U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch
Original File Date Feb. 27, 1995
Re-Filed This Date: July 1, 2003 By Fed Ex
Stamped & Recorded By The Clerk of The Court July 2, 2003
303-335-2714 U.S. District Court Clerk
Re-Filed By Fax August 4, 2004
Pages 1-21
Stewart A. Webb,
And in behalf of
Amanda Melia Webb (Amanda Millman)
Plaintiff’s Daughter,
And in behalf of
The People Of The United States of America
And The United States Of America
Independence, Missouri 64055
Kerre Sue Millman (aka Kerre Webb) attempted murderer of her-infant daughter re: mental disturbance warrant-case number 84-2107-MI State of Texas vs. Kerre Sue Webb (Millman) for attempted murder upon her infant daughter Amanda Melia Webb age-28 days old, Aug 10, 1984, co-conspirator-recipient of illegal monies from Leonard Millman/Narcotics Money Launderer Bush Crime Family
Leonard Yale Millman (Co-Conspirator Bush Crime Family Money Launder/Kingpin/Scamster/Terrorist “The Denver Connection”) Organized Crime Figure, Conspired to murder, Plaintiff Stewart Webb, Owner & controller MDC Holdings, Inc. Obstruction of Justice, Securities Frauds, Loan Frauds, Loan reinsurance frauds, Real Estate Loan Frauds, conspired to cause economic plunder,(Death Penalty). Conspired, manufactured Illegal Biological Chemical agents and sold to foreign enemies of The United States of America, aka Iraqgate-BNL Bank-Gulf War Syndrome. Violations of The Barkley Cole Indenture Act, Treason.
Elaine Ruth Millman (Co-Conspirator, wife, and partner to Organized Crime Figure Leonard Millman, Securities Frauds, Loan Frauds, Loan reinsurance frauds, Real Estate Loan Frauds, Obstruction of Justice.)
George W. Bush (Co-Conspirator of Murderer, Appointed President of The United States of America, (not legally elected) Acting as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces of The United States of America, Obstruction of Justice, Mass Murderer, Involvement in Aid & Abet, Enabled & Co-conspired to allow massive Financial Fraud, and misconduct with prior knowledge to allow injury to such investors at who had no knowledge of the events to transpire. Obstruction of Justice. Aid & Abet, Enable to cause the deaths of Federal Agents/Civilians/Military—-Murder..)
George Herbert Walker Bush (Co-Conspirator Ex CIA Director/Former US President, Co-conspirator to Terrorist event know as 9-11 Sept. 11, 2001, Co-conspirator to Terrorist Bombing of The Oklahoma City Federal Building April 19, 1995, Obstruction of Justice.) Conspired, manufactured Illegal Biological Chemical agents and sold to foreign enemies of The United States of America, aka Iraqgate-BNL Bank-Gulf War Syndrome. Violations of The Barkley Cole Indenture Act, Treason.
Neil Bush (Co-Conspirator Former Director Silverado Savings & Loan, Narcotics trafficking, Securities Frauds, Obstruction of Justice)
Jeb Bush (Co-Conspirator Governor Florida, Narcotics trafficking, Obstruction of Justice)
Marvin Bush (Co-conspirator 9-11, Sept. 11, 2001 Houston Causality Insurance Company)
James Baker (Co-conspirator to terrorist event know as 9-11 Sept. 11, 2001. Houston Causality Insurance Company)
Carl Lindner (Co-Conspirator Bush Crime Family Money Launderer/Kingpin/Scamster “The Ohio Connection”)
Gale Norton (Co-Conspirator US Secretary Of Interior/ Former Attorney General Colorado, Obstruction of Justice )
Phillip D. Winn (Co Conspirator Convicted HUD Figure/Former Swiss Ambassador/ Illegal Pres. Pardon, MDC Director, Obstruction of Justice)
Larry A. Mizel (Co Conspirator CEO MDC Holdings, Inc. Parent Co. of Silverado/Imperial Savings, Securities Fraud, Narcotics Money Laundering, Narcotics trafficking, Pension Funds Frauds)
Norman Phillip Brownstein (Co-Conspirator Council to CIA Director George Bush Current Bush Crime Family Attorney, Former MDC Director, Obstruction of Justice.)
Oliver North (Co-Conspirator Narcotics Trafficker, Iran/Contra Player, murderer.)
Hillary Clinton (Co-Conspirator CIA Counsel US Senator NY., Narcotics Money Laundering to M&L Business Machines Company Denver Colorado, Obstruction of Justice, Blackmail of US Congressman & Senators.)
William Jefferson Clinton (Co-Conspirator CIA Agent/Former US President, Narcotics trafficking into The United States of America, Iran/Contra, Obstruction of Justice)
Charles Keating (Co-Conspirator CEO Lincoln Savings/CIA Operative, Money Laundering to MDC Holdings and BCCI)
Federico Pena (Co-Conspirator Former Mayor Denver, Co., Former Secretary Transportation/ Resigned Sec Energy while under indictment, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)
Wellington Webb (Co-Conspirator Bond Fraud Denver International Airport Mayor Denver, Colorado)
Meyer Blinder (Co- Conspirator CEO Blinder/Robinson/National Brokerage Group of Companies, an MDC Subsidiary company)
Linda Thomas (Co-Conspirator Divorce Judge Dallas, TX. Obstruction of Justice, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice.)
Brian Campbell (Co-conspirator Divorce Judge Denver Colorado, Ongoing Obstruction of Justice, Permanent Restraint order against Stewart Webb & Amanda Webb-Amanda Millman now of legal age.)
Zita L. Weinshenk (Co-Conspirator US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)
Edward Nottingham (Co-Conspirator US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice)
Sherman Finesilver (Co-Conspirator Retired US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)
Henry Solano (Co-Conspirator Former US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice Co-conspirator attempted murder.)
Michael J. Norton (Co-Conspirator Former US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice, recipient of bribes to Obstruct Justice)
Greg C. Graff (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Brother Robert Graff MDC Director.)
Thomas O’Rourke (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)
F. Joseph Mackey (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)
Charles Szekely (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Public Defender, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)
Charles Sandage (Co-Conspirator, Obstruction of Justice)
Lee Redneick (Co-Conspirator Inspector General US Department of Justice Public Integrity Section Washington. DC., Obstruction of Justice) (Note: “” & “” )
David Mann (Assistant Inspector General US Department of Justice Washington DC., Obstruction of Justice, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)
Robert Pence (Co-Conspirator Former FBI/sac Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)
James M. Lyons (Co-Conspirator Director MDC, Key Player Whitewater Development Frauds.)
Allan Karsh (Co-Conspirator Denver Kingpin Leonard Millman’s Brother-in-law)
Ted L. Gunderson (Ex FBI/CIA, Murderer, Scamster, Supplied Bin Laudin with Stinger Missiles Stole From US Military Arsenal-China Lake/FBI/CIA/Iran Contra Player, Perjury, Obstruction of Justice. Currently Stalking and committing criminal harassment of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs witnesses. Perjured testimony to extort plaintiff. Perjured testimony to Jail plantiff Stewart Webb, Charges later dismissed with prejudice, Scamster, Fraudster, ongoing criminal activity,Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses )
Thomas Gaule (Co-Conspirator Convicted Killer, Las Vegas NV. Mental Case/Sidekick-Co-Conspirator to CIA Ted Gunderson, Obstruction of Justice, Extortion, Perjured testimony to extort Plaintiff, Perjured testimony to Jail plantiff Stewart Webb, Charges later dismissed with prejudice,)
Anna May Newman (Co-Conspirator Former employee for CIA Agent Clint Murchison side-kick-to CIA Ted Gunderson, perjury to Obstruct Justice.)
TIM WHITE (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson/Leonard Millman Predicate Felon Cross-dresser, Child porno collector, making Death Threats against plaintiff and plaintiff witnesses, stolen weapon, Criminal harassment, Perjured testimony to Obstruct Justice, acting as an informer to the FBI-Denver Police. Plotting to extort Plaintiff, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
BRENDA NEGRI (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson, making death threats, criminal harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
LARRY LAWSON (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
SHIRLEY ANDERSON (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
DOUG MILLAR (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson, violations of copyright laws, criminal harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
SHERRY SHRINER (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
Charles Bruce Stewart (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
Ken Adachi (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
Dennis BossackCo-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
Ann Bossack (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
Rosalee Grable (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
Nate Dapier (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)
Tom Fisher (Co-conspirator Denver Police Department, Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses with Tim White)
Louis Swent (Co-conspirator Arapaho County Sheriff Dept., Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses with Tim White)
FBI Mark Hostlaw (Co-conspirator FBI Div. 5 anti-terrorist division, Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses, with Tim White)
Las Vegas Police Department (Unnamed co-conspirators)
Las Vegas District Attorneys Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)
Las Vegas FBI Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)
Las Vegas US Attorneys Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)
Nevada Attorney General’s Office (Unnamed co-conspirator)
Kansas City, Missouri Police Department. (Unnamed co-conspirators)
Additional Yet Unnamed Defendants 1-5000
and Co-Conspirators
NOW COMES, Plaintiff, Stewart Webb, pro se, and files this Motion to Reopen and in support therefore, would respectfully show the court the following:
I. Motion to reopen, provides that when it clearly appears to be necessary to the due administration of justice, the court may permit additional evidence to be offered at any time; provided that in a jury case no evidence on a controversial matter shall be received after the verdict of the jury.
In order for justice to be served in this case, Plaintiffs, should be allowed to reopen and submit additional evidence, decisive to this matter, to the trier of fact for the following reasons: See: this entire filing,
That an attempted murder of Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb occurred in Sept.
1995 shortly after the Plaintiff and witness Lt. Commander Al Martin
Retired Office of Naval Intelligence, gave testimony by telephone to
the Denver U.S. Attorney Henry Solano. The plaintiff took ill for more than
4 years due to a biological chemical attack, and false arrest
and that the Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb’s witness, Al Martin was falsely arrested and held for 42days under a fictions name. We both felt at the time to stay alive we had to back off the pushing for a Federal Grand Jury.
PETITIONER seeks to offer the following additional evidence and evidence never presented, due to attempted murder of Plaintiff, and jailment of witness, Al Martin of Iran Contra Key Witness. See:“ “ .
PETITIONER was diligent in obtaining the above referenced evidence.
Presentation of this additional evidence will not cause undue delay in this case. Furthermore, presentation will not cause an injustice in this case.
WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED Plaintiffs, prays the court grants the Motion to Reopen and allows PETITIONER to present original and additional evidence and to further grant any other such relief available in law or in equity.
Respectfully submitted
By: Stewart A. Webb Pro se Petitioner & Plaintiffs,
Related Filings 2009, 2010, 2011
Stew Webb Injunctive relief
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