questions as to why McCain has not referred publicly to the scandal.

Minnesota Republican Representative John Kline, a retired Marine colonel was “appalled” at the “clear breakdown in leadership” that allowed some Army contracting officers to corrupt the procurement system.

American voters may have a problem regarding weak oversight by the Democratic Party leaders who have thus far ignored Cindy McCain’s finances and possible war-profiteering, her complete lack of income tax transparency and untaxed off-shore corporate profits.

The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection to Israeli Senator Zionist John McCain the American Traitor and sellout to Zionist Luciferians:

Why the war in Afghanistan has never ended and John McCain has not paid Taxes on those Drug Profits or gone to Prison for worldwide drug distribution ask U.S. Attorney Eric Holder. Recently deceased Criminal Securities Con Artist Marc Rich, Leonard Millman’s “Buffer” aka Cutout aka Front who escaped justice and was given a Presidential Pardon by Bill Clinton. Eric Holder and Lonnie Brewer was the Attorney’s for Marc Rich and the U.S. Justice Department Cover-up continues for America’s Zionist Organized Crime Syndicate also known as the Council of 13 or the Illuminati Bankers with Daddy Bush giving the orders.

The Senate Armed Services Committee and its Ranking Member John McCain has not closed Guantanamo Bay Cuba Prison and stopped the war in Afghanistan because Israel Zionist Senator John McCain along with Israeli Zionist Senator Joe Lieberman get a cut of the Heroin Profits from the CIA Renditions flights and the Drugs infecting the world with Heroin (Bush and Millman’s SSG-Secret Shadow). Government U.S. Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney was seen and videotaped in Cuba with his Cuban Mistress during the 2012 Election meeting with Illuminati Zionist Banker Leonard Millman delivering $3.2 Trillion in Drug accounts to Millman controlled by Romney’s Bain Capital.

A question I would have for all Federal Agents and prosecutors reading this article how many telephone calls each week does John McCain make to his handler’s The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connections Leonard Millman, who faked his death in 2004 and in Hiding in Cuba with his new 26 year old pregnant wife and Millman’s Buffer Larry Mizel of Denver the Mortgage Bank Bailout Scamster who has caused the worldwide economic collapse?

I also wonder what Leonard Millman’s widow in Denver, Elaine Millman my ex mother-in-law who I never knew and meet one time “Thank GOD-JESUS” would do if she knew Leonard was alive with a 26 year old wife. Elaine Millman thinks Leonard Millman is dead after leaving her a $50 Billion estate laundered through the Denver County Courts to wash the Illegal Narcotics Money controlled by her brother Denver Attorney Allen Karsh of Karsh Investments a Mexico Cocaine Drug Smuggler operator into Denver weekly were U.S. Custom agents who are in on the take give there stamp of approval on Karsh’s Mexico Seafood delivery and taken to Pelican Pete’s Restaurant in Boulder to the Nuke Bomb Shelter under the Basement and Dististributed to Shot-Gun Willies and other Strip Clubs owned by deceased Bobby Rifkin, Larry Mizel, Leonard Millman, Bush-Millman Attorney Norman Brownstein. She still thinks he is in California getting a Brain Transplant from one of his 25 Cloan’s so Leonard Millman can come back to life.

I also wonder how America may have changed if Congress and the Senate and Prosecutors in such as Denver U.S. Attorney Michael J. Norton or Colorado Attorney General Gale Norton or U.S Attorney Henry Solano in 1995 who were bribed by Millman would have done their Job in 1990 and 1995 after this Whistleblower exposed the M.D.C. Holdings, Inc. MDC-NYSE Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering also known as the Keating 5 Congressional hearings and John McCain, the 1989 HUD Scandal, the Denver International Airport Scan and the Saving and Loan Scandal involving Leonard Millman and his partners Neil Bush Director of Silverado Savings and Loan of Denver and Charles Keating of Lincoln Saving also known as the Saudi European Investment Corp. Suit in 1992 aka B.C.C.I. Bank of Commerce and Credits International aka Money Laundering and funding Bush-Millman-Bibi Nut-in-Yahoo Prime Minister of Zionist Israel terrorist Organization if the true Christians and True not the Fake Jews only knew we would not have this filth on my planet earth they would be in Hell where they belong. Think if McCain and his handlers Larry Mizel and Leonard Millman had gone to jail we would never had all these other Financial Scandals and Terrorist acts like Oklahoma City Bombing and the Bush-Millman Zionist 911 attack on America for the sake of the Illuminati Zionists and their evil. If Justice had prevailed and U.S. Attorney Mike Norton had not taken a bribe but had done what the U.S. Taxpayers were paying him a check to do maybe this Whistleblower would have never spent 10 ½ months illegally held by his orders in Federal Prison for trying to expose this evil. Is it too late for honest US intelligence Officers or U.S. Federal Agents or U.S. Prosecutors to do their Jobs that American’s pay them to do through their hard sweet of peanut earnings to bust this F____ Evil and give us the American People back our Economy and stolen wealth? George HW Bush told the White House Grand Dame of the Washington Press Corp. Sarah McClendon my friend who I talked to daily in 1991 in her 1992 June Interview, Sarah asked Mr. President George HW Bush what will the people do if they ever find out the truth about Iran-Contra and Iraq-Gate. Bush Said “They will chase us down the streets and lynch US” after 911, the 401k-401-0000 and mortgage-derivative, steal your home through Frauds by these Banksters is it about time Bush’s words come true?

When will the Ex Military who have the Guts and Balls that the American People do not have, arise and Honor those profound Statements of the Illuminati Zionist God Father and Chase them down the street for the sake of Justice? Where is the Land of the Brave not Puss___? Honorable Discharge USMC-Whistleblower Activist-Stew Webb….

Stew Webb Saving and Loan whistleblower faces federal charges

This Whistleblower Stew Webb in September 1990 turned in the U.S. Attorney Michael J. Norton and MDC Director Robert Graff to the IRS for Criminal Investigation with 116 individuals and over 800 corporations tied to the Illuminati Zionist Denver Connected Leonard Millman. Daddy Bush aka George HW Bush as U.S. President Shut down all investigations one IRS agent in Kansas City was fired and nearly killed after discovering Jay Stevens of Jays Truck Driving School of Kansas City having Millions of Dollars in Leonard Millman’s Silverado Savings and Loan Bank Accounts. The unnamed IRS Agent after I Stew Webb initiated the IRS investigation in September 1990 the Unnamed Agent came to me as an IRS agent then fired and she was able to get the story on KCTV-5 in Kansas City, Missouri about the Jay’s Truck Driving School hauling Narcotics for the Bush-Clinton Mena, Arkansas Iran-Contra SSG Secret Shadow Government Drugs for Guns Operation.. Early November 2011 Jay Steven crashed into Stew Webb Whistleblower at 60 mph in Lee’s Summit, Missouri trying to murder me some 21 years later in November 2011 for the Illuminati Zionist Denver Connection. Jay Stevens Insurance Company Viking-Sentry Insurance Company has Committed Numerous Acts of RICO against myself and has not even paid for the declared destroyed 1994 Dodge work Van or Medical expenses exceeding $35,000 dollars, fact Sentry Insurance Scamsters have offer this Whistleblower 900.00 for a van worth 3,000 dollars and the upped the offer to $1,600.00 and has offered to settle for medical for $1,500.00 this Whistleblower has a vehicle loss of $3,000, medical exceeding $35,000.00 and lost income of nearly 2 years. Two attorneys were threatened over agreeing to represent Stew Webb in a claim against this and two other attempts and their Insurance companies.

On September 18, 1991 an illegal warrant was issued for my arrest for Terroristic Death Threats against Leonard Millman that never occurred. One year later I was arrested by the FBI in Houston, Texas. After being held for 10 ½ months the charges were dismissed with prejudice by U.S. District Court Judge Richard Matsch of Denver. U.S. Attorney Mike Norton and Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Graff the brother of MDC Director Robert Graff were the 2 main illegal prosecutors on my case. Below is the Bribe of Mike Norton. Below are links to the IRS Filings.

Related: From Cradle to Cabal the Secret Life of Gale Norton the Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection A True Blue Republican Party Apparatchik Also Rises


Related: Former Denver U.S. Attorney Mike Norton’s bribe of $1.5 Million from Leonard Millman and Laundered through M&L Business Machines Company.

After M&L Collapsed in 1990 years later Mike Norton filed for recovering of his bribe from the M&L Bankrupts assets which there were none.,%20Burns,%20Figa%20&%20Will%20P.C.%20-%20Biography,%20Burns,%20Figa%20&%20Will%20P.C..pdf

In 1997 a Denver Federal Grand Jury indicted Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel, Norman Brownstein, former Denver Mayor Federico Pena who was at the time Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Energy who had to resign because of being indicted for taking a $2.5 Million Dollar bribe for his vote on the Denver International Airport while Mayor of Denver paid by Convicted former HUD Secretary Philip D. Winn who was to be sentenced in prison for 5 years in 1990 and Denver U.S. District Judge Sherman Finesilver sealed his case so Winn never went to prison and in 2001, 2 days before Bill Clinton left as President of the United States he gave Phil Winn a Presidential Pardon. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attorney James M. Lyon’s served on the Board of Directors of M.D.C. Holding, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) controlled by Leonard Millman and Larry Mizel the Corporation that has been involved in every major financial crime since 1972. MDC was the parent company of Silverado Savings and Loan were Neil Bush the son of U.S. President George HW Bush was a Director.  Leonard Millman and George HW Bush have been partners in crime dating back to 1948 when they graduated together from Yale University home of the Skull and Bones.

Federico Pena paid $1.5 million in fines, Leonard Millman paid $80 million in fines for bribing public officials, Larry Mizel paid $5 million in fines, Norman Brownstein paid $5 million in fines and others unnamed paid fines for their role in bribing Public Officials to Obstruct Justice and cover up of The Illuminati Zionist Denver Connection no one went to jail and the case was later sealed under National Security by U.S. President William Clinton. Hillary Clinton had laundered Iran Contra the Mena, Arkansas Narcotics Money into M&L Business Machines Company of Denver were CIA Shadow Government Player Eugene Hasenfus received his paychecks.

Related: More on Israeli Zionist Senator John McCain on Veterans Today American Traitor and Espionage Agent in the U.S. Senate allowing American Soldiers to die

In War Zone while he Israeli Zionist Senator John McCain’s profits from the Heroin form those Fake Wars. This Treasonous Punk John McCain needs to be brought to Justice now.

After this Original Article appeared on Tom Flocco’s website in 2008 which the content has been changed and the information doubled by this Federal Whistleblower Stew Webb, Tom Flocco was asked to be a guest on the Depka the Israeli Zionist Fake Jew Propaganda and Bush’s DHS propaganda stooge Alex Jones Radio Program aka where Bush Stooge Alex Jones argued with Tom Flocco and threatened Tom on a Commercial break that Tom could not speak the truth on his Alex Jones program. Tom Flocco never did another radio program with now known Bush Organized Crime Stooge Alex Jones a disinformation specialist for the Evil Zionist Organized Crime Syndicate that has destroyed America. Jones never has a solution and makes $8-$10 million a year according to and those idiots-Patriotards contribute a estimated $1 million a year to his Bush Crime Family Stooge operation because he sounds good and these American cowards are looking for a leader to save them from the boogieman. LOL…..

I wish I could run into Alex Jones in the Streets of America I would plead temporarily insanity for beating the Crap out of this Treasonous Punk and putting him in intensive care for weeks if not months. (Jones is a F____ Punk and Espionage traitor against America including Glenn Beck and Piers Morgan all Illuminati Paid Stooges.)

Footnote: Professor Tom Flocco’s Son was Killed after Tom had written a story about the Bush Mexican Drug Connections. Tom was threatened after he wrote several articles for me, Stew Webb between 2004 and 2006. When Tom Flocco wrote the stories about the Dead not fired U.S. Attorneys in Fort Worth, Texas over Jeb Bush’s Hospital Medical Supply Company Novation, LLC.,  the threats on Tom and his family began, Tom’s Wife a former school teacher immediately bought a hand gun and after practicing at a firing range and hearing a ak-47 semi automatic told Tom you buy me one of those.

Why do I call this Organized Crime Syndicate the Denver Zionist Connection look at the Board of Directors?

And understand that the ADL, AIPAC, Simon Wiesenthal Center, The Cell are all fronts for Israeli Espionage against the United States of America


Notable Board members

AIPAC’s National Board has approximately 50 members. By tradition, previous Presidents serve as Board members, and are not listed separately here. (Asher, Levy, Mitchell, and Weinberg were sometimes referred to as the “Gang of Four”.[2]) There are also state-level and some city-level AIPAC boards.

Other notable National Board members include:

MDC Director Phil Winn Director ADL

Larry Mizel and Norman Brownstein Directors Simon Wiesenthal Center

Larry Mizel Director and Founder “The Cell” Denver Colorado

More to come on The Illuminati Zionist Denver Connection stay tuned….

Stew Webb Whistleblower

Stew Webb Served Honorable USMC


Posted in Breaking News
About the Author
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a Realtor-General Contractor-Home Builder until 3 car crashes in 2010-2011 (attempted murders see picture my Van on concrete barrier below Breaking News column) and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistle blower - Activist of 39 years and has been a guest on over 4,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and now has his own Radio Network .Stew was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and Hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings Neil Bush Director, the Denver International Airport Frauds Hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 Hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank Bailout. Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush - Millman - Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of 13". Larry Mizel is now in control of this Organized Crime Syndicate RICO. I have contributed to the following books: * “Defrauding America”, by Rodney Stitch * "Drugging America", by Rodney Stitch * “The Mafia, CIA and George Bush” by Pete Brewton * “The Oklahoma City Bombing Power of Politics”, by David Hoffman * “Bushwacked” by Uri Dowbenko * “Silverado Savings and Loan” by Steve Wilmsen * “Drugging America” by Rodney Stitch * I was instrumental in brokering a deal that has lead to Al Martin’s new book “The Conspirators”, I have known Al since 1991, when I had to hide from the FBI who tried to jail me for exposing,“The Bush Crime Family-Denver Connection-King Pin Leonard Millman”, my former-father-in-law. @@@@@ (Your kind and generous contributions are much appreciated and needed, Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to contribute today thank you Stew Webb. Contributions by mail: Stew Webb Phone: 785-213-0160)


Contact Stew Webb


I Stew Webb have contributed to the following Books

Current Radio Programs

Charlene Renee More Breaking News 2100 Show

Stew Webb Whistle blower Chronicles Video

October 25, 2010 Attempted murder of Stew Webb by 2 goons working for FBI JTFG Joint Task Force Group Kansas City, Missouri, Click on the picture to see additional information and pictures.

I am on social security disability because of 3 car crashes,  2 were attempted murder of me.

Click on the picture below and read the Private Investigators report Grandview, Missouri Police covered up for the FBI with a false report.  This broke every vertebra in my neck.–Stew Webb

Attempted Murder of Stew Webb

Grandview, Missouri Police Obstruct Justice and tried to Cover up the car crash by FBI Stooges and Killers.

SEE: PROOF (Exhibits 1-22)

Stew Webb December 3, 2023 my story how I became a US Whistle blower

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Chatty Gargoyle at Denver International Airport

Larry Mizel and the Pro Jewish Mafia

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