US Presidential Ronald W Reagan_USGovn INTELops 2005 Part5

Breaking News January 3, 2010

Ambassador Leo Wanta Update


----- Forwarded Message ----

From: Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta <>

To: President Barack Obama <>; President Barack Obama

<>;  Barack H. ObamaThe Honorable

<>; Attorney General Eric Holder <>

Cc: NSA_General James Jones <>; USArmy Signal Corps PAO

<>; Chair Christina Romer <>; Timothy

GeithnerThe Honorable <>; Chair Lawrence Summers _Mr Bryan

Jung <>; Chairman Paul A. Volcker <>; SEC_Chair Mary

Schapiro <>; FDIC_Chair Sheila Bair <>;

FDIC_Fraud_Investigate <>; FDIC_J_Bovenzi

<>; FDIC_J_Dwyer <>; FDIC_J_Villarreal

<>; FDIC_T_Lamoreaux <>; US Special Counsel

Patrick J. (USAILN) Fitzgerald [USAILN] <>

Sent: Sat, January 2, 2010 10:56:17 PM

Subject: Part 5_US Presidential Ronald W Reagan_USGovn INTEL.ops_2005






Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta

The Principality of Snake Hill

Office of the Chairman _Central Bank

Snake Hill Trade Commission

Postal Box No. 488,

Baulkham Hills,   NSW 2153

Telefon : 202 379 2904 ext 001

Country Codes [3] :    QS    QSH   and   923


" Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints "  St. Anthony


Part 5_US Presidential Ronald W Reagan_USGovn INTEL.ops_2005






acters since the end of World War II. ONI worked with the U.S.

Italian Mafia, including S. C. Luciana, a.k,a. Lucky Luciano, to

fight communism in Italy, gather intelligence for the Allied

Invasion of Sicily, and control the ports in the U. S. during

wartime. After Luciano was pardoned from jail for his work with

ONI (and CIA precursor, the Office of Strategic Services), he

went back to Italy and became a kingpin in the heroin trade.

Around this time, ONI also worked with Chinese mafia to take

control of the opiate trade, helping to form the "Golden Triangle"

which traded heroin and various forms of currency and contraband

between Thailand/Burma, Laos/Vietnam, and China's

Yunnan Province,

In AI Martin's experience with the Iran/Contra operation

"Black Eagle," crooks and highly intelligent con men were

always part of the team. "Black Eagle" was "narcotics traffick·

ing, massive fraud, and weapons deals" with con man extraordinaire

Lawrence Hamil at the center. Martin remembers, "Hamil

[was] not just a simple con man, a government-connected

swindler and money launderer, as people seem to think, He was

very deeply involved in all sorts of political deals at the same

---.-- -time,"1>L


"There were certain things in the note ...clues to get

contact others to contact me." Vreeland says, as he orders a uou-, ,iJ.;

ble Bacardi and Coke.

"I mean, like the reference to the 'M·234 RAGS.' Thl)se·'i.:

weapons were sold to Malaysia. I wrote that to get Eva .•t:.l!'t:ll'>! tl./ ..·.:.piCii

contact me. She had been involved in the sale. She contacted ","'q.i.:O·':

Wanta and said, 'This guy needs Our help.'''

Wanta isa former U.S. Department of Treasury operative,

and former Somali Ambassador to Switzerland, .

things. The M·234 Ring Airfoil Grenade is an attachment foretn,

M·16 machine gun that creates an anti-riot, crowd··controlstLltl< "./

effect. I contacted TeIeki, who denied selling

Malaysia. But she did speak highly of Vreeland, confirming ~hat .:\.

he is a forme» officer of the ONI. Both Teleki and Vireeland My~·.:::,:

formal business relationships with Leo Wanta.

On February 13,2002, a former U.S. Attorney named TOl;\l

Henry wrote Vreeland a letter. Henry, who is Leo Wanta's

advisor, put Vreeland through a series of tests attempting

55 http://www.nlmardnrnw.coln/urU.htm!

68 The Brig Wedding: . ...



Wanta's net worth in 1992 was $432 billion, according to tax

documents prepared in anticipation of Wanta's plans to move

back to the U.S., pay federal income taxes from offshore busiif

he could recognize certain "passwords or security codenames." ! ness deals, and retire. This $432 billion was not exactly all cash,

Vl'eeland aced it. Henry's letter concluded, "On best informatlon according to Wanta-a lot of it was tied up in "prime bank guarand

belief I am of the opinion that my clients would endorse that antees," a kind of certified deposit that Wanta would purchase

you gathered the information that you have shared with my from top "credit-worthy"banks and trade at a profit, on behalf of

client while acting in the capacity of an 'intel op' agent of the the U.S. Treasury Department. Under the aegis ofAneko Credit

U.S. Government." In the past, Henry has worked with the PTE, LTD,.in Singapore, Wanta engaged in a complex form of

Department ofJustice in the Ford Administration before moving private banking,comparable to arbitrage but cash-based, high.

on to become a consultant on business matters in China. speed, and highly volatile. Wanta accumulated $22 million each

Wanta describes himself as Ronald day that a prime bank guarantee was purchased at a pal' value

Reagan's former "taskmaster" and has an exten- of $100 million. When Wanta wanted to retire, it was not to be.

sive resume of his own. It includes work for the In early June of 1993, Leo Wanta was appointed the Somali

CIA, Department of'l'reasury, and the NSC, as .. ambassador to Canada and Switzerland, in what he says was an

.. well as deals involving foreign currencies, arms, /1 effort to help make Somalia a safe launching ground for the U.S.

and precious metals. Wanta worked on the 1.988 military. Accordingto reports from Wanta, Henry, and Vreeland,

Bush Presidential campaign. His collected cor- Wanta traveled to Switzerland with notorious financier Marc

respondence includes notes from George Amlus,fadorLeoE. Wanta , Rich between June 30 and July 3, 1993. According to Wanta,

Herbert Walker Bush, the Nixon White House, I·11 during their trip to Switzerland, Wanta helped to negotiate the

and various senators. After the Soviet withdrawal from .! financing for "UN Contract 4," a back channel deal tbat he

Afghanistan, it WasWanta who was sent in to repossess Stinger claims worked with various sources of international capital to

anti-aircraft missiles from the Mujahedeen, According to Claire funnel funds to buy peace in the Middle East. Each side of the

Sterling's book Thieuee' World, Wanta was the central figure in---·----- . ···············--Raoiii/Pr;O Agreement would get $Obillion;·(Although UN

an operation to destabilize the Russian Ruble with White House Contract 4 was not ratified, it was a precursor to the Oslo Peace

approval in the late '80s/early '90s. 'I'hs attack on the currency Accord that was signed in a dramatic White House ceremony in

hastened the crumbling of the Soviet Union. In our original I September, 1993.)According to Wanta, the Clinton White House,

April interview, Vreeland quipped; "I know people Whoknow . acting through attorney Vince Foster, asked that $250 million be

George Blish Sr. personally." He was talking about Wanta. 'Iom . placed into the Swiss account of the Children's Defense Fund as

Hanneghan, a powerful Los Angeles Democrat and commodities a charitable byproduct of the deal.

trader speaks of Wanta with both criticism and credibility, "He When Marc Rich received a controversial pardon from

worked for the U.S. intelligence agencies. He helped bring down President Clinton, it was widely reported that Rich had worked

the Soviet communist government. He's a brilliant engineer, lots , as a .spy for Israel. Articles in the LA Times and the New Thrk

of technical skills. He did a great job: He probably gathered too 1.1.. Post cited evidence from th.e House Oversight Committee that

much knowledge for his own sake." .claimed Rich performed numerous secret missions for the Israeli

Wanta told me he was Ronald Reagan's favorite "[unkyard .: government, including helping secure back-channel financing

dog."He remembers, "Reagan had no faith in DC politicians, he Iii for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. Wanta remembers that

liked his 'junkyard dogs." According to Wanta, Reagan praised '; Rich was also lookingout for number one. "MarcRich was doing

him for his ability to get special tasks executed quickly, without I a tremendous amount of things against what we were doing in

going through normal channels. . . 1 Russia and Switzerland. He was doing deals with Iraqis,

In 198B, Wanta was in the news for trying to sell thirty thou- l Iranians, Swiss banks." In 2001, Marc Rich was living in exile in

Handautomatic pistols to Manuel Noriega. Wanta explained to ! Switzerland, facing American charges for racketeering, wire

me that this was a part of a scheme to enable the U.S. to ldsnti- l fraud, illegally selling oil to the Iranians,and owing $48 million

(y every member of the Panamanian military. Shortly thereafter,1 in back taxes. OnJanuary 20. 2001, hours before he would leave

on December 20, 1989,"0Bush invaded Panama, swiftly arrested ~

Noriega, put a pro-U.S..regime in control ofthe Panama Canal, •

and left an estimated three thousand civilians dead.

% C;,''''ge Gcdda, AllOCillled Prc~, April 9, 1988: "Proposed GUll Deal fuposed· by Panamanian

Olllcer," First lines: ':.\ rebel member ofPanumtt's Defense Porceshns smuggled 0\1[ a memo detail·

1"11Ihe drOll! of military seongmau Mallll.l Ant~njo !'f0riega to ~urthousands of pj~I(\I~110m a~ .

II,II<";C'II alms dealer. The memo, mnrked \lIgc:nr and confldonool, was sent to NOriega on Apnll

lorI.", Wnllt', prcsid,nt "f AmcriChiuu Glob.I"M.nagcmcnr Group lnc., lift arms expordnglirlll . 69

1""",,,1 ill Apl,leloll, Wis,"

70 The Big Wedding:

. office, Clinton pardoned him. Israel's then-Prime Minister Ehud

Barak had called Clinton the night before asking for the pardon

and stating it was "important ...financially'?"

Back in 1993, in Switzerland, Wanta says he had orders to

arrest Rich, and, if that failed, to assassinate him. According to

the story from both Vreeland and Wanta, the ONI had snipers

nearby when Wanta and Rich were on a ferry to a casino in

France, traveling across Lake Geneva from Lausanne. The

sniper from ONI couldn't get a clear shot off, and was told to

stand down. According to their story, that sniper was Delmart


Something went awry after Switzerland. Three weeks later,

Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, just outside

DC in Arlington, VA. The death was swiftly ruled a suicide by

the park police, despite theiz.paltrg.experience with suicide

investigations. (And as I'll point out below, the anomalies in

Foster's death were glossed over by future 9/11 Commissioner

Richard Ben-Veniste, and future Director of Homeland Security

Michael Chertoff.)

The day prior to the discovery of Vince Foster's body, FBI

director William Sessions WaSfired. His temporary replacement,

Floyd Clarke, let the bumbling park police run the non-investigation

of Foster's death, despite the vict!~being the First

Lady's best friend and confidante. Sessions later stated outright

that Clarke believes he was fired to hamper a Foster death

investigation. Three independent criminal evidence experts

hired by Strategic Investor newsletter studied the Foster suicide

note and declared it a forgery.

Wanta was arrested by Swiss authorities and deported on

the flimsy pretext of State of Wisconsin tax evasion charges.

Wanta was extradited without a warrant and flown from

Switzerland in leg, arm, and neck shackles. 'I'he Wisconsin prosecutor

levied tax evasion charges for 1989 through 1991,

although Wanta had not lived in the U.S. since 1985. He was

convicted and imprisoned after a swift trial, despite the fact that

the IRS stated he did not owe any federal taxes from the same


When Wanta's case came before Wisconsin court in

Madison, there was outright ridicule of him in the media.

Dennis Ullman, the lead tax collection agent for Wisconsin on

the case, was friendly with Cliff Miller of the Appleton Post,

according to sources close to the Wanta case. Miller stories treated

Wanta like a lunatic with delusions of a glorious past, But

any journalist with a Lexis/Nexis account could see that Wanta

57 Sell rhe Cllnron/ll'lrnk 'Iron'Clipt of a conversatlon rlght before the pardon, al


58 At the tltne. Vreeland wanted the Marc Rich sui!?"r job off the record. But tea Wantn wai happy 10 talk

about it on record. It seemed Alhy-J decided 10 enll Vreeland liP and "ambush" him with a set of technical

quoS/ious about procisioll rlflerx. I asked 'What shou/dcrwClIpon were you using ill me Wanm situa- 71

tloJl/"/,,Wlnchr~td'/Whot caliber WiISit? 1'370" IWhot scope make arid magnlficaticm? /"SrlUlIght." IMagl

I "Yes" /Lens] 1"6x6" IWh:tt rounds did YOllllsell"Bosic clIppe,' tops, 2BO grain." !Was it a hot load or n sub

sonic lond? I"Hm.· Vreeland stated .thaI his firing ,cquacy IS 98 l>Creml. An expert on snipers conflrmcd

that Vr<""~"d knew bis guns. .

actually was the "global businessman" he Claimed to be. The

older news clip about Noriega and the arms deal were all part of

the public record. But in 1993, consistent jabs in the Madison

newspapers destroyed Wanta in the court of public opinion.

Wanta was not allowed to hire his own attorney, and his courtappointed

one, John Chavez, didn't believe his story. Leo

Wanta's sanity was often questioned in court, but he was never

found incompetent to stand trial. Wanta's international friends

relate that the experience took its toll on him, both mentally and

physically. . ..

Right before his trial, Wanta was denounced as a "snake oil

salesman" and an "egregious thief' in Thieves World by Claire

Sterling. The problem is, the late Claire Sterling was closely

connected to the CIA, according to multiple sources. Sounds like

the ambassador pissed off somebody at the top. Maybe it has

something to do with the two thousand tons of Soviet gold he

was attempting to move on international markets, right after

the fall of the U.S.S.R.

Today, Ambassador Wanta remains under house arrest in

Wisconsin. Wanta claims that when he was arrested, he was

forced to leave behind about $200 billion in prime bank guarantees.

"Lawfully earned funds," Wanta says, that international

banks and governments have been allowed to "use free of

charge" sinCe-he's been detained (when you total up the interest

and the capital that can accumulate through smart use of $200

billion, Wanta says, it comes out to about $27.6 trillion). After

Wanta and his counsel, Henry, confirmed to their satisfaction

that Vreeland was in fact an intelligence operative, they hired

Delmart Vreeland to help recover some ofthe money ..

In a late night, three-way conversation between us,

Vreeland recently blurted out to Wanta, 'Who has controlled me

in the last eight months'?"

Wanta gruffly stated, "ON!."

"Where would they get orders from?"


If' that's true it might help explain why the vice president

has never rescinded his claim that Iraq was involved in 9/11.

Maybe he got it str~ight from Delmart Vreeland. Or vice versa.

Admonished later by Vreeland for saying too much about

Switzerland, Leo Wanta replied, "I'm in constant pain; rheumatism,

arthritis, I have not. received proper medical care. I'm not

afraid anymore." .

72 ..The Big Wedding:

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