Oklahoma City Bombing April 19 1995

Oklahoma City Bombing April 19 1995

Bush, Clinton and Israel did it.

By Stew Webb

I will be doing several parts to explain to my audience who was behind it, why they did it, and how they got away with it.

First we must examine the document below in a discussion in Miami, Florida by Col. Oliver North and Jeb Bush to Major Iran Contra players. I am convinced there were two Iran Contra Operations going on at the same time one with President Ronald Reagan’s knowledge and the other was Vice President George HW Bush and his mass frauds and narcotics importations and illegal weapon sales. I call it the Illuminati-AIPAC-Zionist- Bush Organized Crime Syndicate.


The national programs office was designed to answer to no one in Government to bypass Congress and the Senate.

This is part of the Shadow Government within the Government, who answers only to George H. W. Bush. Part of the Bush Crime Family- Organized Crime in The Government of the United States who operates under color of law, with badges.


(see: Bill Tyre Federal Lawsuit Case #98CV11829JLT Massachusetts for further information: The Nationalist Times Jan 1999)


(See: Department of Army 29 Aug 1994 Draft Army Regulation on Civilian Inmate Labor Program foia)

Why would a true American like Ollie North he lied to congress and shred documents.

True Americans do not lie, nor do they order the murders of some 40 Americans like Ollie North did, see “The Conspirators” by Al Martin Iran/Contra Whistleblower http://www.almartinraw.com  my personal friend since 1991. The following transcript was given to me by a friend in the Intelligence community who wanted the truth to be known that the Shadow Government blew up the Oklahoma Building to get the Anti-terrorist legislation passed that effectively would allow the CIA to legally operate in the USA. (More control of Americans freedoms)

Which prior to the legislation, the CIA was not allowed to spy on Americans.Even though they did and have been since the 1950′s under the Domestic Contact Services Group. I have a document relating to news media cover up by DCS-1969 that Ron Baird a reporter with The Colorado Dailey Printed in an article about a University of Colorado professor who disappeared who was CIA and the DCS literally twisted the story that in 1969 began to surface in The Colorado Daily and KOA radio in Denver.

That story was printed in the Colorado Dailey between 1995.  I do not remember the date, go to their archives Ron did several stories for me on myself, CIA-Gene “Chip Tatum, CIA-ONI-Al Martin.Ron won a National award on Gulf War Syndrome. I gave Ron the information.  (Note: I do not keep documents around me, I make copies from achieves in storage, therefore I cannot give the exact dates when these stories ran.)


This is word for word from one of the pages given to this Whistleblower in 1995 by Stephen Dinnerstein a former DOD investigator who died in the 2005 from a Bio-Chemical attack only known to CDC as 3 ever in history. Stephen Dinnerstein had Busted Iran Contra Whistleblower Al Martin in 1984 and turned him as a U.S. Government witness who caused the Iran Contra investigations by Independent Prosecutor Judge Lawrence Walsh.

The Document:

“record establishing factors such as knowledge on the part of the United States Government that the effort to arrest ________________________________

was discussed in advance to likely involve hundreds of deaths, injuries, billions

in property damage.

______________instance, if the Court were to find that the _____________

or that the purpose of the ____________as to ______________ that the

____________agency in this_____________________acting upon the

direction of the President, or whoever the actual chain of command which

trickled down in this case, that they knew in advance that they were going to,

in order to _________________________kill hundreds of people, kill perhaps

innocent civilians, men, women, and children, if a decision were made in advance that the risk were acceptable from a Governmental strategic standpoint, those

are factors___________________________________________________

should address in determining the reasonableness or __________________

of the conduct.

__________________________________in the United States, with or without

an arrest warrant, where law enforcement agents entered a town in Oklahoma

and broke into the___________________caused the death of ____________

_________of people in the town, as a result of all of the activity procured an

arrest,_____________________________under Davis________________

and other cases, Supreme Court cases that have”……………………

The CIA-NSA Person who testified is now dead.

End of transcript for now.

The Oklahoma City Bombers

Timothy McVeigh, Terry Lynn Nichols, Roger Moore a.k.a. Robert Anderson the gun shop owner who mined the harbors in Nicaragua for Ollie North, Lt Straussmeyer of the German BFD=CIA whose father worked for the American CIA, Will Northrup of the Israeli Mossad and others unidentified.

Oklahoma City Bomber John Doe #2 and the 911 Bomber Jose Padilla

Jose Padilla is John Doe number 2 in the Oklahoma City 1995 Bombing unsolved case. Padilla was CIA Terry Lynn Nichols former brother in law. Nichols worked for Iran-Contra Fox News War Stories Col Ollie North who Daddy Bush Obstructed Justice with a Iran-Contra Presidential Pardon in 1992. Bush cannot give a legal Pardon to his criminal partner Ollie North. This makes the pardon illegal and null and void.

Padilla Judge: Brig Time Doesn’t Count

By Curt Anderson – The Associated Press

(Friday 23 March 2007) – Miami – A federal judge refused to dismiss the terrorism support charges against alleged al-Qaida operative Jose Padilla on Friday, rejecting defense claims that his 3 1/2 years in custody as an enemy combatant violated his constitutional right to a speedy trial.

U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke agreed with prosecutors that Padilla’s years in isolation at a Navy brig did not count because he had not yet been charged.

The criminal charges came when Padilla was added to an existing Miami terrorism support indictment in November 2005. Only then did the clock start for the Sixth Amendment’s right to a “speedy and public trial,” Cooke said.

“I agree that the law in this case is that a criminal trial proceeding begins with the filing of the criminal process,” Cooke said. “Mr. Padilla has been promptly brought to court in that matter.”

A federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., previously ruled that Padilla’s detention as an enemy combatant without criminal charge was legal.

Orlando do Campo, one of Padilla’s four court-appointed lawyers, insisted that the lengthy imprisonment gave prosecutors an unfair advantage in building their case, including incriminating statements Padilla made during months of interrogation.

“No one has ever been treated the way Mr. Padilla has been treated,” do Campo said.

Padilla, a 36-year-old U.S. citizen, is charged along with Adham Amin Hassoun, 44, and 45-year-old Kifah Wael Jayyousi with being part of a North American cell that supported Islamic extremist causes around the world. Prosecutors say Padilla was a recruit and filled out a form in 2000 to attend an al-Qaida training camp in Afghanistan.

Padilla was declared an enemy combatant by President Bush shortly after his arrest at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport in May 2002 on what U.S. authorities then claimed was a mission to detonate a radioactive “dirty bomb” in a major U.S. city. That allegation is not part of the Miami criminal indictment.

The dismissal motion was one of eight that Cooke was considering at an all-day hearing Friday as the case nears an April 16 trial date.

Cooke also was expected to rule on a defense motion seeking to prevent prosecutors from using words such as “terrorist” or “violent jihad” during the trial, or mentioning Osama bin Laden by name.

Although she ruled for the government, Cooke was clearly troubled by Padilla’s long incarceration without charge, which was the subject of a previous legal battle over the extent of the president’s wartime detention powers.

Prosecutor Brian Frazier said none of Padilla’s interrogation statements would be used as main government evidence at trial and that most of the information the U.S. government had about Padilla didn’t get to the prosecution team until April 2006 – several months after his addition to the Miami indictment.

Padilla’s time as an enemy combatant “is legally distinct and independent from the criminal detention,” Frazier said.

Cooke agreed that Padilla’s interrogation statements were off-limits as prosecution evidence, but she put off ruling whether any of them could be introduced to refute or counter testimony during the trial. The statements are considered inadmissible because Padilla did not have a lawyer present and was not read his Miranda rights.

WEEKLY WORLD NEWS – www.weeklyworldnews.com

SEPTEMBER 18, 2001 on the newsstands September 10, 2001

EXCLUSIVE By Cliff Lindecker



FLATHEAD LAKE, Mont. – Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh survived his “execution” and was spirited away as part of an intricately planned government scheme to prepare him for his new life underground. The covert CIA operation was organized weeks before the staged execution at the U.S. Penitentiary at Terre Haute, Ind., according to longtime federal whistle-blower Stewart Webb and others opposed to what they described as America’s”Shadow government” and the New World Order:

“McVeigh never wanted to be executed,” Webb told Weekly World News in an exclusive interview.  “And he wasn’t–he went out the back door.”

Incredibly, sinister forces within the government were aware of the former Special Forces dropout’s plans to bomb a federal building–and steered him to the Oklahoma City facility because they wanted incriminating government records that were stored there destroyed, Webb disclosed. One hundred sixty-eight innocent people died on April 19, 1995, because sinister government leaders and bureaucrats wanted to demonize the burgeoning militia movement by linking ultra right-wing patriots to the bombing, and to get antiterrorism legislation passed quickly, he said.

The diabolical plan worked perfectly. Even though militias had no involvement in the terrorist act, they were viciously attacked in the press.

“McVeigh hurt us,” John Trochmann, founder of The Militia of Montana, told The Washington Times in a telephone interview. “We don’t believe in violence. We’re trying to get citizens to rally with us against the government.”

According to the astonishing scenario drawn by Webb and other sources in three states, including former government agents, the scheme to save McVeigh’s life was hatched after he refused to “walk the plank” and threatened to reveal the wider conspiracy.  So the CIA arranged for the phony execution, and flew McVeigh from Terr Haute to a closely guarded island on Flathead Lake in northwestern Montana.

McVeigh 33, spent nearly ywo weeks enjoying the outdoors–and undergoing a series of silicone injections and other treatments from a CIA employed plastic surgeon to change his facial features.  Then he was whisked off to a new location, a highly placed contact told Webb.

“About 20 people were on him, they were heavily armed locked and loaded,” Webb reported.  “He even had his own food taster.”

The Las Vegas–based investigator claimed the Bush family, the Clintons and other major players on the national political scene are deeply involved with other federal officials in large scale fraud against American taxpayers and other crimes.  Webb played major roles in exposing a series of national scandals, including the Silverado Savings and Loan debacle in Colorado; and the so-called Keating Five campaign contribution affair tied to the Lincoln Savings deal in Irvine, Calif., that reputedly funneled hugh amounts of money to John McCain and other prominent U.S. Senators.

“But this is the only time I’ve ever encountered such massive resistance,” Webb said of McVeigh’s brilliantly executed escape from death.  These are some of the shocking facts and developments uncovered by Webb and other investigators, including current CIA employees:

**McVeigh did not act alone, and several players, including a pair of terrorists attached to the Iranian embassy in Mexico City, were involved in the bombing conspiracy.  One of the Iranians married a woman who worked at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building so he could use her to keep up-to-date on activities there. She was unaware she was being used and was killed in the bombing.

**The CIA and other federal agencies were tipped off in advance that “a lone ranger” named Timothy McVeigh was planning to bomb a federal building in either Omaha, Kansas City or Oklahoma City.

**CIA operatives and other federal agents working on the clandestine project steered McVeigh to the Oklahoma City structure because sensitive records tied to the scores of government scandals surrounding the Clintons and other national leaders were stored there.

Sensitive records collected during the investigation by Special Prosecutor Ken Starr on the mystery deaths surrounding the Clintons, including the Vince Foster case, had been  transported to Oklahoma City for safekeeping, according to Webb.  Additional documents relating to the Madison Savings and Loan, Twin Cities Bank, and other Clinton scandals–and drug-money laundering by high government officials–were also destroyed in the blast, Webb’s investigation revealed.

**Plans for the killer to hide out at the Ted Turner ranch were scrapped when Webb’s radio reports of McVeigh’s survival turned up the heat, and he was moved to an isolated fishing cabin on the lake near Montana’s borders with Idaho and British Columbia.

**A plastic surgeon gave McVeigh a series of silicone injections to change his features over a period of about two weeks. His fingerprints were also altered.

**After the idenity change McVeigh was moved to an even more secure location–believed to be the super secretive U.S. Air Force Base north of Las Vegas known as “Area 51″ to be further prepared for life underground.

McVeigh was not trained as a regular CIA operative, but was a contract agent whose training was with Special Forces. So he was reportedly taught how to keep a low profile, and trained in the language of his new home land–in a so-far unknown foreign country.

END—Weekly World News, September 18, 2001, Exclusive! by Cliff Linedecker

American Media—They got anthraxed September 16, 2001 and Journalist Cliff Lindecker died 2 days later after writing this report.

Excerpt: “Two years ago, I was told by a friend of mine that is an agent for MI-6, that Tim McVeigh would wave all of his appeals and want to be executed as quickly as possible. I have watched in horror as all that he has told me has come to pass. “He also told me that McVeigh’s death would be faked, and that he would be taken to what is called a ‘Valhalla Compound’ as part of Project: Gaia, a super secret witness protection program set up for those in the world of international espionage.” SEAN DAVID MORTON, Speaking on Art Bell COAST TO COAST, March 3, 2001

Oklahoma City Bomber Tim Mcveigh Death Certificate Soldier US Army

Cary Gagan was paid by the Bush Organized Crime Syndicate to inform the U.S. Marshals in Denver that Timothy Mcveigh was going to blow up a Federal Building in either Omaha, Kansas City or Oklahoma City and was paid $200,000.00 by his CIA Handeler answering to George HW Bush, Cary Gagan who was granted a letter of immunity by the Denver US Attorney Henry Solono in September 1994 . Later Denver FBI Agent Mark Hostlaw who was on Israeli Leonard Millman’s payroll set up Cary Gagan to silence him after he came public through this Whistleblower and testified before the Charles Key’s hearing in Oklahoma. FBI Agent Mark Hostlaw Obstructed Justice and so did US Attorney Henry Solono in the evidence I provide below in my Grand Jury Demand and the recorded evidence below.

Many people within government did their own investigations of who was involved.

And many documents surfaced. Yes the FBI, ATF, CIA, all knew in advance and were told to step down and let it happen.

Cary Gagan Whistleblower, who recently got out of jail as a Political Prisoner asked me in 1995 to help get the information out that he informed the Government in advance in Denver Colorado and the US Attorney, the FBI and US Marshals all covered it up and actually let it happen.

(Further see below: “They let it happen” media by pass magazine July 1999)

Why do you think Tim McVeigh got the back door treatment?

Tried & convicted as one of the bombers, even executed on national TV but no autopsy?  (see: below weekly world news Sept 2001)

There are tons of documents out there still among the shadows of government who for a price, who are willing to sell. At the time of the bombing one million dollars could have bought all the documents, today $50,000. But the reason for the price drop, who cares, they have a new Boogie Man.

“New Boogie Man” Iraq, Iran, Gazza-Hammas, Ukraine, Russia.

“The Bush Crime Family and the Israeli’s” got what they wanted The Antiterrorist Act-1996, The Patriot Act-2001, The Homeland Security Act-2002.

Bottom line “They got your Country, your Freedoms, your Constitution and Your Bill of Rights and a license to import narcotics using the CIA as a cover with no U.S. Customs inspections or police stops. “This is a Government Operation and they show their CIA Identity”.


Fed Informant Documents Treason in OKC Bombing

by Pat Shannan

Media by Pass Magazine July 1999

As a self-confessed “international importer and domestic transporter,” Cary Gagan, 54, admits that he is “no choir boy.” But neither is he a cold-blooded killer, he is quick to add. As a government informant with an immunity grant, he took every step he could to help the federal government stop the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, of which he had solid prior knowledge, but “they let it happen,” says Gagan. “They” were the FBI, the United States Attorney, and many agents of the U. S. Marshals Service.

On March 13th, Mr. Gagan gave a two-hour deposition before a newly formed citizen’s committee known as the Oklahomans for Truth. A court stenographer and videographer were present.

Upon viewing the tape, Denver Whistle Blower Stewart Webb said, “These well documented charges amount to no less than treasonous acts by those sworn to `defend and protect against all enemies foreign and domestic.’ These people should be tried and, if found guilty, swiftly executed.”

Prosecutors would later make a big noise about the ANFO bomb being built at Geary Lake State Park in Kansas. (Count 35 of the eventual indictment reads: “On or about April 18, 1995, at Geary Lake State Park in Kansas, McVEIGH and NICHOLS constructed an explosive truck bomb with barrels filled with a mixture of ammonium nitrate, fuel and other explosives placed in the cargo compartment of the rental truck.”) But it is Cary Gagan’s testimony that he, under instructions from a federal agent, delivered a mixer and what he believes to have been bombing materials to a service station in Dwight, Kansas on April 10th, nine days prior to the Murrah explosions.

A former acquaintance who happened to be in the right place at the right time – this time in March of 1994 – Gagan had again met two Middle Easterners named “Omar” and “Ahmad” for whom he had once performed some undercover favors while they all were involved in international “importing.” In September, Omar, Ahmad, and a third, yet un-named conspirator paid Cary Gagan $250,000 to haul 15-20 timers and detonators across the border from Mexico. Six months into this new relationship, Gagan saw the blueprints of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City spread out on the motel room desk and listened to a discussion “in either Arabic or another foreign language.” Gagan speaks only English, but by this time realized that an attack was about to occur sometime in the near future.

On September 14, 1994, immediately after receiving the suitcase full of cash, Gagan went to the U. S. Marshals and obtained a grant of immunity from the United States Attorney, Henry Solano. He was allowed to keep the money and the immunity from prosecution was supposed to be in exchange for keeping the authorities informed. It may be the only grant of immunity in a domestic terrorism case in the history of America. The Justice Department would later regret having issued it and still has not washed the egg from its own face for doing so. But Cary Gagan went to work as a federal informant, thinking he would be able to prevent the upcoming terrorism. An opportunist, he was aware of federal statutes providing for between $500,000 and $2,000,000 in reward money for preventing an act of domestic terrorism.

Over the course of the next six months, Gagan was perplexed by the lack of interest in the information he was providing. No one was returning his phone calls – not the U. S. Attorney, not the Marshals, not the FBI. Nor could he understand why he was never polygraphed, a standard operating procedure for law enforcement officials before issuing immunity to informants.

“Even my attorney told me before I went in the first time, `Gagan, they’re going to polygraph you,’ and I said, `Fine, let’s get after it. Let’s just do it.’ But they never did, and they’re supposed to.”

(After the building was blown out, Brig. Gen. Ben Patron and other demolition experts showed with graphic evidence beyond a reasonable doubt how the building was blown from the inside. At least four charges were detonated at strategic columns on the third floor level, dumping the higher floors into the second floor nursery. Gen. Partin emphatically asserts, “This is not conjecture, and it is not a theory. This is the way it the building came down.” Gagan’s testimony finally fingers a potential source.)

Next, the federales labeled Gagan as a “mental case,” but even in this alleged state of dementia, he has litigated and prevailed over the Colorado Attorney General in recent court cases. Once, when he was in custody in a separate case, he was relegated to the funny farm for thirty days observation and tests. The results showed that he was of above average intelligence with no paranoia, etc., and capable of speaking for himself in courtroom argument. Indeed, he was. According to Gagan, the Attorney General had altered trial transcripts before passing the case on to the Appellate Court. The U. S. Supreme Court reversed the conviction in favor of Gagan on these grounds, but no disciplinary action was taken against the prosecutors, who settled with him out of court.


In October of 1995, grand jury member Hoppy Heidelberg was removed from duty without cause by Federal Judge David Russell. Of course, Heidelberg and all close observers knew the real cause was Heidelberg’s persistence in asking too many sensitive questions about the Oklahoma City bombing case. He had sat on that jury since the previous January, three months prior to the explosions at Murrah.

Frustrated at the U. S. Attorney’s reluctance to pursue anything which did not point toward the guilt of Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols, Heidelberg had written a letter to Judge Russell outlining what was being ignored and should be investigated by that grand jury.

“I thought it was the grand jury’s job to investigate, but I was learning more about this case from reading the newspaper and watching television than I was from sitting in on the closed sessions on the panel,” Heidelberg says from his horse ranch today.

“Defiant Grand Juror Pulled From Okla. City Bombing Case,” barked the front page of USA Today. Following Heidelberg’s 2-page letter citing 11 pivotal points of neglected investigation, Judge Russell responded with one curt paragraph: “Effective immediately, you are dismissed from the grand jury. Your obligation of secrecy continues. Any disclosure of matters that occurred before the grand jury constitutes a contempt of court. Each violation of the obligation of secrecy may be punished cumulatively. Sincerely, David L. Russell, United States District Judge.”

When it became evident that the second impaneled grand jury in OKC was going to be another whitewash, the non-profit corporation named “Oklahomans for Truth Committee” was formed by Heidelberg, who was now more “defiant” than ever to get to the truth. In the fall of last year, he also ran an ill-financed campaign for governor, in hopes of meeting Gov. Frank Keating in debate, but it was not to be. On election day, Heidelberg’s vote count was insignificant.

Only hours after the Murrah explosions, Gov. Keating was seen on national television announcing the fact that unexploded bombs had been discovered and were hauled from the Murrah Building for examination. He confidently assured Americans that all of these bombs carry “signatures” and as soon as the experts could examine them, “We will know exactly who is responsible for this.” He has never mentioned this in a public statement again.

Later, when confronted with the evidence that the bombs could not have been ANFO, Keating responded to a reporter, “I really don’t care if the bomb was fertilizer or not, it’s irrelevant to me!” (With reference to the murdered Branch Davidians in Waco, Keating is reported to have also insensitively stated, “If you expect me to feel sorry for those people, I’m not. Those people, including the 17 children, got everything they deserved.” Reported by Louis O’Neal from conversation in the Governor’s office.)

This very important point is not irrelevant to Hoppy Heidelberg and the Oklahomans for Truth. If the bomb was not fertilizer – and experts continue to point out that it certainly was not – then the conviction and death sentence of Tim McVeigh is a travesty of justice. But Keating, formerly an FBI agent, federal prosecutor, and high-ranking BATF official in Washington, has been mending public relations fences for the government ever since his slip of the tongue on April 19th 1995. The same man who publicly announced that “this was a very sophisticated operation by a very sophisticated group of people,” soon was cheering the convictions of two very unsophisticated farm boys. “These two bottom-crawlers pulled this off and there is nothing more to be said – except that they should be convicted and executed as quickly as possible.” (Los Angeles Times, 1/28/96, 15 months before the trial McVeigh trial began.)

At a self-aggrandizing moment, when asked about how the nation may be viewing Oklahoma since the bombings, Keating cites a statement by Army General Norman Schwartzkopf, while they were on a hunting trip together.

“You know,” said the General, “I’ve been in big wars and little wars, big tragedies and little tragedies, and big operations and little operations, but I have not seen anything handled with the professionalism, the skill of the community, and the tremendous efficiency of this city.”

Keating’s history of such delusions of grandeur has former State Rep. Charles Key, Hoppy Heidelberg and others wondering 1] if such a conversation really took place; 2] if Schwartzkopf would remember it, and 3] if it really did, just what those two might have been smoking on their hunting trip that afternoon.

On March 13, 1999, Oklahomans for the Truth Committee took the depositions of Cary James Gagan of Denver, Colorado and Jane Graham of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Mrs. Graham was the HUD employee and union president who noticed some suspicious characters in the Murrah Building both days and minutes prior to the tragedy. It was two years later before she saw the same people on a video copy of TV news stories. Her story was chronicled by Media Bypass and other publications in 1998.

Jane Graham, 55, worked for HUD on the 7th floor of the Murrah Building. She was also president of the employees union. At a few minutes before nine o’clock that fateful morning, she took the elevator to the 9th floor to participate in a computer seminar. Her sworn testimony confirms that of hundreds of others who heard and/or saw two distinct explosions.

At 9:02 a.m. she had just sat down and turned on her computer when she felt a rumble for several seconds. Initially thinking it was an earthquake, she sat frozen until a fellow worker announced, “That’s a bomb! Get under your desk!” Mrs. Graham quickly complied before a second explosion ripped up through the center of the building “like a rocket being launched” and the ceiling came tumbling down on top of them. She estimates there was a time span of something less than ten seconds between the two.

But Jane Graham had seen more in the days and hours prior to the tragedy, and she had attempted on several occasions to give her information to the FBI. But because she was certain that her suspects were neither Tim McVeigh nor Terry Nichols, nobody was interested. District Attorney Robert Macy would later decide that Mrs. Graham’s testimony was not worthy of an audience with his grand jury.

On the Friday prior to the April 19th bombings, Mrs. Graham had noticed several suspicious looking men in the basement parking area. They were examining blueprints but quickly stashed them in the backseat of their car after realizing someone was watching. Coffee room conversation with some other women had alerted her that the FBI had gotten warning of an impending attack on a federal building, and for this reason she was somewhat wary. She has since identified one of the men as Andreas Strassmeir, the infamous “Andy the German” from Elohim City.

On Tuesday, the day before the tragedy, Mrs. Graham noticed two men on the first floor who were dressed in GSA blue uniforms. They stood out in her mind because she thought she knew all of the GSA workmen but did not recognize these two. She is certain that they were not in the basement group she saw the previous week. At 8:15 a.m. the next morning, she saw the same men on the first floor hurrying for an exit at the west end. Less than an hour later, the building erupted.

A year and a half later, Jane Graham was watching a newly released video entitled “Cover-up in Oklahoma” (available through M/B fulfillment center) which used actual news clips of the early hours following the explosions to point out the discrepancies in the government’s story. Midway through the tape, she yelled to her host, “Waitaminnit! Back that up.” She had recognized the same two men she had seen twice in GSA blues. This time they were in street clothes and wandering hurriedly away from the debris of the Murrah Building in the background. She alerted the FBI once again, and once again they were not interested. She has spent the past 18 months attempting, without success, to identitify the two mystery men. One is a large man with a beard, the other is of average height with a pocked face.

Cary Gagan has identified the pock-faced man as the same one he saw at the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on 4/13/95 and later in Denver. However, he does not know his name. Considering the testimony of both Graham and Gagan, coupled with the on-the-scene video evidence, both of these mysterious men appear to be real players and suspects.

We have strong documentation that what Cary Gagan says is true. Comparing the video copy of his deposition session with at least ten conversations with him since, we find he does not waver. He has not changed his story concerning his alerting of the authorities and granted immunity since we first heard of him in 1995. He does not recite by rote, as his wording varies with each incident but the facts don’t change. We must remember that U. S. Attorney Henry Solano believed Gagan to be credible enough in 1994 to grant him immunity from prosecution in order to allow him to infiltrate the terrorist group and carry out his (otherwise) criminal acts of participation.

When Gagan’s story first appeared in Media Bypass, it was distorted because of Solano’s chicanery, according to Gagan, and these allegations appear to be true. When Gagan’s note to the marshals, dated April 6, 1995, was changed to reflect April 1st, Gagan knew it to be deception on the part of Solano. Close examination of the note, faxed to Media Bypass from the U. S. Attorney’s office, shows that the loop of the “6″ has been apparently whited-out in order to indicate a “1.”

Why April 1st? Gagan says that would be because in 1995, that date fell on a Saturday, and it would have been impossible for him to have delivered the message and gained a signature from anyone of authority on a Saturday at the U. S. Courthouse in Denver — thereby distorting and rendering his story dubious. However, Solano’s futile and childish attempt at deception was strongly overridden by the testimony and taxicab records of William Bayers, as well as the video surveillance camera which recorded his entrance on the sixth of April not the first.

Although the U. S. Marshal’s office denied ever received the written warning, Bayers had obtained the signature of Marshal Sharon Hoff on the 6th day of April. She happened to be the same marshal to whom Gagan had delivered his previous papers on March 27th, and the men noted at the time that the signatures matched. Henry Solano is no longer Denver’s U. S. Attorney and has since been elevated to the position of Solicitor General of the Labor Department in Washington, D. C., according to Gagan.

On August 24, 1995, the same day Solano faxed Gagan’s handwritten note to Myers and Media Bypass, Cary Gagan was grabbed and beaten by three Middle Easterners who said they were “Soldiers of Allah.” He was hospitalized with a severe concussion.

While it is difficult to prove everything Gagan says is true, the Oklahomans for Truth Committee has not disproved anything about his testimony. What can be proven far beyond any reasonable doubt is that 1] Gagan had written immunity from the feds; 2] Gagan kept motel, gasoline receipts, and plane tickets which document his trips on the specific dates in question, as well as hospital records of the beatings he took later in an apparent attempt to shut him up; and 3] Gagan issued letters of warning to the Denver authorities on March 27th and April 6th of ’95 that the bombing was coming down. There appears to be no doubt that, as he says, “They let it happen.”

The accompanying letter from Billy Bayer, a Denver cab driver and Cary Gagan’s lifelong and trusted friend who delivered the package to the U.S. Marshals on Gagan’s behalf on April 6th proves the veracity of the most important claim. He reminds us that the cab company records will also reflect his stop at the courthouse, as well as the video surveillance cameras on the scene.

However, let us remember, neither the Oklahoma Citizens Committee nor Gagan have to prove that every detail of his story is true. We are presenting his alleged facts and claims and challenge the FBI and Justice Department to answer these charges and prove that it is not true. Gagan, incidentally, is a college graduate who taught school in the Denver public school system. He has filed a Freedom of Information Act motion with the court to demand return of his private papers given to attorney Stephen Jones, who has refused to turn them loose.

This leads us to the charade of defense put on by Stephen Jones, who previously instigated a deception over civil attorney John DeCamp to enable the Murrah Building shell to be detonated only 34 days after the crime and prior to examination. DeCamp was on our radio show twice in the past, explaining how Jones hoodwinked him. There is evidence to show that Jones was in duplicity with the government prosecutors from the beginning, but then we must remember that he was paid $15+ million for his services as a government-appointed attorney. That figure is certainly sufficient to maintain control over a situation. (See sidebar: “How the Defense Hoodwinked Decamp.”)

Gagan’s April 10th trip to Dwight, Kansas – which he claims was instigated by the FBI – appears to have been another subterfuge to further cement the “bomb-building guilt” of McVeigh and Nichols, as well as implicate Gagan later.

Dwight is 30 miles from Nichol’s home in Herrington, and about the same in other directions from Geary State Park and Junction City, where the Ryder truck was rented. Gagan has believed since day one that this was an attempt by prosecutors to get rid of him by implicating him in the crime. But then they suddenly backed off and did not use this piece at the 1997 trial, after including it in the 1995 indictment.

“Why not?” we asked author and investigative reporter Bob Papovich, who has become an authority on the case and had a prison interview with Tim McVeigh earlier this year. “Because it had too many holes in it,” he replied.

Indeed, it did. The prosecution team got caught in its uncarefully woven web of deception when their own charges placed McVeigh in both Arizona and Kansas on the same day. They had to disallow one or the other. With Gagan’s original handwritten note to the U. S. Marshals having been published nationally (Media Bypass – Oct. ’95) and his immunity papers already in the hands of defense attorneys, it undoubtedly became obvious to them that this was a can of worms which should remain sealed.

In August of 1995, Brad Edwards, reporter for KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City told Cary Gagen that they had sent a private investigator to Denver to trail him in order to see what they might learn. Edwards was bemused by the fact that the P. I.’s report came back saying “everywhere that Gagan went, the FBI was trailing him, too.” Aware of this at the time, Gagan had frustrated the efforts of both by taking a bus at various intervals.

The Oklahoma City bombing case was the biggest mass murder in the history of America. It also may be the biggest documented cover-up by judicial authorities on record – judging from what we know vs. what was allowed at trial and reported worldwide.

One of the most damning pieces of false evidence presented at Terry Nichols’ trial was the alleged armed robbery alleged to have taken place at the home of Roger Moore in Arkansas the first weekend of November, 1994. This was blamed on McVeigh and Nichols and was designed to portray that the two used this loot to finance their operation.

However, it proved useless in the first trial when the defense produced a motel registry in McVeigh’s handwriting where he was at a gun show in Ohio that weekend. McVeigh could not be in two places at the same time, and the proof was obvious that he definitely was not in Arkansas on the date in question. In the Nichols trial Karen Anderson, Moore’s live-in girlfriend, produced a list of serial numbers from guns “stolen” from their home and later “found” in Nichols’ home. However, with receipts, the defense showed the court how one of these weapons had been purchased and registered with BATF by Terry from a sporting goods store in Michigan long after the list was written by Anderson. It would have been impossible for Anderson to have prepared a list which included this gun. The list was obviously a phony, deceptively prepared by the prosecution. (See Bob Papovich’s sidebar on “Perjury.”)

Gen. Partin was never called to trial as an expert witness to show what really happened inside the building. This would have been to point out that if ANFO didn’t do it, then Tim McVeigh didn’t either. BATF official Harry Eberhart (See M/B, November ’98) was quietly ignored and never asked just what he was doing on the scene, when his project had been to test ANFO explosives in the New Mexico desert to guard against domestic terrorist attacks within our borders. It was Eberhart’s phone call, immediately after the blasts, to the Dallas BATF office which initiated the original charade of ANFO being responsible.

With so many facts showing that it would have been impossible for McVeigh and Nichols to have been behind this “very sophisticated operation” (Governor Frank Keating, 11:00 a.m., 4/19/95), We the People must now ask ourselves:

Who did have the technical expertise and access to the Murrah Building enabling them to plant four bombs at the third floor columns?

Who had the power to not only silence but completely reverse the early news reports of the multiple explosions (seen and heard by hundreds of witnesses) and the two unexploded bombs found in the debris?

Who decided at the last moment to initiate the warning call to voice mail receivers of all the BATF agents, instructing them not to come to work that morning?

Who had the controlling influence to distort the bombing facts, keep the truth off the airwaves day after day, and ensure that only government-approved lies would be reported on the national news?

When federal agents normally react swiftly to any warning or perceived threat against Presidents, Congressmen, and even lowly bureaucrats, why were Cary Gagan’s repeated documented warnings and phone calls ignored for more than seven months?

Who are the ultimate individuals at the top who “let it happen?”

Once a target audience believes in something, based on the statement of a credible leader and backed by trusted institutions, it becomes difficult to dislodge that belief – even with massive and overwhelming evidence produced to the contrary. And when a leader, supported by the news media, creates belief based on a direct lie in a confused situation, where contradictory evidence is so difficult to determine because of deliberate suppression, then it can reasonably be expected that the truth may never prevail.

In some instances, it takes the passage of considerable time, sometimes generations, before societies can accept the fact that certain historically held beliefs were false, and based solely on lies. This has been the case in almost every political assassination and war provocation in American history – e.g. Lincoln, Kennedy brothers, M. L. King, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, etc., and the most recent JFK news report that the bronze casket which once contained his body was not buried at Arlington but dropped in the Atlantic Ocean by an Air Force plane in 1965.


By Pat Shannan

From the Gagan deposition, we are able to piece together the following chronology of events leading up to and following the multiple explosions at the Murrah Building.

1985-86 – Cary Gagan first becomes acquainted with “Omar” and “Ahmad.” He passes the “trust” test by providing some fake I.D. and passports for the Middle Easterners. They work together for a time before Gagan goes to jail for eight years as a convicted felon.

March of 1994 – Gagan begins a new relationship with Omar and Ahmad. He determines that they are associated with a Columbian drug ring.

September 13, 1994 – Gagan accepts a $250,000 cash payment in exchange for his agreement to travel to Mexico City, take delivery of timers and detonators, and smuggle them back into the United States. He is told that the money had come from a Columbian bank, and he sees currency exchange reports verifying this fact.

September 14, 1994 – Gagan is apprehensive about the potential ramifications and calls his lawyer. As a convicted felon, this could result in a life sentence for him. He decides to play both ends against the middle. If this turns out be terrorism against the United States, he could collect as much as eight times the original amount in reward money. His lawyer sets up the appointment and arranges the immunity for Gagan. The document bears the signed name of AUSA James R. Allison, under the authorization of United States Attorney Henry Solano. Gagan never sees either man and is presented the signed immunity agreement by FBI agents. He is not questioned about his details nor polygraphed for veracity.

September ’94 – March ’95 – Gagan sends numerous messages by telephone and fax machine but neither the marshals nor FBI agents would get in contact. “Right after I was granted immunity, I notified the FBI that I was being asked to go to Mexico City, or Paraguay, or Brazil to meet an IRA terrorist on the run. He had perfected specific timers and detonators. The timer was specific and could be set for up to 30 days. I had asked the FBI for permission to go, and they never got back to me, so I went anyway. I met the person in Mexico City and brought back between 15 and 20 timers and detonators, returning through Nogales.”

January 14, 1995 – Gagan picks up a converted mail truck at the Metro Inn near Stapleton Airport and delivers its load containing approximately 50 duffel bags of chemicals, a Lely mixer, two boxes of Sandex marked “High Explosives” from a company in Las Vegas. He drives it across the city and parks at the Marriott West. After a thirty minute wait inside, as instructed, he emerges and sees the truck is gone.

March 17, 1995 – Gagan meets with Omar, Ahmad, and a dapperly attired third man, “a dignified Latino, a banker type.” In his motel room at the (Denver) Hilton Inn South, Gagan hears the three in an animated conversation, speaking in a foreign language. A set of blueprints compiled by one-time Murrah Building architects, J. W. Bateson & Co., is spread on the desk. It is Gagan’s first indication of what the particular target is likely to be. He pays for the room with his credit card in order to preserve the record.

March 27, 1995 – Gagan delivers documents (and obtains a signed receipt) to the U. S. Marshal Service at the courthouse in Denver indicating that the previous caveats he had issued of an impending attack on a federal building will definitely occur soon. He warns of the possible killing of judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers. They do not get back to him for details, as he specifically requests.

April 2, 1995 – Gagan is worried that nothing is being done but assumes the FBI has infiltrated the gang and is silently prepared. He believes that they trust his information but not him to keep quiet, and this is the reason for their reticence. He bids his friends and family goodbye and flies to Las Vegas, saying he will be gone for “a long, long time.” He stays with his brother who works at a hotel on Fremont Street.

April 3, 1995 – One of his Middle Eastern contacts comes by the hotel and asks Gagan to accompany him to Kingman, Arizona the next day. Gagan alerts his brother to observe the man and remember the date.

April 4, 1995 – Omar picks up Gagan in a brown 1981 Thunderbird, while his brother watches. They buy gas in Kingman at a Union 76 station, and Gagan keeps the receipt. They deliver a bundle of cash to “a blond-haired man.” Gagan is not aware of the purpose. On the return trip to Las Vegas, Gagan asks Omar, “What’s coming down?” Omar responds, “They’re going to hit a federal building in two weeks or so.” Gagan says, “Where? In Denver?” Omar replies, “Well, Denver or a city nearby.” Gagan remembers the Murrah Building blueprints from the March 17th meeting and begins to mentally narrow it down. After separating from Omar back in Las Vegas, he decides to return to Denver.

April 6, 1995 – Gagan enlists the aid of his friend, Bill Bayers, a Denver cab driver, to hand-deliver his final written warning to the U. S. Marshal’s Service. (See Sidebar Box) Bayers receives the signature of Sharon Hoff at 9:00 a.m. Hoff happens to be the same U. S. Marshal to whom Gagan had delivered his March 27th warning, and he notes that the signatures match. Gagan’s note says, “Call 832-4091 NOW!” Gagan is prepared to pinpoint Oklahoma City as the target. Although Gagan emphatically tells them of a plot to blow up a federal building within two weeks and that “if the information is false, charge me accordingly,” no call is forthcoming.

April 7, 1995 – A hand-delivered note is left with the apartment house manager where he was staying with a friend, directing Gagen to come to the law library on the 4th floor of the U. S. Courthouse. It is the first contact initiated by federal agents since Gagan gained his immunity nearly eight months earlier. “And I walk all the way to the back, and here’s a dude sitting there, a big guy, blue Nike suit, and certainly not one of the terrorists I had been dealing with, and I had figured him for a federal agent. I said to him and these were my exact words, `Are you guys on this?’ And he said, `Yeah, Gagan, we’re on it. We need you to do something.’ And I said, `Well, why haven’t you contacted me?’ He said, `Hey, we’re on this!’ The agent then tells Gagan that he needs to come back on April 10th and take a trailer to Dwight, Kansas. (Gagan says that the agent came to talk to him a couple of times since that day and that he can identify him.)

April 10, 1995 – Gagan borrows a car from his friend, installs a temporary trailer hitch, and is off to Dwight, Kansas with the federal trailer in tow. While not certain of the total contents, since the trailer is padlocked, he can see a mixer and what appears to be chemicals by peeking through the crack in the door. He delivers it to a Mobil Service Station in Dwight in the middle of the night and returns to Denver. Dwight is thirty miles N.E. of Herrington, where Terry Nichols lived. It is about the same distance S. E. of Junction City, where Tim McVeigh allegedly rented the Ryder Truck. And it is about twenty miles from Geary State Park, where the prosecutors will say McVeigh and Nichols built the ANFO bomb, allegedly used to destroy the Murrah Building.

April 13, 1995 – After being contacted one last time by the terrorists the previous day, Gagan drives to Oklahoma City to inspect a storage room on the fifth floor of the Murrah Building and report back as to the building’s security. Carol Khalil works on that floor in the Agriculture Department and will be killed there on April 19th. Her former husband is a “shady” character known to Gagan as “K,” whom he saw on occasion in the presence of Omar and Ahmad in Las Vegas. On the scene this day, he also recognizes “the pock-faced man” later identified by Jane Graham from news videos. Gagan spends the night at an airport motel and keeps the receipt. He returns to Denver the next day.

April 14, 1995 – Tim McVeigh registers at the Dreamland Motel in Junction City, Kansas under his real name, giving his actual driver’s license number. OKC Fire Department Chief (of Operations) Gaines receives a telephone warning from the FBI and is put on alert. This is later denied by Gaines but confirmed by Chief of Dispatchers Harvey Weathers, who says, “I won’t lie for anyone.”

April 17, 1995 – Someone 5’10″ and a stocky 185 lbs. rents the Ryder truck in Junction City under the name of Robert Kling, an alias McVeigh had used in the past. However, McVeigh is a six-foot, two-inch beanpole.

April 18, 1995 – Prosecutors charge in the indictment (later) that on this date . . .”at Geary Lake State Park in Kansas, McVEIGH and NICHOLS constructed an explosive truck bomb with barrels filled with a mixture of ammonium nitrate, fuel and other explosives placed in the cargo compartment of the rental truck.” However, this count will not be pursued at trial.

April 19, 1995 – At 9:02 a.m. the Murrah Building on Northwest 5th Street in Oklahoma City is blown apart from the inside outward. There are no flames in the building and no nitrate gas present, both of which are earmarks of an Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil explosion. Although no BATF agents were in their 9th floor offices, dozens are photographed on the ground before 9:15 a.m. One tells an acquaintance on the scene, “We had a message NOT to come in this morning.” At 10:00 a.m., the rescue is postponed when two unexploded bombs are discovered in the debris. This is reported almost immediately by all local news channels but will never be mentioned after this day.

August 11, 1995 – Denver TV Reporter faxes a copy of Gagan’s April 6th handwritten “statement of warning” to the U. S. Attorney’s office for comment.

August 24, 1995 – U. S. Attorney’s office faxes altered document to Media Bypass magazine reflecting a date of “April 1st” rather than the actual date of April 6th. Cary Gagan is beaten and hospitalized later this evening.


 Gagan to Webb

From: Cary Gagan

To: Stew Webb

Oct 16, 2013

Webb: I’ll be sending you information and documents to 10607 Sheley Road, Independence Missouri 64052, but first e-mail me and let me know if the address is correct. I served 11 yrs. in prison on a 26 year sentence imposed by Judge James Macrum out of the Arapahoe County District Court, Centennial, CO where the Aurora shooter’s (James Holmes) trial is being held.

I will also be mailing to you the Expert Report & Addendum (Mar.10th&11th’13) of Expert Document Examiner and Handwriting Expert Wendy Carlson. Such exposed the sophisticated subverting of Colorado’s judicial processes to wrongfully convict targeted defendants such as myself (public disclosure of OKC bombing), unsuspecting African American defendants because of their race-color, and other minorities in this 18th Judicial District, the richest white judicial district in CO.

Investigators having now determined that the jury tampering scheme utilized to convict me was the 1st in US jurisprudence history as such directly involved:

*Judge James Macrum, Jr.; *James Colgan, special prosecutor, 17th J.D.; *the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office, witnesses against me,*often utilized by the State (as well as the Feds) paid to convict professional juror Dale Edward Hanks, illegally seated as Juror No.3 on my jury, Judge Macrum’s division personnel, Clerk Trisha Byrne, Law Clerk/Bailiff Jason Kane, and Reporter Dawn Toups who, as you’ll be able to view, was destroying here stenographic notes of all three (3) days of my jury trial, Jan.8th,9th&10th, 2002…during the trial…to destroy the record of the crimes being committed inside Macrum’s court room.

My prosecution was a US Government directed state court prosecution on baseless charges totally lacking in probable cause, in retaliation of my public disclosures Re: OKC bombing. You will also be receiving some newly discovered evidence in the interrelated with the Arapahoe County prosecution, federal prosecution, US v. Gagan, Case No.02CR193MSK. When then US Attorney John Suthers became aware in Feb.’02 (right after my jury trial) that I was onto Dale Hanks’ status as the State’s

Paid  to convict professional juror and that it appeared Juror No.4 was not actually Davina Bustamante, but instead USDoJ-USAO-D.Colo. grand jury clerk Brenda J. Sunderland,  Suthers sought and received a six count indictment against me on May 7 ’02 not to convict me, but attempt to have me committed to a mental hospital as insane, delusional and a danger to myself and others, and the related fraud-deceit involving Judge Marcia S. Krieger, now CJ Krieger, Suthers, AUSAs, my attorney Jim Castle, my court-appointed investigator Greta Lindecrantz, and Dr. Frederick M. Miller.

Succinctly put here, I agreed to a psychological eval; such performed by neuropsychologist Dr. Michael Schmidt on Mar.21’03 for 5+ hours with a battery of tests and an interview. He found me overall normal, no mental disease of mental defect, bright and articulate, with a complete understanding of the legal system and my federal charges, able to assist “Castle” with my defense, or competent to proceed under 18 USC 4241(a). Judge Krieger directed (through Castle) Dr. Schmidt not to generate his findings by not filing the ordered and required formal Report, and Dr. Miller, who as an e-mail I uncovered from Castle sent to Dr. Schmidt shows, was waiting in the wings in the event the $3,125.00 fee paid by voucher to Dr. Schmidt was not enough to entice him into this 371 conspiracy. Just await the information and my contact; and e-mail as to the correct address. You’ll be viewing information and evidence that confirms what the Government does when their own go public, but they made some serious mistakes as you’ll see. Later, Gagan.

Cary Gagan, Bombing OKLAHOMA Alfred P Murrah Building What the Government WON’T tell you

Cary James Gagan, part 2, Oklahoma bombing

Cary James Gagan admits he delivered “explosives” material FROM the U.S. Government Agents, to the real Murrah building Bombers. Mr. Gagan has been in Prison now for over a decade on trumped up charges, though he had a letter of immunity from U.S. Attorneys Office In Denver, Colorado.

Cary Gagan vs. Colorado Attorney General Gale Norton

The Colorado UD Department of Justice and the State of Colorado who Obstruct Justice for the Bush-AIPAC-Illuminati Organized Crime Syndicate who helped frame Cary Gagan and this Whistleblower to silence both of us.

“Colorado is the most corrupt Judicial District in America” CIA Source

From Cradle to Cabal The Secret Life of Gale Norton The Denver Illuminati Zionist Connection

A True Blue Republican Party Apparatchik Also Rises

By Stew Webb and Al Martin

Gale Norton, the Bush designate for Secretary of Interior, was Attorney General of Colorado from 1991 to 1999. She was brought in after her predecessor Duane Woodard was forced to resign because of his involvement in illegal political contributions.

Incidentally Woodard through his involvement in a series of partnerships and corporations had borrowed over $70 million from the infamous Silverado Savings, which he never repaid. He was recommended for these loans by then Silverado Director Neil Bush.

At the same time, Robert Gallagher, the Arapahoe County District Attorney, was appointed to investigate MDC Holdings Corp., a publicly traded company on the American Stock Exchange, controlled by the infamous Republican cabalist Leonard Millman. After an SEC investigation, MDC plead guilty in 1991, paid a $1.5 million fine and was under SEC supervision for three years.

Then Judge Richard G. Matsch (of the Oklahoma City Bombing Case fame) was assigned to the MDC Holdings case. Denver US Attorney Mike Norton (no relation to Gale) was the prosecutor. Prior to his US Attorney appointment, Mike Norton ran for the Senate, and his campaign manager was the Chief Executive Officer of MDC Holdings, Larry Mizel. The Assistant US Attorneys in the case were Joseph Mackey and Greg Graff, whose brother, Robert Graff, was also an MDC Holdings Director.

Because of public and media pressure, the US Attorneys office indicted several of the vice presidents of MDC subsidiaries, including Richmond American Homes, one of the nation’s largest builders. They plead guilty.

At that point, Judge Matsch made a statement in open court that he was tired of the prosecution bringing in low level vice presidents before him and because of the serious evidence he expected the prosecutors to vigorously prosecute those who were at the top, David Mandarich and Larry Mizel, and that he would vigorously sentence those involved. Within days, his daughter was dead.

The bizarre circumstances involved her “falling” into a volcano on Hawaii during a trip there with her boyfriend. An inside source claims that the boyfriend was planted on her. He supposedly met her in a grocery store, wined and dined her and had been dating her for about a month from the time Judge Matsch was assigned to the case.

Then because of the death of his daughter, the MDC case was reassigned to the Chief Judge of the Tenth Federal Circuit Court, Judge Sherman Finesilver. Finesilver accepted a $1.5 million plea bargain from MDC and acquitted Mandarich while Judge Matsch was in mourning.

At that time, Robert Gallagher was appointed Special Assistant Attorney General by the Governor of Colorado to investigate the alleged political contributions of MDC Holdings. Colorado Attorney General Woodard was named one of the recipients of illegal campaign money and he resigned.

With Woodard gone and Gallagher’s investigation completed, Gale Norton, the new Attorney General, took the investigation report and doctored it, eliminating evidence of wrongdoing by MDC Holdings and its officials, especially Larry Mizel.

And how was Gale Norton paid off? She was allowed to hire six new attorneys for her staff to interface with Colorado state officials, congressmen and senators. Eyewitness reports have described only two attorneys on staff in the basement offices and the other four attorneys were never seen. Evidently the notorious M &L Business Machines, a subsidiary of MDC Holdings, had laundered the attorneys payroll checks for Gale Norton’s benefit.

In fact, M & L Business Machines president Robert Joseph testified before a US Federal Grand Jury that the payroll checks for Gale Norton’s phantom attorneys were indeed laundered through M& L Business Machines. Assistants to Gale Norton were further advised and evidence was turned over to them about their boss’s criminal activity and obstruction of justice.

Later when allegations of corruption concerning Silverado Savings and Loan and Denver International Airport appeared on an official report, Gale Norton again rewrote the report omitting any accounts of wrongdoing by her real bosses, Leonard Millman and the Denver Boys.

When Gale Norton left the Attorney General’s office, she was rewarded,given a partnership at the infamous Denver-based Brownstein Law Firm.

So here are some of the connections. Norman Brownstein was on the Board of Directors of MDC Holdings, parent company of Silverado S&L and Richmond Homes, as well as MDC’s corporate counsel.

Brownstein was also on the Board of Directors of Chubb Securities, the insurance company which paid for Bill Clinton’s impeachment defense, the Paula Jones lawsuit damages, and other legal expenses.

Brownstein was on the Board of Directors of AIMCO, one of the largest apartment landlords in the US, which were former properties stolen from HUD.

Other MDC Directors include illegal campaign money and narcotics money launderer Larry Mizel, Hud scamscateer Phil Winn, recently pardoned by Bill Clinton, as well as Clinton’s personal attorney, James M. Lyons, who was also involved with the Whitewater Development Fraud and illegal campaign money laundering related to Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign.

M&L Industries was controlled by MDC Holdings Group, which is Leonard Millman. Gale Norton then was given the lucrative partnership with the law firm of Norman Brownstein.

By the way, Brownstein, a former Bush-era CIA counsel, made his claim to fame in representing Republican-connected scamscateers and CIA-connected dopers in the past. Brownstein was also co-counsel for the defense of Jack Devoe. Devoe was the largest CIA-connected cocaine trafficker during Iran-Contra. Devoe received sentences totaling 117 years and spent 22 days in jail. Then he was allowed to leave the United States and take up residence in India, of all places. (For more details, see “The Conspirators”)

When the SEC asked Norton to investigate the Boulder Properties Limited Partnerships, she dragged her feet and again came up with a clean report. The assets of these limited partnerships was defaulted HUD property picked up by Leonard Millman, appraised for twice its value, and also formerly owned by Millman himself. The financing for it came from a loan from Silverado S&L personally approved by Neil Bush. Neil Bush then was put on the Board of General Partnership of the Boulder Properties Limited Series.

The intent of the Boulder Properties Limited Partnerships was to market them to potentially hostile Democrats in Congress for the purpose of compromise and control. Congressman William V. Alexander, Democrat of Arkansas, for example, purchased one of them through Jonathan Flake, an officer of the selling agents, Twin Cities Bank of North Little Rock, Arkansas, and a cohort and close business associate of Oliver North.

Alexander made the purchase for $3 million dollars. No money down. Just recourse notes. Then in 1992, he was approached by Flake and asked to stop his Alexander Commission’s Iran-Contra probe. Alexander refused. The notes were pulled and made full recourse. Since the partnership was not paying out any cash dividends anymore, Alexander had no choice but to declare bankruptcy. Congressman Alexander formally complained to Colorado Attorney General Gale Norton. Again Gale Norton undertook no action.

For the record, Gale Norton also used her authority as Attorney General to fight any increase in mining and mineral lease fees in the State of Colorado. which had not been raised since 1872. She was also involved in keeping prices down on grazing fees, since her patron Leonard Millman, a large landowner, was on the Colorado beef marketing board. She continued to serve Leonard Millman by allowing the sale of BLM property at below market value.

Millman’s companies, Richmond Homes and Red Hawk Homes, as well as Venrock and Phoenix-based Olympic Corp., were the beneficiaries of her fraud. As US Secretary of Interior, Gale Norton will be able to orchestrate the continuing cover-up pertaining to sales of BLM land at below market value. Before she’s confirmed, Gale Norton should probably be tested for drugs. Doreen Bishop, the infamous Denver political gadfly, involved in Woody Harrelson’s campaign to legalize marijuana, claims that she supplies Norton with high grade sinsemilla. According to an inside source, she grows very high quality marijuana on her property, which an eyewitness reports “look like trees.” She claims she sells the marijuana to all the politicians, including former Colorado Governor Romer, Gale Norton and “all the Denver crowd.” She said even Denver Mayor Wellington Webb’s wife came over and picked some up for him.

The eyewitness also said that “this is the only gal I know where the FBI goes out to her house, stares at her marijuana plants and says, ‘Wow, I didn’t know they grew this big.’”

Incidentally, Norman Brokaw, the head of William Morris talent agency, is Doreen Bishop’s uncle. Her cousin is Tom Brokaw of the NBC Nightly News.

Doreen Bishop also admitted that Oliver North was “taken care of” to the tune of $40 million. Of course, North, formally represented by William Morris, has claimed that any payments made by William Morris were for his book or for appearances.

Yeah, sure, Ollie…

It’s well known that Ms. Norton frequents a certain Denver drinking establishment which caters to a female clientele of a certain sexual persuasion. There is also a prominent Denver area woman involved in politics who has publicly revealed the nature of her relationship with Ms. Norton to a prominent political investigative journalist with the Rocky Mountain News. Since this column is devoted to serious political matters, perhaps it would be in the domain of the tabloid press to pursue these well-documented allegations.

The Old Conspiracy and Cover-up Crowd

The Wall Street Journal article, (“At Justice Department, a Conservative Takeover Looms” by David S. Cloud, Dec. 26, 2000) attempts to portray DoJ’s Public Integrity Division Chief Lee Radek as some sort of left wing lackey. I find this completely ludicrous. It should be noted that Lee Radek like many others in DoJ’s Public Integrity Section has come out of the CIA. And the CIA is not known for producing left wing lackeys.

The Public Integrity Section came into its own in the mid 1980s to give the appearance in the post Iran-Contra environment that the Government was cleaning up its act. Actually it was part of a DoJ Control Mechanism pursuant to an Iran-Contra Cover-up.

And what is a “Control Mechanism”? It suppresses information. It’s a mechanism which harasses and intimidates those who know too much. It’s a mechanism which is used to subvert Congress vis-a-vis congressional investigations. It’s mechanism to seek out and destroy documents.

The Public Integrity Section’s real purpose is to act as a unit within a much larger political liability control mechanism within the Department of Justice. The Public Integrity Section also acts to coordinate the management and suppression of information and the management of political liability with other federal agencies.

Lee Radek has been Chief of the Public Integrity Section for a very long time. He has acted with his confederates within the DoJ, namely Dave Margolis, then Chief of the Domestic Criminal Section and Mark Richards, then Chief of the International Criminal Section of the DoJ. These three men, operating under the auspices of Deputy Attorney General George Terwilliger, essentially managed the Iran-Contra Cover-up for the Department of Justice.

I have talked with Dave Margolis several times. The only thing he ever did was threaten me. He would say to me that if I revealed anything to congressional committees, or if I leaked any thing out into the press, that I would be subject to all sorts of unpleasant things. Everything was “national security” with these guys.

In February 1986, I was told by my counsel Michael Van Zampft that Attorney General Ed Meese and the Department of Justice had authorized me to invoke reasons of “national security” for refusing to answer questions during the grand jury testimony I would be giving on March 21, 1986. Consequently when I did invoke “national security” as a reason for my refusal to answer questions, the Department of Justice claimed publicly that I was not authorized to invoke such.

They left me flapping in the wind. This is the incident I write about in my book.

It all comes back to Radek. Miami was the key place that had to be controlled. It was where most of the liability vis-a-vis US Government involvement in Iran-Contra occurred. As I said at the time — which the Washington Post began using — “Washington was where the misdeeds were thought up and Miami was the place where the misdeeds were executed.”

Radek, Margolis and Richards were the three top control guys in the Department of Justice. They were nominally under George W. Terwilliger. Margolis had the function of liaising with the CIA pursuant to the Iran-Contra Cover-up. His contact in the CIA was then CLO (Congressional Liaison Officer) Thomas Rinehart. This position actually involves much power. This person at the CIA is the officer who ultimately clears all the requests for documents the congressional investigating committees make to the CIA. The CLO will often manage a pan-agency cover-up and will often be the CIA’s chief guy in liaising with all the other federal agencies, in this case, the Iran-Contra Cover-up.

During the Grand Jury testimony I was questioned by Miami Assistant US Attorney Scruggs who was accompanied by Miami FBI Special Agent Ross Gaffney, who was completely out of the loop. He wasn’t aware of the real story. I was prepared to plead guilty in order the protect the deniability of others. I then would have been compensated for any time I spent in prison.

Gaffney in concert with FBI CI-3 Anna Maria Mendoza, daughter of the famous Colonel Robert Mendoza of CIA black ops fame, investigated me during that time. She was under the impression that I was a Russian spy code named “Redbeard”. During that time I had sent Ross Gaffney a gift subscription to “Soviet Life” magazine — to his FBI office address. Sold in the West, “Soviet Life” was a propaganda magazine which portrayed life in the Soviet Union as an absolute paradise to live in.

Gaffney worked for the WC-1 (White Collar) crime division of the Miami FBI Field office. Mendoza, who came into my office once, actually tried to infiltrate my former wife’s jazzercise club to get information from her. My ex-wife, Maria Taghioff, had been formerly married to the renowned Iranian dissident Dr. Mohammed Taghioff, who organized pro-Khomeini cells within the Iranian army in the mid to late 1970s. The CIA thought he was working for them as a double agent, but in fact he wasn’t. He was leaking them false information, but the CIA got him out of Iran into the United States anyway. Then when the CIA found out that all the information he had been leaking out was false, they got together with the SAVAK. In 1979, they suckered him to go back to Iran by saying his mother was sick. He went. They were waiting for him at Teheran Airport and he was simply liquidated.

By the way, Special Agent Ross Gaffney was suspected of misstating his academic credentials on his employment application with the FBI.

However, under Rinehart’s control were two of the CIA’s most notorious henchmen, the infamous Lt. Col John Berglund and his equally sinister cohort Major Karl Wahl. I was the one who exposed these men. These men were dispatched by Rinehart after my in camera and ex parte testimony before Federal District Judge Eugene Spellman on Friday, March 21, 1986.

This incident is detailed in my book.

After I gave testimony, the Judge ordered the testimony sealed for ten days. On the eighth day, the Government suddenly and inexplicably dropped its request for the material to be unsealed. The reason why is that on the preceding Wednesday, two men in military uniform bearing insignias of the Judge Advocate General’s office showed up at the judge’s chambers. These men then talked to the judge’s secretary, Judy. As it turned out Judy also worked as a part time secretary for the CIA-controlled Dade County Latin American Chamber of Commerce, chaired by Jeb Bush.

Judy let these two guys into the judge’s chambers when the judge wasn’t there. She also had the combination to his personal safe where my testimony was kept. They took the transcript out of the judge’s safe. That’s why the Government suddenly dropped the request. They already had a copy of what I had said.

These two men were under the impression that the judge’s secretary was sympathetic, since she worked for Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush told her to let these two guys in. She later admitted this in an affidavit submitted to the renowned Iran-Contra private investigator Steve Dinerstein, then under my employ. She knew what day they were coming. She was playing both sides of the street. She was paid by Dinerstein to help us on the day these two guys in military uniform were coming. She didn’t even know their real names.

On that day Dinerstein arranged one of his guys, a former Hollywood Police Department officer in the intelligence unit, who worked on the fourth floor of the Justice Building, to take pictures of them with a miniature camera. He was there under the guise of being a maintenance guy. He had a broom and a pail of water.

Later I exposed these two in the Washington Post as henchmen for the CIA. They would appear in various places in Miami bearing credentials of the Secret Service, or the FBi, or BATF. They would also attempt to intimidate attorneys representing Iran-Contra whistle-blowers, including my attorney.

Radek was the guy at the Department of Justice who acted to screen and quantify Iran-Contra whistleblowers. It was his job to identify people like me and find out exactly what we knew and then to recommend a course of action vis-a-vis control.

Radek reported to Terwilliger and Terwilliger reported to Clair George, the Deputy Director of the CIA. He didn’t report directly to Ed Meese to maintain his deniability.

This is the direct deep connection that the Deputy Attorney General represented with the CIA. This has been going on for a long time. It’s the standard operating procedure of those charged with the responsibility to maintain cover ups and their interconnections when the Department of Justice has launched a cover-up of government wrongdoing. Then Attorney General Ed Meese was aware of these things, but he professed to be out of the loop.

This is the operational frame work for the internal control mechanism of the Iran-Contra cover-up, the largest cover-up ever instituted by the US Government.

Also, Rinehart would try to get whistleblowers to spy on various congressional investigative committees by promising people like me that the CIA would help us and that our grievances would be addressed, if we helped them.

Those in my position didn’t believe that story for one minute. Every conversation I ever had with Rinehart I tape recorded. I then sent the tape to the chief investigators of the various Committee Chairmen — Henry Gonzalez, Jack Brooks, Charlie Rose — and they then leaked the tapes to the Washington Post. Rinehart was actually attempting to recruit people to suborn Congressional committees, and that ended Rinehart’s career.

After this revelation Rinehart was transferred to “unspecified classified foreign duties” and he could not be contacted through the Agency. This is how the CIA gets rid of people because it gets them out of the way of any Congressional subpoenas and it also prevents any media access to them. His replacement was Dan Moskowitz who was one of the CIA’s specially trained clean-up people.

I will take credit though for helping to end Rinehart’s career.

Below the level of Radek, Margolis and Richards, there was a control mechanism that filtered down to the local US Attorneys’ offices. This existed everywhere Iran-Contra activity occurred — Washington, Atlanta, Miami, New Orleans, Little Rock, etc. How it works is that in every US Attorneys office, there is always one AUSA (Assistant US Attorney) who has a significantly higher security clearance than the US Attorney himself.

The control man in the Miami US Attorneys Office was none other than Assistant US Attorney William Richard Scruggs, who reported directly to Chief of Domestic Criminal Section, Dave Margolis.

There’s actually an official title, Cover-up Operations Field Manager. You will see in the “pink cable” traffic — restricted cable traffic between the US Attorneys offices and the Department in Washington, a coded designation for the guy managing the cover-up within the local district.

Scruggs was one of the 1,100 Reagan-Bush holdovers brought into the Clinton Administration specifically for that reason. They are the C&C Crowd, the Conspiracy and Cover-up Crowd. They control conspiracies and their ensuing cover-ups. These are the ones who are held over from administration to administration.

Scruggs was one of the “Miami Boys” that Reno brought with her to Washington . He rose to the rank of National Security Advisor to Attorney General Janet Reno, while at the same time being under indictment for kidnapping in Costa Rica.

Radek, Margolis, Richards and Scruggs were all involved in the so-called Reagan-Bush kidnapping policies that started in 1986 and were extant until 1991. It involved kidnapping both US and foreign citizens on foreign soil. After the US Supreme Court in its 1986 landmark decision gave the administration the right to use “extralegal” procedures to bring foreign fugitives before American courts. There were 21 in all who were kidnapped, mostly those who were under indictment for cocaine trafficking in the United States. The commonality is that all of these cocaine traffickers were controlled by the CIA. In their own defense, they had all begun to leak out information to Congress and the media about their connections to the CIA. That’s why they were targeted for kidnapping.

It all fell apart when they tried to kidnap a cocaine trafficker named Israel Abel form Costa Rica in 1991. And how did it fall apart? Someone tipped off the Costa Rican government — when, where, and who the people were.

Gee, I wonder who that could have been!

Scruggs was actually stupid enough to go along himself and the Costa Rican government nabbed him. He got indicted for violating Costa Rican national sovereignty and other felonies. The US Government exerted pressure against President Oscar Arias Sanchez to return Scruggs and so he got returned.

Then the Costa Rican Attorney General’s Office proffered a bill of indictment with the US State Department seeking the extradition from the United States of William Richard Scruggs to stand charges in a Costa Rican Court of Law pursuant to these crimes.

A friend of mine in Costa Rica would send Scruggs a postcard from San Jose. It was a picture of the Costa Rican national penitentiary. And on the back of the card, he’d write, “Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here.”

Scruggs is still being sought by the Costa Rican authorities.


“Ah…America… Home of the naive. Land of the provincial…Thank God!”

– Pronouncement from a well-lubricated Senator Bob Dole at the 1985 Reagan Re-inauguration Dinner held at the Watergate Plaza.

“Long live the Military Industrial Complex!”

– Pronouncement from notorious Iran-Contra figure Major General Richard V. Secord after draining a quart of Old Bushmills whiskey charged to the account of Southern Air Transport at the Oak Room Bar at the Miami Intercontinental Hotel in the summer of 1985.

Stew Webb Whistleblower IRS Filing against MDC Holding, Inc. September 1990

                                    IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT


U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch


Original File Date Feb. 27, 1995

Re-Filed This Date: July 1, 2003 By Fed Ex

Stamped & Recorded By The Clerk of The Court July 2, 2003

303-335-2714 U.S. District Court Clerk

Re-Filed By Fax August 4, 2004

Pages 1-21

Stewart A. Webb,

And in behalf of

Amanda Melia Webb (Amanda Millman)

Plaintiff’s Daughter,

And in behalf of

The People Of The United States of America

And The United States Of America

P.O. Box

Independence, Missouri 64055




Kerre Sue Millman (aka Kerre Webb) attempted murderer of her-infant daughter re: mental disturbance warrant-case number 84-2107-MI State of Texas vs. Kerre Sue Webb (Millman) for attempted murder upon her infant daughter Amanda Melia Webb age-28 days old, Aug 10, 1984, co-conspirator-recipient of illegal monies from Leonard Millman/Narcotics Money Launderer Bush Crime Family

Leonard Yale Millman (Co-Conspirator Bush Crime Family Money Launder/Kingpin/Scamster/Terrorist “The Denver Connection”) Organized Crime Figure, Conspired to murder, Plaintiff Stewart Webb, Owner & controller MDC Holdings, Inc. Obstruction of Justice, Securities Frauds, Loan Frauds, Loan reinsurance frauds, Real Estate Loan Frauds, conspired to cause economic plunder,(Death Penalty). Conspired, manufactured Illegal Biological Chemical agents and sold to foreign enemies of The United States of America, aka Iraqgate-BNL Bank-Gulf War Syndrome. Violations of The Barkley Cole Indenture Act, Treason.

Elaine Ruth Millman (Co-Conspirator, wife, and partner to Organized Crime Figure Leonard Millman, Securities Frauds, Loan Frauds, Loan reinsurance frauds, Real Estate Loan Frauds, Obstruction of Justice.)

George W. Bush (Co-Conspirator of Murderer, Appointed President of The United States of America, (not legally elected) Acting as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces of The United States of America, Obstruction of Justice, Mass Murderer, Involvement in Aid & Abet, Enabled & Co-conspired to allow massive Financial Fraud, and misconduct with prior knowledge to allow injury to such investors at who had no knowledge of the events to transpire. Obstruction of Justice. Aid & Abet, Enable to cause the deaths of Federal Agents/Civilians/Military—-Murder..)

George Herbert Walker Bush (Co-Conspirator Ex CIA Director/Former US President, Co-conspirator to Terrorist event know as 9-11 Sept. 11, 2001, Co-conspirator to Terrorist Bombing of The Oklahoma City Federal Building April 19, 1995, Obstruction of Justice.) Conspired, manufactured Illegal Biological Chemical agents and sold to foreign enemies of The United States of America, aka Iraqgate-BNL Bank-Gulf War Syndrome. Violations of The Barkley Cole Indenture Act, Treason.

Neil Bush (Co-Conspirator Former Director Silverado Savings & Loan, Narcotics trafficking, Securities Frauds, Obstruction of Justice)

Jeb Bush (Co-Conspirator Governor Florida, Narcotics trafficking, Obstruction of Justice)

Marvin Bush (Co-conspirator 9-11, Sept. 11, 2001 Houston Causality Insurance Company)

James Baker (Co-conspirator to terrorist event know as 9-11 Sept. 11, 2001. Houston Causality Insurance Company)

Carl Lindner (Co-Conspirator Bush Crime Family Money Launderer/Kingpin/Scamster “The Ohio Connection”)

Gale Norton (Co-Conspirator US Secretary Of Interior/ Former Attorney General Colorado, Obstruction of Justice )

Phillip D. Winn (Co Conspirator Convicted HUD Figure/Former Swiss Ambassador/ Illegal Pres. Pardon, MDC Director, Obstruction of Justice)

Larry A. Mizel (Co Conspirator CEO MDC Holdings, Inc. Parent Co. of Silverado/Imperial Savings, Securities Fraud, Narcotics Money Laundering, Narcotics trafficking, Pension Funds Frauds)

Norman Phillip Brownstein (Co-Conspirator Council to CIA Director George Bush Current Bush Crime Family Attorney, Former MDC Director, Obstruction of Justice.)

Oliver North (Co-Conspirator Narcotics Trafficker, Iran/Contra Player, murderer.)

Hillary Clinton (Co-Conspirator CIA Counsel US Senator NY., Narcotics Money Laundering to M&L Business Machines Company Denver Colorado, Obstruction of Justice, Blackmail of US Congressman & Senators.)

William Jefferson Clinton (Co-Conspirator CIA Agent/Former US President, Narcotics trafficking into The United States of America, Iran/Contra, Obstruction of Justice)

Charles Keating (Co-Conspirator CEO Lincoln Savings/CIA Operative, Money Laundering to MDC Holdings and BCCI)

Federico Pena (Co-Conspirator Former Mayor Denver, Co., Former Secretary Transportation/ Resigned Sec Energy while under indictment, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Wellington Webb (Co-Conspirator Bond Fraud Denver International Airport Mayor Denver, Colorado)

Meyer Blinder (Co- Conspirator CEO Blinder/Robinson/National Brokerage Group of Companies, an MDC Subsidiary company)

Linda Thomas (Co-Conspirator Divorce Judge Dallas, TX. Obstruction of Justice, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice.)

Brian Campbell (Co-conspirator Divorce Judge Denver Colorado, Ongoing Obstruction of Justice, Permanent Restraint order against Stewart Webb & Amanda Webb-Amanda Millman now of legal age.)

Zita L. Weinshenk (Co-Conspirator US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Edward Nottingham (Co-Conspirator US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice)

Sherman Finesilver (Co-Conspirator Retired US Federal Judge Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Henry Solano (Co-Conspirator Former US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice Co-conspirator attempted murder.)

Michael J. Norton (Co-Conspirator Former US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice, recipient of bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Greg C. Graff (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Brother Robert Graff MDC Director.)

Thomas O’Rourke (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)

F. Joseph Mackey (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Attorney, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)

Charles Szekely (Co-Conspirator Assistant US Public Defender, Denver, Obstruction of Justice)

Charles Sandage (Co-Conspirator, Obstruction of Justice)

Lee Redneick (Co-Conspirator Inspector General US Department of Justice Public Integrity Section Washington. DC., Obstruction of Justice) (Note: “http://www.almartinraw.com/” & “http://www.stewwebb.com/” )

David Mann (Assistant Inspector General US Department of Justice Washington DC., Obstruction of Justice, recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

Robert Pence (Co-Conspirator Former FBI/sac Denver, Obstruction of Justice, Recipient of Bribes to Obstruct Justice)

James M. Lyons (Co-Conspirator Director MDC, Key Player Whitewater Development Frauds.)

Allan Karsh (Co-Conspirator Denver Kingpin Leonard Millman’s Brother-in-law)

Ted L. Gunderson (Ex FBI/CIA, Murderer, Scamster, Supplied Bin Laudin with Stinger Missiles Stole From US Military Arsenal-China Lake/FBI/CIA/Iran Contra Player, Perjury, Obstruction of Justice. Currently Stalking and committing criminal harassment of Plaintiff and Plaintiffs witnesses. Perjured testimony to extort plaintiff. Perjured testimony to Jail plantiff Stewart Webb, Charges later dismissed with prejudice, Scamster, Fraudster, ongoing criminal activity,Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses )

Thomas Gaule (Co-Conspirator Convicted Killer, Las Vegas NV. Mental Case/Sidekick-Co-Conspirator to CIA Ted Gunderson, Obstruction of Justice, Extortion, Perjured testimony to extort Plaintiff, Perjured testimony to Jail plantiff Stewart Webb, Charges later dismissed with prejudice,)

Anna May Newman (Co-Conspirator Former employee for CIA Agent Clint Murchison side-kick-to CIA Ted Gunderson, perjury to Obstruct Justice.)

TIM WHITE (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson/Leonard Millman Predicate Felon Cross-dresser, Child porno collector, making Death Threats against plaintiff and plaintiff witnesses, stolen weapon, Criminal harassment, Perjured testimony to Obstruct Justice, acting as an informer to the FBI-Denver Police. Plotting to extort Plaintiff, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

BRENDA NEGRI (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson, making death threats, criminal harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

LARRY LAWSON (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

SHIRLEY ANDERSON (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted L. Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

DOUG MILLAR (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson, violations of copyright laws, criminal harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

SHERRY SHRINER (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Charles Bruce Stewart (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Ken Adachi (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Dennis BossackCo-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Ann Bossack (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Rosalee Grable (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Nate Dapier (Co-conspirator Stalker for CIA-Ted Gunderson Criminal Harassment, Criminal Slander, Criminal Defamation of Character, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses)

Tom Fisher (Co-conspirator Denver Police Department, Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses with Tim White)

Louis Swent (Co-conspirator Arapaho County Sheriff Dept., Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses with Tim White)

FBI Mark Hostlaw (Co-conspirator FBI Div. 5 anti-terrorist division, Obstruction of Justice, Stalking of Plaintiff & plaintiffs witnesses, with Tim White)

Las Vegas Police Department (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Las Vegas District Attorneys Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Las Vegas FBI Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Las Vegas US Attorneys Office (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Nevada Attorney General’s Office (Unnamed co-conspirator)

Kansas City, Missouri Police Department. (Unnamed co-conspirators)

Additional Yet Unnamed Defendants 1-5000

and Co-Conspirators




NOW COMES, Plaintiff, Stewart Webb, pro se, and files this Motion to Reopen and in support therefore, would respectfully show the court the following:

I. Motion to reopen, provides that when it clearly appears to be necessary to the due administration of justice, the court may permit additional evidence to be offered at any time; provided that in a jury case no evidence on a controversial matter shall be received after the verdict of the jury.


In order for justice to be served in this case, Plaintiffs, should be allowed to reopen and submit additional evidence, decisive to this matter, to the trier of fact for the following reasons: See: this entire filing,

That a attempted murder of Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb occurred in Sept.

1995 shortly after the Plaintiff and witness Lt. Commander Al Martin

Retired Office of Naval Intelligence, gave testimony by telephone to

the Denver U.S. Attorney Henry Solano. The plaintiff took ill for more than

4 years due to a biological chemical attack, and false arrest

and that the Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb’s witness, Al Martin was falsely arrested and held for 42days under a fictions name. We booth felt at the time to stay alive we had to back off the pushing for a Federal Grand Jury.


PETITIONER seeks to offer the following additional evidence and evidence never presented, due to attempted murder of Plaintiff, and jailment of witness, Al Martin of Iran Contra Key Witness. See:“http://www.almartinraw.com/” .


PETITIONER was diligent in obtaining the above referenced evidence.


Presentation of this additional evidence will not cause undue delay in this case. Furthermore, presentation will not cause an injustice in this case.

WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED Plaintiffs, prays the court grants the Motion to Reopen and allows PETITIONER to present original and additional evidence and to further grant any other such relief available in law or in equity.

Respectfully submitted

By:Stewart A. Webb Pro se Petitioner & Plaintiffs,

“mailto: stewwebb@stewwebb.com”

P.O. Box 1673 Independence, Missouri 64055


The above and foregoing Petitioner’s Motion to Reopen is set for hearing on at , in the District Court Denver Colorado, on



This Filing Serves as an Affidavit from Plaintiff, reason to Grant Motion to reopen and to proceed with this Motion To Appear Before A Federal Grand Jury. Addition information is enclosed in this filing of High Crimes involving Murder, Treason, Violations of the Barkley Cole Indenture Act. Criminal Stalking and Harassment, death threats of Whistleblowers, informants, including

Plaintiff by some of the stated defendants in this filing.

Plaintiff has learned through US Intelligence sources that an ongoing plot by George W. Bush to Murder Whistleblowers, Former Intelligence Officers/Federal Agents, Informants and any one who holds evidence of His or His Fathers George H. W. Bush’s past and current illegal misdeeds against The United States of America, which includes Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb.

George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush are further plotting to cause terrorist acts inside The United States of America to further their facade, to further their World wide dominance and Illegal aggression against other Countries for Oil, and control of those countries natural resources.

Further evidence indicates Treason against America,

Therefore this is reason for and to convey an immediate Grand Jury to hear these allegations, and the testimony of key witnesses.



COMES NOW, the Plaintiff, Stewart A. Webb, pro se, and moves the District Court to enter orders directing the Federal Grand Jurors to hear allegations and testimony of the Plaintiff and others, (in secret) concerning the above named and Yet unnamed Defendants and their participation in a Continuous Criminal Enterprises, Racketeering Influence Corruption Organization (RICO), Obstruction of Justice, (under color and cover of law) Narcotics trafficking into the United States of America, Racketeering and Conspiracy to defraud the People of the United States of America.

(The West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals holds that a prosecutor may not prevent a citizen from presenting a complaint to the Grand Jury. “To fulfill its function of protecting individual citizens and providing them with a forum for bringing complaints within the criminal justice system, the Grand Jury must be open to the public for the independent presentation of evidence before it. If the Grand Jury is available only to the prosecuting attorney and all complaints must pass through him, the Grand Jury can justifiably be described as a prosecutorial tool…We therefore hold that, by application to the Circuit Judge, whose duty it is to insure access to the Grand Jury, any person may to the Grand Jury to present a complaint to it.”

Furthermore, the Court continues, a prosecutor may not render unsworn testimony in an attempt to dissuade the Grand Jury from hearing the Citizen’s evidence. Finally, a writ of prohibition will lie to prevent a prosecutor from attempting to discourage the Grand Jury from hearing the complaint. (Miller v. Smith; W Va Sup Ct App, 12/18/81).

If a U.S./District Attorney fails/refuses to sign and execute a valid Grand Jury Indictment, the Grand Jury can hold that U.S./District Attorney in Contempt and order the Sheriff or Marshals to arrest and hold him in jail until he either signs and executes the Indictment or else resigns his job as U.S./District Attorney (Public Servant). This is the absolute power of the Grand Jury, and the Sheriff/Marshal, as executor of the Grand Jury’s will.


Plaintiff, along with others (numerous witnesses) unnamed at this time, have documentation and evidence from “first person” observation that will show above named Defendants and unnamed Defendants and others have engaged in Continuous Criminal activity for an unspecified period of time and have defrauded the united State of People and the Government of the united State and of several States by actions which are codified in the United States Code as criminal in nature and that have duly been passed by the Congress as Criminal Activity.

Plaintiff requests that a US Federal Citizens Grand Jury be convened at the earliest practical time so that this testimony and presentation of evidence may be offered.

Plaintiff, having been related through marriage to Leonard Yale Millman and Elaine Ruth Millman, has observed specific criminal activity with respect to the business operations and affiliations of Leonard Yale Millman (an organized crime figure) and his direct and indirect participation with other Co-Conspirators and Co-Defendants named and unnamed in the captioned case and demands the opportunity to testify to a Federal Grand Jury relating to these Crimes.

Plaintiff is well apprised of making false statements to a government agency under 18 USC 35, 1001, 2071 and others and demands to bring forth evidence under oath or affirmation as to the substance of these allegations.

Plaintiff wishes to notice the Court and that it would be a MISPRISION OF FELONY under 18 USC 4 to fail to disclose felonious acts that have been witnessed by or that have come to the attention of the Plaintiff. Plaintiff and others are also aware that Treason and Sedition against the United States of America and its People have been committed by the above named and unnamed defendants and Co-Conspirators.


Plaintiff wishes to bring forth evidence to the Federal Grand Jury concerning crimes, which have been committed against the United States of America and its People. Plaintiff will show through evidence and testimony that various felonious acts including Perjury to arrest Plaintiff,

Theft through Government Contract Fraud, HUD Fraud, FDIC Fraud, Attempted Murder of Plaintiff, Attempted Murder of Plaintiffs Daughter, Murder, Intimidation, False Imprisonment to Silence A Federal Whistleblower/Informant, Perjury,

Malious Prosecution of Plaintiff, High Treason, Obstruction of Justice, Bribes paid to obstruct justice, Narcotics Trafficking, Money Laundering, Real Estate Loan Fraud, Securities Fraud, Oil and Gas Fraud, Savings and Loan Fraud,

Blackmail of US Congressman and Senators and other public officials, extortion,

Attempted murder, murder and the cover up there of, intimidation of witness, false arrests and imprisonment of plaintiff and witness, have been committed by Defendants, both named and unnamed

Under the Federal Criminal Statues embodied in Several Titles of United States Code Both Civil and Criminal as follows:

In Violations of the following named and unnamed Laws and US Codes:

Please Note: Venue Quo Warranto Government Official refuses to do their jobs.

I am note educated in law and am pro se litigant there are numerous other violations that can be presented upon testimony).

Numerous Violations of Due Process of Law.

Plaintiffs federal claim arises pursuant to the Federal Whistleblowers Act/Judicial act 31 USC 3729 through 3732.

And the following:

Quo Warranto (Public Servants refuse to do their job)

Money Laundering Control Act

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdictional Act

28 USC 1391

Bank Secrecy Act

Titles:18 USC 1503 Intimidate a Witness,

18 USC 1510 Obstructing a Criminal Investigation,

18 USC 1512 Tampering with a witness, Victim or Informant,

18 USC 1512 Engaging in Misleading Conduct

18 USC 1512 (a) (l) (c) Criminalizing the Act of Preventing Communications to Authorities when the Communications relate to the possible commission of Federal Offenses

18 USC 1513 Retaliation against a witness, victim or an informant

18 USC 4 Federal Reporting Crime Act (whoever having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the united States, conceals and does not, as soon as possible, make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the united States shall be fined not more than $500.00 or imprisoned not more than three years or both).

28 USC 1331 Violations of the Barkley Cole Indenture Act.

28 USC 1343

28 USC 1443

42 USC 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987 Civil Rights and Whistleblower case laws.

18 USC 1001 Perjury and false complaints

18 USC 371 Defraud the United States

18 USC 1002, 1003, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1016.

(6 of 8)

18 USC 1927 Through 18 USC 1967 (RICO) Racketeering, Influence, Corruption, Organization Act

18 USC 1960, 1901, 1905, 1911, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964 (RICO)

Civil RICO

Continuous Criminal Enterprise Act (CCE)

18 USC 241 Conspiracy

18 USC 242 Conspiracy

31 USC 3729 False Claims Act

22 USC 445 (Treason) Neutrality Act of 1939

22 USC 447 Neutrality Act of 1939

18 USC 1505

18 USC 1514

18 USC 1515

18 USC 1701

18 USC 1702

18 USC 1708

18 USC 1909

18 USC 2071

18 USC 35 Imparting or conveying false information.

18 USC 494, 513, 641, 648, 656, 657, 658, 664.

18 USC 921, 926, (a) 929, 969, 982.

18 USC 1163, 1344, 1345.


18 USC 2382 Misprision of Treason

18 USC 2383 Rebellion or Insurrection

18 USC 2384 Seditious Conspiracy

18 USC 3130—-3730 Money Laundering

18 USC 1968 Civil Investigative Demand

18 USC 2521

18 USC 1621, 1622, 1623.

18 USC 1113

18 USC 875 (c) Death threats against Plaintiff beginning in 1984. And others.

18 USC 1117 Conspiracy to Murder Plaintiff.

18 USC 1952 (a), 1952 (b), (4) (3) (6)

18 USC 2251, 2252, 2253, 2254.

18 USC 3109

18 USC 2421, 2422, 2423.

18 USC 3057, 3059, 3060, 3071, 3076, 3077.

18 USC 1503

28 USC 1331, 1332,

28 USC 1391

18 USC 1983—-1985

18 USC 2381, 2382, 2383, 2384.

Therefore, premises considered, this action is properly grounded in both jurisdiction and venue under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (F.R.Cr.P.)

WHEREFORE, premises considered and good cause having been shown that these allegations are in the public’s interest, Plaintiff moves the Court to grant the convening of a Grand Jury at a specified time and place as the Court deemed proper so that Plaintiff and others may bring forth evidence to demonstrate that violations of the Laws of the united States of America have been violated and that Defendants are currently

Engaged in an Ongoing Continuous Enterprise and the Plaintiff and others lives are in danger of this filing.


Amended complaint and partial relief requested and damages awarded without risking the lives of the Plaintiff’s witness:

The Plaintiff is a pro se litigant , representing not only himself, but also the plaintiff’s daughter Amanda M. Webb (Amanda Millman) The United States of America.

The Plaintiff is trying to protect witness and if the plaintiff sounds veigh in his complaint it is not to deceive the Court but to Protect Those Witnesses who desire and deserve to live and testify in secret before a US Federal Grand Jury, to the enormous fraud perpetuated against the People of The United States and The United States Government. HUD fraud, Saving &Loan and Bank fraud, Bond fraud, Securities fraud, Oil & Gas fraud, Real Estate fraud, and numerous other frauds. And to further stop Narcotics trafficking and the money laundering thereof, within the borders of the United Sates of America, by some named and unnamed Defendants. Both working under color of law and not. THIS IS AN ON GOING CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, RACKETEERING AND INFLUENCE, CORRUPT ORGANIZATION (RICO), WITH CURRENT GOVERNMENT & EX-GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS INVOLVED, (AN ILLEGAL SHADOW GOVERNMENT WITHIN THE GOVERNMENT. WHAT HAS BECOME KNOWN AS THE BUSH CRIME FAMILY/IRAN CONTRA ALIVE AND ONGOING. Since the Plaintiff invokes additional jurisdiction under the False Claims Act representing the Government of the United States of America, the Plaintiff intends on recovering and seizing enormous amount of assets stolen from the United States Government. Pursuant to False Claims Act the Plaintiffs are invoking jurisdiction, criminal and civil with Stewart A. Webb and minor Daughter Amanda Melia Webb invoking the claim of one third of any and all recoveries made in behalf of the False Claims Act Jurisdiction. And since this Ongoing Continuous Criminal Enterprise and some of the Defendants named and unnamed. Have engaged in intentional harm against the Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb and Amanda M. Webb, some under color of law, as well as personal using governmental officials, some with intent, others blackmailed, or bribed to conspire to Defraud the People Of The United States of America and the United States Government. The Plaintiff will state the basis of the complaint below:


Further Jurisdiction is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1343(a)(3) and 42 U.S.C. 1983-1985.

Further Jurisdiction in invoked pursuant to Plaintiffs Filing September 18, 2001 Pages 1-8,

False Claims Act



COMES NOW PLAINTIFF’S, Stewart A. Webb, Pro se, and in behalf of his minor daughter Amanda Melia Webb, The People of The United States of America, and The United States Government, and herein upon information and belief complains and alleges as follows:

Plaintiff was married to Defendant Kerre Sue Millman, from September 19 1981 to August 11, 1984. Amanda Melia. Webb born July 14, 1984, was taken illegally from the Plaintiff, after Defendant Kerre S. Millman “tried to kill” her infant daughter. A mental disturbance warrant number 84-2107-MI, State of Texas vs. Kerre Sue Webb (Millman), August 12, 1984, Dallas, Texas. Was issued for her trying to kill (our) infant daughter, Amanda Melia Webb, on August 10, 1984. Divorce proceedings were begun illegally by Kerre S. Webb (Millman) on August 14, 1984, against Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb. This is when the Racketeering Activity under Title 18 USC 1961, 42 USC 1983-1985, 28 USC 1343, and other violations of statues began, including Uniform Child Custody Act Violations. This illegal activity by Defendants Kerre S. Webb (Millman), Leonard Y. Millman, Elaine R. Millman to obstruct justice, to cover up attempted murder, began by the defendants against the Plaintiffs Stewart A. Webb and Amanda M. Webb the Plaintiffs infant daughter.

The Plaintiffs will show that because of satanic abuse upon Defendant Kerre S. Millman as a child by her parents, Defendants Leonard Y. Millman (a now known Knights/Templar Satanist) and Elaine Ruth Millman, that Kerre S. Millman was adversely affected to the extent that a pattern of abnormal behavior she learned as a child began to manifest itself, even before (our) daughter Amanda M. Webb was born, to extreme levels and acts that were an occasional endangerment to the lives and well-being of both Plaintiffs.

Plaintiffs have been deprived of the Natural Yahweh (GOD) given right to have a Father-Daughter relationship for over 17 years, because “Due Process Of Law” was violated, Willful Obstruction Of Justice occurred. Because of intentional, wanton, and willful interference and racketeering against Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb as a direct result of Leonard Millman’s political influence and ties to Justice Department personnel (Bush Crime Family), some of whom have taken sign cant amounts of cash from Leonard Millman as bribes and payoffs, and are in Government positions for the primary purpose of protecting Leonard Millman and his ilk from prosecution, and additionally, for the furtherance of their Criminal Activity, also involving some Government Officials who are directly involved in covering-up Leonard Millman’s illegal,


Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb (Stew Webb) will show that since August 1984 a Continuous Activity of Racketeering against the Plaintiffs, Amanda Melia Webb and Stewart A. Webb.

Using Government Personnel and others to silence the Plaintiff, from exposing the Criminal Activity of Defendant Leonard Yale Millman has been conducted (and Continues) so as to deprive Plaintiffs of their Family Rights inherent in the Laws of the Land (Uniform Child Jurisdiction Act), and as protected by the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America.


Plaintiff went to the FBI office in Kansas City, Missouri (in June 1986) with information that Defendant Leonard Millman was involved in various illegal activities: ever since, Plaintiff has been subjected to a series of false arrests and imprisonment, in a pattern which Plaintiff subsequently learned is a governmental technique developed and used by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States (Shadow Government-with in Government-Ongoing Criminal Enterprise-RICO-Bush Crime Family. George Herbert Walker Bush’s, Rough, out of control/Organized Crime Syndicate, to discredit Whistle-blowers-Informants or other witnesses who claim to have information that is adverse to the Select Few, The Tiffany-Lamp-Knights-Templars, of Governmental elitists who deemed themselves to be above the Laws of the United States Of America. The Illegal CIA-Shadow-developed discrediting techniques fit into three categories, as learned from insiders or shadow government players, as some call themselves, and experienced by Plaintiff.

The Bush Crime Family groupings are:

Package A: Intimidation, Extortion, Destruction of Property, Bribes, Pay-offs.

Package B: False Arrests and Imprisonment in some cases-then bribed-discredited-killed.

Package C: The Grave Yard, Your library card expires, you have gained too much knowledge of their crimes against the American People and Frauds against the United States of America, and you get killed, terminated with prejudice. For speaking the truth.

Plaintiff will show he has been subjected to elements of each of the three “packages”, including attempts on his life, while in Federal Custody and other custody. Further will show that he has been a target of Racketeering and Corrupt over the past 17 years, in Violation of numerous Federal, State and County/Local Laws. Plaintiff will also show the complicity of Defendants Leonard Millman and Elaine Millman, with others, named and yet unnamed co-conspirators. Including Governmental Officials, have been engaged in A Pattern of Continuous Criminal Activities, continuously against not only Plaintiffs Stewart A. Webb and Amanda M. Webb,

But against the United States of America in Violation of Numours Laws of the Land, and Federal Codes as stated in Plaintiffs filing September 18, 2001.



Count 1: I believe that I am entitled to the following relief: Stop RICO against Plaintiffs, Stewart A. Webb and Amanda M. Webb, and Allow Court Order to lift illegal permanent restraining order, further to be compensated and awarded Damages under numerous violations of Federal Laws 28 USC 1343(a)(3) and 42 USC 1983-, And be Awarded Damages which are allowed by Law. Plaintiff further asks the court to award Damages and be compensated for numerous Violations of Federal, State and County Laws-relating to the false arrests and imprisonment, harassesment, packages A, B, attempted C, as described in History of case affecting background.

TYPES OF RELIEF Allowed Under Federal Laws and herein the Plaintiff is asking for are as follows, Annoyance, Anxiety, Compensatory, Declaratory, Exemplary Damages, Harassment, Injunctive, Mental Anguish, Monetary, Nominal Damages, Punitive Damages, Slander and Emotional Distress, as stated and not yet stated in this complaint do to secret Grand Jury Request.

Totaling: One Billion Dollars from Named and unnamed co-conspirators.

Count 2: As stated in filing of September 18, 2001 Plaintiffs request to appear before a Federal Grand Jury, invoking the Laws stated and others to protected witnesses with first hand knowledge,

And others 1-1000, under Criminal and Civil Laws Stated in Plaintiff’s filing.

Count 3: Invoking False Claims Act-Defrauding the Department of Housing and Urban Development of 500,000 apartment-condo-retirement-units, Currently under the Umbrella REIT known as “AIMCO” a reit run by Norman Brownstein and Terry Considine out of The Denver Connection with Leonard Millman Kingpin of the Denver Connection to the Bush Crime Family,

Possible estimated value of the units exceeds 500 Billion Dollars, defrauded and stolen from the United States Government.

Further invoking under False Claims Act the Plaintiffs Stewart A. Webb and Amanda M. Webb’s rights to one third of recovery to The United States of America.

Count 4 Defrauding the People of The United States Of America out of over 500 Billion through numerous other frauds against the United Sates Government and the American People. And invoking recover under False Claims, Criminal and Civil as stated in count 3.

Count 5 Grand Jury Investigative Demands, OF Defendants involved in murder, insider trading, narcotics trafficking, Narcotics Money Laundering, Government Contract Frauds, Treason Against The United States of America-in violations of The Barkley Cole Indenture Act.

Count 6 The Plaintiff can and will show that The above named Defendants have stolen over 



Count 8 Plaintiff will further show additional undisclosed Criminal Activity (RICO-CCE) of Defendants named and unnamed.



18 U.S.C. 1514,

Sec. 1514. – Civil action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness


18-6-803.5 C.R.S.


Please Note: previous filing Feb. 2, 1995 and the recusal of certain Judges for Obstruction of Justice regarding Bribes and Payoff to Obstruct Justice, pertaining to Defendants. (See original filing pages 1-7 by Plaintiff Stewart A. Webb)

I understand that a false statement or answer to any question in this complaint will subject me to penalties of perjury. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the forgoing is true and correct See 28 USC 1746 and 18 USC 1621.


Respectfully submitted


Stewart A. Webb Page 21 of 21

Robert Joseph who ran M&L Business Machines Company where U.S. Attorney Michael J. Norton’s laundered Bribes $1.5 Million Dollars Paid by America’s Jewish head Mob Don Leonard Millman and AIPAC Director Larry Mizel.

MICHAEL J. NORTON Former Denver U.S. Attorney


Michael J. Norton is a senior member of the law firm of Burns, Figa & Will, P.C., in

Greenwood Village, Colorado. Norton specializes in complex civil litigation, including probate litigation, and white collar criminal defense.

From 1988 to 1993, Norton served as the United States Attorney for the District of Colorado.

Norton was first appointed by President Ronald Reagan and then reappointed by President George H. W. Bush. He resigned from this office in April 1993 to re-enter the private practice of law.

As United States Attorney, Norton served as the chief federal law enforcement officer for Colorado and directed the U.S. Justice Department’s criminal and civil justice priorities.

Among other matters, Norton coordinated investigations and prosecutions of organized

crime activities in narcotics and dangerous drug distributions, environmental crimes,

financial crimes, and securities frauds. Norton coordinated the government’s intensive

criminal investigation and prosecution of Rockwell International Corporation for

environmental crimes at the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant, Golden, Colorado. The result of this investigation and prosecution was the imposition of a fine of $18.5 million – the largest criminal hazardous waste fine in U.S. history to that time.

Prior to joining Burns, Figa & Will, P.C., Norton spent several years in private industry and the practice of law. In 1965, Norton joined the National Milk Producers Federation,

Washington, D.C., as assistant general counsel. In 1969, Norton became Director of

Congressional Affairs for the United States General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. In 1972, Norton was appointed GSA’s Region 8 Administrator, Denver, CO, for the six Rocky Mountain states.

Norton is married to the former Jane Ellen Bergman of Grand Junction, CO. Mrs. Norton

served as Colorado’s 46th Lieutenant Governor from 2003 to 2007. Mrs. Norton is presently Executive Director of the Denver Police Foundation. Together, they have four children, Lori, Joe, Lacee and Tyler. Norton’s oldest son Jeff died of leukemia in 1983. The Norton’s are active in their church, Smoky Hill Vineyard, Centennial, CO.

Norton received a B.A. degree from Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, in 1960. Norton was active in varsity sports and received varsity letters in swimming and lacrosse. Norton received a J.D. from American University’s Washington College of Law, Washington, DC, in June 1968. Norton received his Masters of Divinity degree from Denver Seminary, Denver, Colorado, in May 2009.

Norton has appeared in federal and state courts in several states, including Colorado,

Texas, California, Pennsylvania and Missouri. He is a member of the bars of the United

States Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado, the Colorado State Supreme Court, and the Virginia State Supreme Court. Norton served eight years as a member and chair of the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline. Norton has also served on the Board of Governors of the Colorado Bar Association and as a member of the Colorado Supreme Court’s Judicial Code Commission. Norton has served as a member of the Governor of Colorado’s Law Enforcement Council, the Colorado Governor’s Energy Task Force, the Colorado Governor’s Military Affairs Advisory Council, and the Business Advisory Council of the University of Denver’s College of Business Administration.

Norton has been active as a continuing legal education lecturer and author on criminal

justice issues, securities law enforcement, the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, environmental law enforcement, and prosecutorial ethics. For several years, Norton has been an allied attorney with the Alliance Defense Fund, an organization dedicated to preserving and protecting families, the sanctity of human life, and first Amendment religious freedom. In 2000 and 2004, Norton served as Colorado Counsel to the George W. Bush for President Campaign. He has served on the Board of Directors of professional football punter Mike Horan’s Punts with a Purpose, the Rocky Mountain Family Council, and Colorado Family Action. Norton has been a Boy Scout and a Girl Scout leader and has coached boys and girls baseball and soccer teams.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Graff under U.S. Attorney Mike Norton was the U.S. assistant who tried to illegally prosecute this Whistleblower Stew Webb. I filed in September 1990 against Robert Graff his brother a MDC Holding, Inc. Director.

On September 18, 1991 an illegal warrant was issued from Denver for this Whistleblowers arrest September 16 1992 I was arrested and held for 10 ½ months as a Poltical Prisioner and the charges were dismissed with prejudice by Denver U.S. District Court Judge Richard Matsch who screamed at Greg Graff for waisting $750,000.00 of U.S. Taxpayers money trying to prosecute an innocent man, me Stew Webb.

Gregory Graf was born in Forest Hills, New York, on August 25, 1958. Mr. Graf graduated from Indiana State University in 1980 and the University of Tulsa Law School in 1983, where he was an editor of the Law Review. He commenced his legal career as an Assistant District Attorney. He is a former Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Colorado where he served in the Major Crimes Unit, the Rocky Mountain Organized Crime and Drug Task Force, and Appellate Divisions. He has numerous published opinions relating to his prosecutions of complex white-collar crime and computer fraud cases. He also serves as a mediator and special master in the state court system.

Mr. Graf was an Adjunct Professor with the Lester B. Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, Nova Scotia, Canada where he taught international human rights law. He also teaches the law of armed conflict to members of the United Nations peacekeeping missions. He is a Colonel in the Colorado Air National Guard and is a combat mission ready F-16 pilot. He served as the Chief of Staff for Task Force West during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has also served as a staff judge advocate and military judge in the Colorado Air National Guard. As part of his duties, he was legal advisor to the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In that capacity, he was assigned to the investigation and prosecution of organized crime members and war criminals.

Mr. Graf is a member of the American Trial Lawyers Association, Colorado Bar Association, Denver, Arapahoe and Douglas County Bar Associations. He holds the prestigious rating of an “AV” by Martindale Hubble, the highest rating that can be attained by an attorney.

Mr. Graf has focused his practice in the areas of complex criminal defense, civil litigation, and domestic relations.

Denver U.S. Attorney Henry Solono Conversation June 9, 1995

The Subject pick one at a time Henry Solono said the first was this Boulder Properties…

Denver FBI Agent Mark Hostslaw who was assigned by Denver U.S. Attorney Henry Solono to investigate my allegations and later was used to target and classify myself as a Terrorist and sell out to Israel. Hostlaw actually hired a Denver Nutcase Cross-dresser busted drug dealer who was facing 5 years and got out of jail in 6 months who became a FBI paid Troll to slander this Whistleblower Reporter for nearly 14 years which continues today threatening those at Veterans Today.


Charles Key is a former Oklahoma State Representative who invested the Oklahoma City Bombing.

From Anonymous Source:

It is one thing to know what I know. The details to how Bush crime family gangsters in government did the OKC bombing, just like they have plotted against the American people over and over again. But one day I was watching a YouTube video by survivors’ conference the first anniversary of 9/11 ground zero. A speaker was a lady who had worked at one of the banking offices that had been destroyed and she was describing how an Israeli firm had been trying to sell her bank an electronic transaction secure communications platform. The bank had followed her recommendation to not use the Israeli after diligence raised numerous questions about its associations and security. She was telling the audience of her knowledge that other banks and banks with offices in the World Trade Center had partnered with this firm in the six months prior to 9/11. She was trying to reconcile her growing realization of what 9/11 really was with the obvious failures by government to investigate and get to the truth about what happened.

Naturally, the first survivors like this lady and other investigators and researchers before they were infiltrated by government trolls and misinformation turned to OKC as an example of what to expect from an investigation of a large terrorist bombing. But the more they looked at the government investigation of OKC, the more they saw how screwed up the government officials investigating and prosecuting the conspiracy were. The New York City survivors could see the FBI and the US Department of Justice were clearly avoiding the truth and obstructing justice in their own investigations. Like the assassination of John F. Kennedy and government’s success in covering up its own crimes led to the assassination of Robert Kennedy to deprive the American people of a new president that was not part of the takeover, the failure to investigate the OKC conspiracy and the government officials that repeatedly obstructed justice there led to the deaths of thousands of Americans.

The lady in the You Tube video speaking at the first anniversary of 9/11 could not understand how the FBI could have incompetently disregarded the evidence early on in its initial investigation of OKC. Her own research led her to connect the massive narcotics trafficking and money laundering to the network of people who were able to control the investigation, but she had been warned not to disclose this in her speaking and writing on OKC and 9/11 or she would be killed.

It has always troubled me, that year’s later, even a victim of 9/11 like her has to walk in fear in America because the criminals who did it are still here and they have been in charge of much of government including the US Department of Justice and until recently, the FBI. I think this is obscene. So in addition to telling you about how a mini nuke was used in addition to pre-wiring the Murrah building with explosive charges on the supporting columns, and how McVeigh was led away alive and healthy after his won staged execution, it is important to tell you where the administrative branch officials overseeing the operation, the intelligence leaders, military special operations personnel, the crooked media including the Mockingbird asset.

Dan Rather who helped obstruct the investigation of the JFK assassination and its coverage all knew they were going to get away with it.
The Bush family gangsters knew they were on safe ground for their crime.

The governor of Oklahoma Frank Keating could be relied upon (his brother Martin Keating had even written a novel fantasizing about the crime 4 years earlier), just like the Bush crime family relied on Earle Cabell, the mayor of Dallas who was the brother of the Bay of Pigs planner and Deputy Director of CIA under Allen Dulles

Allen Dulles who had been fired by Kennedy. But, where the Bush Crime family really had the fix was in the Kansas US District Court.

The United States District Court for the District of Kansas had the jurisdiction over the investigation of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. The bomb had been driven to OKC in a Ryder rental truck rented in Kansas, the bomb had been assembled in Kansas at Geary Lake, and both McVeigh and Nichols had lived extensively in Kansas. A WWII bombardier and conservative Republican judge appointed by President Gerald Ford (it is not irony, it’s a resume Bush could rely on) named

Richard D. Rogers was assigned the case to hear subpoena and warrant requests during the early investigation. However, Judge Rogers is not naïve or easily fooled even to this day where he is still a Judge on the Kansas District Court bench. When the government came to him with its facially implausible version of the OKC bombing where a small rental truck full of fertilizer Hiroshima’d  the OKC federal building, a rebar and concrete megalith not unlike the Topeka federal building where Judge Rogers worked every day and even survived a fatal attack and pipe bombing himself stemming from some corrupt criminal representation and drug case fixing gone bad with members of the Kansas Bar http://cjonline.com/stories/080503/loc_mcknight.shtml  ).

You don’t have to freeze day after day in the skies above Europe bombing factories, churches and schools and looking at the target photos to know how effective thousands of tons of real bombs are to have trouble swallowing the government’s story. But, Judge Richard D. Rogers isn’t just a citizen with experience serving his country in war time and putting his life on the line. He knows about politics and his day job was mostly ruling for the government US Department of Justice prosecutors and convicting the people they said committed crimes. So when some FBI and USDOJ officials came to him this time and wanted him to participate in the crime, Judge Richard D. Rogers knew better than to accept their word on its face. He did what no judge is allowed to do and is ethically prohibited from doing. He personally investigated the government’s story before using his office and the issuance of warrants to sign off on their cover up. And in doing so, he aligned the Judicial Branch of the US Government with the Executive Branch that had committed the crime. Creating the end of the road for any chance of justice or the truth from being exposed. Just like in the movie Mars Attacks!, shortly after Congress is blown up, the fictional President Dale reminds the American people that “we still got two outta three branches of the government workin’ for us, and that ain’t bad.”

All courts work from evidence and Judge Richard D. Rogers found himself to be in a position to control the evidence. Before going along with the government big lie, Judge Richard D. Rogers hired his nephew and namesake Richard Howe, a Vietnam Era Navy Veteran who recently died from the after affects of Agent Orange, lovingly sprayed on his ship by the US Navy while it was in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the United States (just to experiment on its health effects), and repeatedly denied any semblance of competent health care while being treated for more than a decade by the Veterans Administration. Judge Richard D. Rogers could rely on his nephew Richard Howe who was Free Mason and Shriner, and who’s college fraternity had hosted President Eisenhower’s return to Kansas to tour the construct of that great German Autobahn I-70, where Richard Howe had even driven the president over part of the new roadbed. And, Richard Howe had grown up in and around the North Central Kansas communities where Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols had lived and had met with Kansas patriots and militia members. Judge Richard D. Rogers arranged for his nephew to be paid with US Treasury checks to investigate the backgrounds of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols to make sure the government story would hold water. You don’t get to be a federal judge in your 90’s still receiving full pay and benefits for being stupid. And, if you are really smart, you don’t do it on your own dime either.

The materially relevant evidence that the government relied upon Judge Richard D. Rogers to help cover up was the inconvenient eye witness testimony that repeatedly showed that more people than Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were involved in getting the Ryder truck and in building the bomb at Geary Lake that was to be the cover story for the mini nuke the government detonated simultaneously inside the Murrah Federal building. Some of the other persons involved were clearly recognized and identified, but they were government operatives and not designated to be the patsies by the Bush Crime family and a very corrupt US Department of Justice for the District of Kansas and the Western District of Missouri FBI office at Kansas City were fully willing to comply. A mechanic and retired 22 year Army radar technician, Charles Farley, a veteran of Korea, Vietnam, Germany and the Dominican Republic, was scouting some fishing spots on the same night McVeigh and Nichols testified they were alone building the bomb at the lake in a Yellow Ryder rental truck and Farley happened to recognize Kansas militia commander Morris Wilson and four vehicles along the Geary Lake wildlife area’s northern border: a green and white Chevy pickup, circa ’73 to ’75; a ’50 or ’53 flatbed GMC farm truck, heavily loaded with bagged fertilizer; a brown Buick-like sedan, and a Ryder truck.

Three other men were seen in the operation by Farley but the government has always maintained McVeigh and Nichols were there alone.

Kansas militia commander Morris Wilson has been able to enjoy the monetary rewards, benefits, and privileges as an agent provocateur because Osage County Under Sheriff Kenneth Lippert gave him the ideal alibi by arresting Wilson and and two other Militia members and by maintaining records that Wilson was in jail from 12:45 a.m. Tuesday, April 18, until 10:27 a.m. Wednesday, April 19, getting free 86 minutes after the Murrah building explosion. However, that didn’t add up to a former Shawnee County Deputy Sheriff investigator and patriot Frank Williams. Frank was in the Army serving in a boring supply office in Washington D. C. when he was approached to work supply for a secret government operation later known as the Bay of Pigs. So Williams knew a little about how things work.  Frank Williams claims he drove down to the County jail in Lyndon and interviewed witnesses who verified that Wilson and the other militia members were not in jail during the time the bomb was built.

Of course, the most damming problem for the government story and cover up has been the sightings of John Doe #2. A government operator who went on to work other Bush family crimes. Witnesses in Kansas and Oklahoma repeatedly identified as Jose Padilla. A very credible witness,

Sidney J. Perceful, then a Federal Mediator in the Mediation Commission and only 5 down from President Clinton on an org chart witnessed Timothy McVeigh visiting the Murrah building where she worked at the time and even earlier on the morning of the bombing with John Doe #2. Remember the US Army never sends one person to do a job despite any recruiting posters claiming “An Army of One.”  Even the good soldier McVeigh had to have his Ranger buddy with him.

The problem for Sidney J. Perceful like that of the civilian witnesses to the OKC Bombing was the obvious lies and misinformation in the media coverage after the bombing. Having mediated labor disputes with state governors and even with governor of Oklahoma Frank Keating, she knew that the truth was different than what was being represented by the government officials, therefore they were part of the senseless killing of the preschool children and the murder of her colleagues, and would have killed her if not for her schedule that day. However, instead of going public and using her position to fulfill her duties to the American people, she opted to be reassigned in a lesser position in the Pacific islands. Great work, if your conscious will let you take it. The killing joke for Sidney J. Perceful was that the Bush Crime family and criminal factions in the US government kept on their killing and their terror plots. Instead of escaping the environment and avoiding the Post Traumatic Stress triggers, Sidney J. Perceful she found herself riding up another elevator in the Western Pacific with John Doe#2 on his way to another job.

Oklahoma City bombing conspiracy heads to court 

Jesse Trentadue is taking the FBI to court to obtain evidence he believes will exonerate his dead brother, whose death shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing remains surrounded in controversy. While the law enforcement agency states that Trentadue’s sibling committed suicide while in their custody, some evidence exists to support the claims that his death was actually a homicide. Central to the conspiracy claims are video tapes missing from FBI evidence storage units, which Trentadue hopes the courts can shed light on. RT’s Ameera David takes a look at his claims and what is next in the legal battle.

Witness: More Oklahoma Bombing Videos May Exist

SALT LAKE CITY — Jul 30, 2014, 5:37 PM ET

By BRADY McCOMBS Associated Press

A police officer who was at the scene of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing said Wednesday during a Utah trial that he saw surveillance cameras at the federal building that may have recorded the attack.

Former Oklahoma City police officer Don Browning testified by video that he saw FBI agents climbing ladders and taking cameras off the federal building shortly after the attack that killed 168 people.

Under cross-examination, Browning acknowledged he doesn’t know if the cameras were operational, or if video was ever collected from them.

Browning was one of several witnesses to take the stand as Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue tries to persuade a federal judge that a video exists showing Timothy McVeigh was not alone in detonating the bomb, and that the FBI has not adequately searched its archives for the security camera video.

Trentadue believes the presence of a second suspect explains why his brother, who resembled a police sketch of a suspect, was flown to Oklahoma months after the bombing. His brother died in a federal holding cell.

Jannie Coverdale, whose two grandsons were killed in the bombing, said there were surveillance cameras on the apartment building where she lived that pointed toward the federal building that should have recorded the bomb going off. Coverdale said she observed a police officer and FBI agent in the building six months later talking about collecting the tapes, but she couldn’t recall their names. Like Browning, she said that she doesn’t know if the camera worked or was filming at the time.

Joe Cooley, whose security company was preparing a bid to handle security for the federal building, said he saw several exterior cameras on the building three months prior to the bombing while getting a tour. He said he didn’t know if they were operational.

The trial will decide whether the FBI must do additional searches for security camera videos. It’s a bench trial, meaning there is no jury and U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups will issue a ruling.

If he wins, Trentadue hopes to be able to search for the tapes himself rather than having to accept the FBI’s answer that they don’t exist.

The case has rekindled long-dormant questions about whether others than McVeigh and co-conspirator Terry Nichols were involved in the 1995 attack, a theory that has been hovering over the trial.

“Timothy McVeigh wasn’t smart enough to plan that bombing and carry it out by himself,” Coverdale said. “I still believe there are some guilty people walking the streets.”

The trial stems from a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit Trentadue filed against the FBI in 2008. Unsatisfied by the FBI’s previous explanations and citing the public importance of the tapes, Waddoups ordered the agency to explain why it can’t find the videos.

The FBI has given Trentadue 30 video recordings, but none shows the explosion or McVeigh’s arrival in the truck.

Kenneth Trentadue bore a striking resemblance to a police sketch based on witness descriptions of “John Doe No. 2,” who was never identified.

The government says McVeigh was alone in the truck, and said it later discovered the suspect in the sketch was not involved.

Your kind and generous contributions are much appreciated and needed thank you Stew Webb.(Click this link to Contribute)

Stew Webb 816-492-9809


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About the Author
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a Realtor-General Contractor-Home Builder until 3 car crashes in 2010-2011 (attempted murders see picture my Van on concrete barrier below Breaking News column) and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistle blower - Activist of 39 years and has been a guest on over 4,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and now has his own Radio Network http://www.stewwebb.com .Stew was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and Hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings Neil Bush Director, the Denver International Airport Frauds Hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 Hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank Bailout. Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush - Millman - Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of 13". Larry Mizel is now in control of this Organized Crime Syndicate RICO. I have contributed to the following books: * “Defrauding America”, by Rodney Stitch * "Drugging America", by Rodney Stitch * “The Mafia, CIA and George Bush” by Pete Brewton * “The Oklahoma City Bombing Power of Politics”, by David Hoffman * “Bushwacked” by Uri Dowbenko * “Silverado Savings and Loan” by Steve Wilmsen * “Drugging America” by Rodney Stitch * I was instrumental in brokering a deal that has lead to Al Martin’s new book “The Conspirators”, www.almartinraw.com I have known Al since 1991, when I had to hide from the FBI who tried to jail me for exposing,“The Bush Crime Family-Denver Connection-King Pin Leonard Millman”, my former-father-in-law. @@@@@ (Your kind and generous contributions are much appreciated and needed, Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to contribute today thank you Stew Webb. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SWebb822 Contributions by mail: Stew Webb federalwhistleblower@gmail.com 12820 SW K-4 HWY #B Topeka, Kansas 66601-9749 Phone: 785-213-0160)


Contact Stew Webb




I Stew Webb have contributed to the following Books


Current Radio Programs


Charlene Renee More Breaking News 2100 Show


Stew Webb Whistle blower Chronicles Video

October 25, 2010 Attempted murder of Stew Webb by 2 goons working for FBI JTFG Joint Task Force Group Kansas City, Missouri, Click on the picture to see additional information and pictures.

I am on social security disability because of 3 car crashes,  2 were attempted murder of me.

Click on the picture below and read the Private Investigators report Grandview, Missouri Police covered up for the FBI with a false report.  This broke every vertebra in my neck.–Stew Webb

Attempted Murder of Stew Webb

Grandview, Missouri Police Obstruct Justice and tried to Cover up the car crash by FBI Stooges and Killers.

SEE: PROOF (Exhibits 1-22)

Stew Webb December 3, 2023 my story how I became a US Whistle blower

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Chatty Gargoyle at Denver International Airport

Larry Mizel and the Pro Jewish Mafia

Breaking News
