By Stew Webb
Federal Whistle blower
5th Degree Witch Barbra Bush offering $100 Million for Donald Trump’s Death
Over the past month various Intelligence sources domestic and foreign have told this Whistle blower that Barbra the Book keeper Bush is offering $100 million for the head of Donald Trump, because when and if Donald Trump is elected U.S. President he will reset America back to a Constitutional Republic not an Illuminati Zionist New World Order Regime which it has become.
PS: Federal agents and Secret Service do not come to my door over this report under 18 USC 4 the federal reporting crime act.
I just made my report to you and listen to Barbra Bush’s phones.
Protect the next U.S. President Donald Trump.
Stew Webb Whistle blower Grand Jury Demand against Bush – Millman – Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate was Obstructed by Denver US Attorney Henry Solono
US Attorney Henry Solono Obstructs Justice
Stew Webb Whistleblower Injunctive Relief Obstruction of Justice by Federal Judge without hearing.
Whistle blowers expose Hillary Clinton emails
Bush Threatens Donald Trump at GOP Debate with Throat Cut
On Feb 25 2016 at the Republican Debate Illuminati Wizard of OZ George HW Bush
did Mob Don Gesture to kill Donald Trump.
Why were these two these evil scum bags Barbara Bush a 5th Degree witch head of the SW Covent of Witches and George HW Bush Illuminati Council of 13 also known as the 12 disciples of Satan there?
To put their satanic curses on Donald Trump?
Remember Bushes and Clinton’s are one of the same and Daddy Bush the Wizard wants his Baby Boy Jeb Bush to be the next ruler over America and if that cannot happen then Daddy will settle for his 5th Degree Witch Hillary Clinton.
Illuminati Denver Human Sacrifice
Daddy Bush Illuminati Wizard of OZ
Ted Cruz Wife Former George W Bush NSA Stooge
Senator Marco Rubio Homo Married Hooker
Jeb Bush Murders Securities Frauds Scams
Hillary Clinton Narcotics Weapons Frauds Treason
Hillary Clinton Racist

US President Obama Admits US Trains ISIS
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