Drake Bailey the Fake

Homeland Security Stooge

Breaking News July 17, 2012



Breaking News June 28, 2012

By Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower and others enclosed herein:

I want to thank TruthPress.org and others who have now brought this information forward.

The American People can be fooled and I am not going to waste my time addressing Fools who follow Fools.

Identify the Enemy of the American Revolution in 2012

David Wilcock, Drake Bailey, Benjamin Fulford and Chris Story aka Edward Harle

June 24, 2012


June 6, 2012

Stew Webb Video Interview on Late nights in the Midlands

Benjamin Fulford Exposed as working for MI-5!

Watch Video:


The term "worldwide settlements" is nothing more than a British MI6 disinformation campaign being put out by British MI6 agent Christopher Story (still alive) aka Edward Harle and his puppet, British MI5 agent Benjamin Fulford.






--- Original Message ----------------------------



From:    truth@truthpress.org © â„¢ original works <truth@truthpress.org>

Date:    Fri, July 13, 2012 3:47 pm

To:      Truth_ResearchII@yahoogroups.com



A Facebook Group: Global Voice 2012  David Wilcock  Drake Bailey

Is It



[image: Today's Headlines - (TCP)CHICAGO]<http://thecritical-post.com/blog/>


The Bittersweet Player <http://www.bittersweetrecords.net/> – Clear your

browser cache to hear the latest play list.


*Chief Editor’s Note*:  We are happy to welcome to our crew someone to

continue to help lift the weight back here at The Critical Post – Chicago.

So without too much fanfare, we welcome citizen journalist *Ms. Ava Fox*.


She joins us in the midst of uncovering an abrasion in the national

collective conscience in our nation and the world. This “abrasionâ we


come to know revolves around the revelations, and we conclude

irresponsibly, put forward and popularized by the noted psychic Mr. David

Wilcock, who makes the claim he’s the reincarnation of the famous late 19th

century writer and psychic Edgar Cayce. He has done so from his website

called Divine Cosmos <http://divinecosmos.com/>. It is from this claim, Mr.

Wilcock has been able to successfully launch book tours to make a living

and find willing participants in helping to perpetrate his theories

surrounding various subjects about extra terrestrials and revisionist

historical subject matters. He is also responsible for introducing his

followers to wild claims surrounding the web persona of one Mr. Drake K.

Bailey. Mr. Bailey is an ex Vietnam veteran, who is self admittedly, a

sufferer of post traumatic stress disorder as a result of his service.


The claims of this Mr. Bailey are such, on the surface, that there is a

vast conspiracy of high level military personnel within The Pentagon who

are ready to take control of the US government, and remove all key officers

of same. Mr. Bailey claims to be an undercover informal direct messenger of

these conspirators within The Pentagon. This claim has resulted in a

Facebook group called Global Voice


The ad hoc group of officers administering this Facebook group are also

part of seeking donations <http://globalvoice2012.us/27-2/> for their

Blogtalk platform Internet radio station, Global Voice




There is a very real characteristic concerning this Facebook group. It has

the makings of what some can reasonably construe, a cult following.


In the spirit of that we continue to offer the article series we have

embarked upon.


Our previous articles concerning this are as follows:











Several dates of alleged events to happen have come and gone with no

visible results in line with expectations of things to occur attached to

same. Still they follow.


- *Pollack*




By Ava Fox – *Staff reporter*


*Opinion – Research and Conclusion:*


(TCP)CHICAGO – 6 July 2012 – In recent months there has been a phenomenon

sweeping through alternative media, a wildfire fanned by a disillusioned

and disaffected segment of the population, desperately attempting to get a

“good beadâ on their personal reality.  Their movement is based in the

concept of American sovereignty and informally led by an individual named

one Mr. Drake K. Bailey, a self-proclaimed spokesman for the Pentagon and

“insiderâ claiming to have knowledge of a massive takeover of the U.S.

Government by sympathetic US military that will supposedly begin with the

mass arrests of members of an elitist cabal, ie. the “shadow governmentâ

that actually runs the show.


Further, Mr. Bailey’s popularity saw a rapid rise with an allegedly


vettingâ by popular noted psychic claiming to be Edgar Cayce’s

reincarnation, one Mr. David Wilcock. It was after Mr. Wilcock had

published Mr. Bailey’s claims by way of a recorded phone

interview/transcript last March on his website Divine Cosmos, that Mr.

Bailey began netting his surge.


Whether or not Mr. Bailey’s claims are legitimate are irrelevant.  The fact

remains that he has amassed large numbers of followers, both here and

abroad, that are dedicated to his cause and have sworn to support him, and

there has been costs involved.  On the Global Voice Facebook Group Page, a

page dedicated solely to Mr. Bailey and this “freedom movementâ, various

postings within the comment threads of that Facebook group have revealed

that some younger folks involved in this believer/network following no

longer speak to parents, spouses have threatened to move out, and Mr.

Bailey’s suggestion of “stocking up on the basicsâ in preparation

for the

coming coup have compromised people on limited incomes.  Some have stopped

paying their bills, altogether. Still others continue to advocate for same.


According to the best of our understanding, no one has ever met Mr. Bailey

face to face, yet he has managed to attain an audience of what we estimate

may be around 10,000 or perhaps 15,000  followers worldwide.  How is it

possible for one individual to hold so much sway over a group of people

that have never even seen him in person?


The answer may lie in the psychological techniques of thought reform and

cult recruitment. We are not of the opinion that Mr. Bailey is using these

techniques. From the complexion of the writings we have found from him in

various forum post exchanges, he has attracted folks who actually think he

has something to offer, and they, we guess, agree. The point being,

Mr.Bailey has attracted folks as a result of the confidence he conveys in

his own reasoning and the personality exemplified in his writing style,

which is folksy, at best.


However, when the subject of cults or mind control is considered, most have

an erroneous conception that this is only within the realm of alternative

religious groups.  This is not always the case.  Psychologist Phillip

Zimbardo, famous for his Stanford Prison experiment in which 24 men were

designated either “guardâ or “inmatesâ, defined a cult this way:


join interesting groups that promise to fulfill their most pressing needs.

They become cults when they are seen as deceptive, defective, dangerous or

as opposing basic values of their society.  No one ever joins a cult- they

are “recruited.â Typically, these people do not know their leader has a

hidden agenda that may not be revealed for months, perhaps even years later.


Blaming victims of a mind control group is an error.  Common thought has it

that in order to be a victim, the individual must be weak, lonely, or

somehow defective in a way that is not immediately obvious.  This also is a

common error.  Doctors, lawyers, businessmen have all been duped into

believing what they viewed to be a strong central figure, giving them

direction in life. Control techniques are subtle and most can not see they

are being manipulated until it is too late.  According to the theory of

Cognitive Dissonance (Leon Featinger 1964)  it is necessary to affect at

least one of three aspects of a person; their behavior, thought, or

emotions. Adding to this theory in 1978, Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman

developed a forth aspect which is controlling the flow of information

available to the victim.  By limiting the information given to the victim

the victim is unable to make a wholly informed decision and will, instead,

defer to the group decision.


Robert Lifton, long considered to be the founding father of thought reform,

has eight criteria by (which to judge a group and determine their

motivations (Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism 1961) These



   - Milieu Control, wherein speaking or acting out against the group

   results in verbal and emotional chastisement, while correct speaking is

   rewarded with praise and encouragement.

   - Mystical manipulation, as the leader tells them they are part of an

   “eliteâ corp serving a heroic cause to save the world

   - The leader speaks as if the group’s beliefs are founded in some sort

   of secret knowledge that the novice is not yet ready to be exposed to,

   giving only snippets of verifiable or seemingly plausible information

   -  The demand for purity so that people outside the group are seen as

   somehow tainted or wrong.

   - Loaded language is used by the leader, as well as indoctrinated

   members, that teaches to interpret everything in a way consistent with and

   reaffirming of the group’s doctrine.

   - Doctrine over Person asserts that the individual’s desires are

   secondary to the group.

   - Dispensing of Existence tells the group that only members are


   or “goodâ or even “savedâ.  Lifton goes on to say where at

least six of

   these criteria are present in a group setting there is cause for concern.

   - Cult of Confession that discovers and uses an individual’s weakness

   and vulnerabilities against them

   - The leader speaks as if the group’s beliefs are founded in some sort

   of secret knowledge that the novice is not yet ready to be exposed to,

   giving only snippets of verifiable or seemingly plausible information.

   - The demand for purity so that people outside the group are seen as

   somehow tainted or wrong.

   - Loaded language is used by the leader, as well as indoctrinated

   members, that teaches to interpret everything in a way consistent with and

   reaffirming of the group’s doctrine.

   - Doctrine over Person asserts that the individual’s desires are

   secondary to the group.

   - Dispensing of Existence tells the group that only members are


   or “goodâ or even “savedâ.  Lifton goes on to say where at

least six of

   these criteria are present in a group setting there is cause for concern.


Individuals within the Global Voice group are reprimanded when speaking out

against Bailey, sometimes resulting in being “bootedâ from the group.


hardliners believe they are part of a global movement who’s beginnings in

the US will eventually spread throughout the world, ridding it of an

elitist cabal, and ushering in a Golden Age of peace and prosperity.


Mr. Bailey makes claims he speaks as the chosen spokesman for The Pentagon,

divulging only as much inside information as he is “allowedâ to reveal in

his twice-weekly radio addresses.  His followers interpret his words in a

way that fit the version  of reality they are desperately trying to create

at the personal expense of themselves, willing to sacrifice family ties and

financial security in exchange for adhering to his promise of a future

beyond imagination. His followers are quick to reiterate when the “eventâ

happens, those that did not heed his advice, the naysayers and dissenters

,will suffer consequences for not being properly prepared.  We conclude

from the evidence seen in this group’s written threads or epitaphs, if you

will, at least six of Lifton’s criteria are present within it.


In the preface to the 1958 edition of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley stated

“Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing

us all in the direction of the Brave New World-ian nightmare; and this

impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of

commercial and political organizations who have a number of new techniques

for manipulating, in the interest of some minority, the thoughts and

feelings of the masses.â Victims believe they are part of something much

larger than themselves, and they find a sense of security and acceptance

within the group they may not find elsewhere, reinforced by other members.

Emotional bonds are formed that make exiting the group sometimes difficult,

if at all.  The victims see other group members as their family and feel

there is no wrong-doing being perpetrated.


Is Global Voice or Mr. Bailey’s group under the influence of thought

reform?  There are indications to believe it may be, though unwittingly to

be sure.  However, we are all subjected to mind control techniques every

day and are not even aware of it.  Mass media and commercial advertising is

nothing but a form of mind control, instructing us what to buy, what to

eat, who to vote for, what kind of car to drive, where to take our

vacation. This type of mind control may be annoying but it is certainly not



Destructive thought reform, however, is a different story.  Is destructive

thought reform or mind control being played out on the members of Mr.

Bailey’s group?  There are indications to believe that some members have

been sucked in by brotherhood and camaraderie this group affords them.

People forgoing paying their rent because they believe their sacred


will happen and transform our monetary base are certainly worth keeping a

critical eye upon.


In the end, the facts will bear themselves out.  The true believers in Mr.

Drake K. Bailey will suffer much disappointment and feel betrayed, so it is

hoped that these individuals have a supportive ear to turn towards and

realize that not all brainwashing occurs in alternative religions.  They

most certainly, and one could only hope, will understand they have been

duped and, regrettably, have learned the lesson of discernment the hard way.






Concern Citizens and American Patriots

Letter 1 and 2 I hope you post this

From:   1question@hushmail.com

Date:   Thu, June 28, 2012 2:56 pm

To:   stewwebb@stewwebb.com

Stew, I am sending this to you as others are ignoring this the character
named " Drake " and Terri Hinkle  are explained in this video, below
Can you help get the word out that Drake and Terri Hinkle, and
freedomreighns are pulling one big  idiotic joke on the world! 
        Published on Jun 24, 2012 by worfpoe 
        The Art of Dreaming on Revolution Radio (freedonslips,com)...I weigh
in on the controversery surrounding Drake Bailey, self-proclaimed
spokesperson for the white hats within the Pentagon, a man who cliams
he yields "the Rainbow Sword" of Merlin. Is thus guy for real or a
        For   your information, this is a copy of an email I just sent to all
to point   people in the Nation States Project. You are invited to
attend the very   important national conference call listed below.  I
welcome your   comments or questions.
   Subject: Nation States Project FLAWED
   Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 12:42 PM   
     Brothers and Sisters:     
        I understand that you are the contact person for the     Nation State
project, and as such, you are obligated to share this with     your
People.  I appeal to you and the People in your State to consider    
this information objectively with an open mind, because it is
extremely     important and decisions need to be made – on facts,
not hearsay.     
        First, a brief summary of events as     they happened.     
        1. Midsummer 2011, a group of People in Pennsylvania, led by     Jim
Wright, took action to lawfully reclaim and assert their status as    
sovereigns on the land. Because this would ultimately affect the
entire     world, proper Notice needed to be given to everyone
affected, so they sent     the Notice to the Hague Conference on
Private International Law in the     Netherlands.     
        2. The Notice came to the attention of a lady that is     said to be
the Trustee of a huge trust, the assets of which had been     hijacked
by someone. She planned to have our military help her regain    
control of the trust, and reasoned, or was told, that if a majority of
the     states would duplicate the Pennsylvania     process, and join
in a union, it would increase the chances of being able     to utilize
the military in her quest.     
        3. She then made contact with Terri H., who then     contacted the
record keeper for Pennsylvania,     Delanne W., and from there the
“Nation State” project was born.     
        4. Either by misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or    
disinformation, the participating People in the Nation States project
were     led to believe that the military had requested this action,
when in fact,     it was not the military - it was this Trustee.     
        5. It was determined by those core facilitators that     instead of
each State mailing their own individual Notice to the Hague as    
Pennsylvania did, everyone should mail their original documents to
Delanne     in Pennsylvania, whereupon they would be assembled into
one package and     sent to the Hague location. Everyone was requested
to not send their Notice     directly to The Hague.     
        6. The documents were collected and assembled in     Pennsylvania,
then sent by Courier to Rhode Island for an apostille, then     back
to Pennsylvania, then to Florida, and finally to the Hague in    
February, 2012.      
        There was a fatal flaw in this process. Our documents changed    
hands several times with no chain of custody documentations. All we
have     now is a receipt that some package arrived at The Hague.
There is no evidential proof     of what that package contained
because proper protocols were not followed     in the handling of
those documents.      
        In order to lawfully prove what was sent to the Hague,     witnesses
must testify by verified affidavit that they personally observed    
and listed each and every document from each and every state being
placed     into the notice package, including the page count,
attesting that they     observed them being placed together into the
shipping container, properly     sealed, and handed over to a bonded
courier service, noting the tracking     number – and writing all
observances on a verified affidavit - to establish     a chain of
custody that is irrefutable. This is critical. For example,     please
note this excerpt from a report regarding the “voter punch card”  
  incident in Florida     in the year 2000.     
        “_In the celebrated “voter punch cards” incident in     Florida
in the Al Gore dispute with George Bush in the last election,    
Gore’s attorneys introduced a batch of “voter punch cards” as
evidence for     the purpose of proving that the election was flawed.
The judge never even     looked at the evidence and threw Gore’s
attorneys out of court. Although     the press and public were not
aware of the rationale for the action, the     judge’s basis for
doing what he did was that the cards were never presented     to the
court by a competent witness. There had to be a witness to state    
that the cards came from such and such a precinct and that the one    
testifying witnessed the cards being gathered up, boxed, and
transported     and was stating such matters under oath. Without    
such competent witness, there was nothing on which the judge could
rely to     substantiate any claim that there had been tampering with
the     cards during the gathering and transporting thereof.”_     
        The same principle applies in any legal or lawful     action. Take
the mortgage foreclosure issue for instance. An ever     increasing
number of foreclosures are being thrown out of court because the    
plaintiff cannot prove ownership of the note and mortgage due to the
lack     of chain of custody documentation when the mortgages were
sold and     transferred several times.     
        Also note this excerpt from the Jurisdictionary     publication:     
        _“Everyone with even a tiny smattering of exposure to the     world
of law and its courts knows that “proof” is the test by which    
lawsuits are determined … proof of facts based on admissible
evidence.     Proof, however, is based solely on evidence presented
and admitted     (into court). _     
        _One cannot “prove” a case by clever argument alone. No     one
can “prove” a case by convincing a jury he’s a nice guy who
deserves to     win! The test of every case is proof     that rests on
evidence presented to the court in a manner the     rules allow to be
        You can see how important it is that we have documented     evidence
that our Notice was lawfully completed. As it stands, all we have    
is someone’s word that someone gave them their word that everything
has     been taken care of and would be OK. Please consider the
following facts:     
        1. Only one or two people in the Nation State project     know who
this trustee is. Nobody else even knows her name, or how to    
contact her.     
        2. As a Trustee, her primary responsibility and     fiduciary duty -
by any trust law - is to the trust, not to the Nation     State
project. Her interest in the Nation State project is to facilitate    
the achievement of her own agenda, which is regaining control of the  
  trust’s huge sum of money from the cabal. That does not make her
bad, but     we should be in control of our own fate, not a single
individual whom we do     not know.     
        3. Since large sums of money are involved, she could     very likely
have a large target on her back. In fact, attempts have     reportedly
been made on her life. That alone raises questions about the    
effectiveness of her military contacts who supposedly promised to
protect     us too.     
        4. Since she is human, she is vulnerable. Anything could     happen
to her, whether natural or induced.     
        5. If something bad does happen to her, where does that     leave us?
        From the beginning we were told that the military asked     us to
reproduce Pennsylvania’s     process. That is not true -it was this
trustee - in her effort to regain     control of the trust.      
        Now consider this:     
        One trusted individual who has been involved in this     project from
the beginning is in touch with an active military person who     works
inside the pentagon. When this military person heard about our    
project he was actually excited, and wanted to do anything he could to
    facilitate our goals. This person has direct contact with trusted
“white     hats” in various departments inside the pentagon who
are very worried about     the fate of this Nation. If any action was
underway or even planned on     behalf of the Nation State project,
one of the people he deals with on a     daily basis would necessarily
have to know something about it. Please keep     in mind that this
military individual has all the clearances needed to find     out if
something was on the “drawing board”. He knows who the good guys
are     and who the bad guys are (the good guys are in the majority by
far). He     searched diligently for any clues and found nothing.     
        Knowing that the Nation State project provided the     lawful
authority for the military to follow, and that our project was in    
harmony with the missions of the “white hats”, he offered to help
us invoke     their help and deliver a copy of the documentation to
the appropriate     people inside the Pentagon. He also stated that
once they get said evidence     of Lawful Notice, he would provide a  
  direct military contact for each Nation State contact person.      
        Problem is: We don’t have the evidence to give them. All we have   
 is a receipt that some package was received at The Hague. There is no
evidential proof     of thecontents of that package. That is not good
enough, given     the nature and scope of this historical event. Our
military cannot act on     its own authority – If We the People
don’t provide a lawful civil     authority, they will have to
continue to take their orders from the corporate     CEO Obama.      
        However, the core facilitators, who have a copy of our document    
package, refuse to make it available so that the process can be done
again     as a second notice in a manner acceptable to the military.  
        We are told that the Nation States project has been     completed –
not true, at least not correctly.      
        We are told to stand down and do nothing, yet we know     there were
fatal flaws in the procedures.      
        We were also told other things that turned out to be     false, such
        We were told that each of us would immediately be     getting a list
of certain account numbers that we were to file claims     against.
That didn’t happen.      
        We were told that important inside Intel of breaking     news was
being sent to everyone, yet we received old information that was    
readily available to anybody on the Internet.     
        There have been numerous other statements since February     that
have not proven out.     
        I am not saying that any of this was intentional – I     don’t
believe it was. I believe the mishandling of our Notice package was   
 merely due to the lack of knowledge or experience, and the reluctance
to     ask for or accept help or advice from others.     
        The only viable reason that was given by the core     facilitators
for refusing to allow the process to be done again was that it    
might jeopardize those who signed the original Notice.      
        Yet they were posted on various websites for all to see.     If those
people who were brave enough to stand up and sign those documents    
believe that their names are not known, they are fooling themselves.  
  Besides, sending the Notice again (but properly this time) would
merely     amount to a second notice – they would have no more
exposure than they did     the first time. Doing the process a second
time would do no harm.     
        Our future and the future of this Nation are at stake. We     all
know the system is crumbling and time is short– the signs are    
everywhere. We have all put our fate into the hands of one person –
one     vulnerable human being. We have done what was asked, and
nothing has     happened that we were led to believe would happen, and
now we are to sit     and wait until someone hears from the mysterious
        We must provide lawful authority for our military to     follow
before everything completely caves in and it is too late. We cannot   
 afford to wait. Our fate should not rest in the hands of one or two  
  vulnerable people. Each of us should have solid evidential proof of
our     lawful standing and authority to direct the military. We stood
up and put     our names on the line - Isn’t it time to finally take
control of our own     destiny? When are we all going to stop acting
like sheeple and stand up     together as a group and be heard!     
        There is only one solution - since the core facilitators     refuse
to allow us access to our document package, and/or refuse to provide  
  the proper chain of custody documentation (because they don’t have
it), and     refuse to discuss it or give any valid reason why it
should not be done     again, the Notice process must be repeated –
this time correctly.      
        It has been stated many times that “there are no     leaders” in
this project, it is everyone’s project and everyone has a say,    
yet when People ask the wrong questions, or if they make certain    
suggestions, they are labeled as “troublemakers”. We have been
told     many things that were revealed as untrue, what to accept and
what to     ignore, how and when we should communicate with each
other, among others     too numerous to list.      
        I expect to get some harsh criticism for sending this     plea out
– that’s OK – let’s talk, but there are many other people that
    agree with me.      
        I, for one, do not want history to show that we had our     chance,
but blew it – that we did not do everything in our power to correct 
   the events that happened when we knew or believed it was wrong. I
do not     want to have to explain to my family that we failed to take
the options     needed to secure their future when we had the chance.
Do you?     
        There will be a Nation State conference call on Tuesday,     July 3,
at 8:30 PM eastern time:     
        Let your voice be heard – your fate, and the fate of     your
Posterity and your Country is in your hands. Do you really want to    
rely on hearsay instead of evidence? Think and pray about it.      
        Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
     Call ID: 121596     
        Respectfully submitted     
        by gene         
Letter 2
--- On Wed, 6/27/12, myinspector@sbcglobal.net __ wrote:
From: myinspector@sbcglobal.net 
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: "Teri Hinkle" 
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 10:24 PM
Ok, you have made your stance clear, but your answers are not
consistent with the facts. You did not reveal that your interest in
the Nation State project was financial until well after the project
was sent to the Netherlands. Neither did you reveal that you were
taking your orders from someone whose motivation was financial until
after the fact. I wonder how many people feel used. I will not bother
you again. 
have made your promised to, and are loyal to. 
--- On Wed, 6/27/12, Teri Hinkle __ wrote:
From: Teri Hinkle 
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: myinspector@sbcglobal.net
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 6:31 PM
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:29 PM,  wrote:
Again with the personal attacks and drama Teri?  I could respond to
each one of your statements below, but I prefer to stay on point.
Drama? I am peacefully working my butt off to make a real difference
in areas in which real people can empower themselves trying hard to
ignore the bs but no matter how hard I try the few of you just keep up
trying to involve me indirectly by attacking people totally innocent
of any wrong doing. I don't know if you think you can get me to
concede to what you want in the interest of protecting those being
assaulted or what. In the first place that would be stupid because
those people would kick my butt for doing that and I would never do it
anyway. This is about my integrity, not yours not anybody else's. That
is the only thing I possess given by God which cannot be taken from me
and I will never willingly compromise it. So if you don't like "drama"
as you put it, stop creating it because it will not work.
You still did not answer the question - Do you, or do you not, have
chain of custody documentation of the handling of ourpaperwork? It's a
simple, legitimate question that deserves an answer. There is no
reason for you to take this personally, or to get defensive. No it is
not a legitimate question nor does it deserve an answer. It has
nothing to do with what we have done. None of the so called concerns
over legalities have anything to do with what we have done. It was
said many times that what we were doing had nothing to do with their
laws or their rules. What we were doing had nothing to do with any
sub-plan Pennsylvania may have had going on when they sent their
paperwork to the Netherlands. The sub-plan wasn't known, wasn't
recognized and frankly was lunacy to start with. If the folks who
requested the project had indicated to me that in fact they were
intending to follow Mr. Wright's vision I would have said, What are
you smoking? I would never have had anything to do with it. That said,
there were only three individuals total involved in delivering the
documents to their destination. I have written documents from them but
they are part of the original documentation now and will remain that
way. Period.
I have seen many of these types of movements come and go - only to
fail because details were ignored and people operated on assumptions
and presumptions.  "he said, she said" does not cut it.  For at least
THIS IS NOT A PLAN. This was a project requested by others. Everyone
was told many times the parameters of the project and how it was going
to be done and if they felt uncomfortable with it please bow out. Was
that not English? "he said she said" Who cares? Certainly not me. I
know we did what I gave my word to facilitate. I know the persons who
asked me to are quite happy with it. I know it was done exactly as
requested except that we delivered far more than was asked for. And
that is all I need to know.
Again - don't kill the messenger - I am not trying to cause trouble,
and I certainly am not on an ego trip. With all my heart I wish this
issue did not exist. You created the issue it is in your power to end
it. It is not in your power to make demands and have them met. 
You keep badmouthing Jim Wright, but if it wasn't for him, this
project would never have happened in the first place. Please give
credit where credit is due. Jim Wright had his own private agenda for
what Pennsylvania did although he did not even sign the documents. He
has been given credit for that many times. However he cannot accept
that the Nation States Project was not and is not and will never be
the extension of HIS plan. I cannot help that. TPTWB are not
interested in his plan nor are they interested even in a conversation
with him. I'm sorry for him. I knew the first ranting and raving phone
call I got from him that something was really wrong with his thinking.
He was making things up out of thin air and going off like a raving
lunatic on steroids at me on the phone. I tried to get to the bottom
of it by confronting those he was accusing of wrong doing. They
honestly had no idea what he was talking about. We decided just to
ignore and hoped he would come to his senses but he didn't. It got
much worse until the second call I got from him I had to hang up. Even
though I told him to call me back in an hour so I could get out of the
pool and access my computer so I could give him the contact
information for John and Mario HE NEVER BOTHERED! I couldn't email it
to him he doesn't use computers. Now it is claimed that John and Mario
refused to cooperate. Excuse me they were NEVER contacted! As a
facilitator, you did a yeoman's job of launching it nationwide, but
this is a project of, by, and for the People, not just one person - we
all played a part. I am going to attempt to ignore the condescending
content of the first part of that statement as beneath me. As for the
second part... exactly and NOBODY deserves credit. Not you, not me,
not a single person involved. What we did was our duty and we do not
deserve to be given recognition and accolades for it. You don't see me
running around shooting my mouth off because I facilitated it. So
what? I hope I fade into history very soon. I dearly love Drake but if
he would hold still I would happily use a case of duct tape on his
mouth and he knows it. He does as he pleases anyway and that is fine.
What he doesn't do is attempt to involve me. There's a lesson there.
In your last two sentences in your email below you stated:"Start your
own project and good luck with it. It won't undo what has already been
Your absolutely correct - If a second Notice was sent,it would not
undo anything - and it would also do no harm. Indeed, issuing three
notices is a common practice, even necessary in law, depending upon
the case. What law? What we did has nothing to do with any law but
God's/Natures law and you cannot play in both sand boxes. It is so
clear that you guys don't even truly understand why we did what we did
or what it even means. Not my problem.
Please explain why you are so reluctant to help in this matter, even
if you don't think it is necessary.  As you stated, "it would not undo
So what's the problem? To say I am reluctant would be to infer that
there was even the tiniest chance I could be persuaded to do as you
wish. There is not. I am not in the least reluctant, I am in fact
adamant! This is not necessary. It is an exercise in futility and a
monumental waste of time which we are just about out of. As I stated
above my plate is over running with work that does make a difference.
Nothing can be accomplished by helping you guys in my number one pet
peeve, redundancy! Nothing can be gained by wasting time and repeating
the same actions except maybe proving the validity of the definition
of insanity.
We have an opportunity to have military contact with each point person
in each State if we can show the proper documentation - that is huge!
- think of the magnitude. Ok here is where the real insanity finally
rears its ugly head. First of all the military already has access to
the documents if and when they want them. Second if they actually
wanted another copy they know who has the authority to give it to
them. They know where they are. Not once have those with that ability
been approached. Zip, nada, not a word. All they would have to do is
request it, prove they were authorized to make the request ie: a Flag
Officer as Drake explained. Not some low level Major who's wife works
at the Pentagon. You have made a HUGE assumption here. That being that
you have any contact with the REAL DEAL! YOU DON'T. AND YOU WON'T. Was
the Tim Turner experience not enough? Think of the growth potential of
this movement if everyone could see that we are in harmony with our
sworn protectors.  If there is a movement its in your head and it does
not involve me or anyone else who wasn't consulted. 
Throughout history there has never been an opportunity like this - an
opportunity to correct the errors of our forefathersand set this
country back on course. Let's not inject our own errors because
someone's feelings got hurt. 
If you refuse to do the right thing, then there is no choice but to
re-do the project as you suggested earlier.  Attempting to lay some
kind of guilt on me for some imaginary wrong doings will not fly
either. Hint, never try to use reverse psychology on a woman
especially not a mother, we invented it. My feelings are not hurt none
of you are capable of doing that. I am not some wilting violet Gene
who will cry over slights. I am a full grown woman who refuses to
compromise her integrity. Imagine that.What a waste of time and
effort, given that the only thing needed is for you to give your nod
of approval. You don't want my approval and you don't need it. If you
are so convinced you are right, you are a full grown man with the
power to do as you please and other than standing in the way of your
harming others or bringing dishonor to those who are also involved I
have no interest in what you do. What you want is to use me to
validate your efforts then have me get out of the way so you can have
things your way. To go forward with what you want your way. Not
interested in that game.  I don't care if we call it a Nation State
project or something else, if that is your concern - it makes no
difference, so long as it is done correctly.
With your cooperation, this issue could be put to rest in a matter of
hours.  It's completely in your hands to put it to rest this instant.
It's your issue not mine. Then we could all rest assured that our fate
is in our own hands, not one or two individuals. Your fate? Do you
honestly think this project seals your fate or even defines it? Are
you serious? Your fate is in your creators hands and hopefully in your
own as well certainly not in mine nor am I interested in holding it.
This project was simply to put the world on notice of the people's
intent and declaration. That has been done and in the end will not
define or even effect events which will unfold. We have told the world
we are not asleep and we do not recognize the jurisdiction of unlawful
entities and their claimed control over us. That's it! That's all!
Done! If the military act because we have made that declaration I will
jump for joy but they already have it. You will not force them, I will
not force them. Isn't that the way you want it? It seems that you are
trying to carry this whole thing on your shoulders when it is not
necessary. I certainly would not want be the one that stubbornly let
this opportunity slip through our hands. There are many competent
People out here, and we don't deserve to be talked down to or treated
like traitors just because we don't hold the same opinions as you. The
rest of the above paragraph is ALMOST to ignorant for me to address
but I must be a masochist or something because I am gonna give it a
shot. There is nothing on my shoulders, nothing but the commitment to
keep my word. That is not a burden. It would become a very great
burden if I allowed myself to succumb to your demands or those of any
other. I am stubborn you bet and it turns out that is why I was asked
in the first place do head up the project. I was told that by an upper
level Naval Officer recently and I guess I'll take his word for it. He
said, you have been watched for a very long time and "they" (didn't
say who they are) knew that if you gave your word you would die before
you broke it and if you said you would do something it would take
death to prevent you from doing it." I said at that point ok so it was
because I have guts for brains and am as stubborn as a bulldog with a
bone. He said, "yeah that's about it". This great opportunity you
speak of is fantasy. God bless him but Jim Wright is delusional. I
hold no animosity toward him however I am wholly disgusted at the
level of harm to others he is willing to stoop to all to realize his
dream. But that's all it is. I won't be a part of it and I won't
enable it. At the very least, it should be put to the People for a
vote don't you agree? So get a bunch of people and take a vote. I will
not help you to convince anyone to follow you guys. I will however go
to great lengths to publicly discredit if the personal attacks based
on lies and fantasy against innocent people do not stop. Nobody has
done anything wrongful. There were no phantom spies, or infiltrators
or highjackers of the documents. It didn't happen and this crap has to
stop. The only dishonor within this group of people has happened from
within and it sure wasn't Wil, Delanne, Drake, R or myself.
You said in your earlier email that: "THERE WILL BE A REAL NATION
that I am the duly elected point Person for Indiana Free State, and I
expect to be included on any calls that may affect us.  That call will
be for the purpose of sharing the results of the investigation into
who was responsible for the names and contact information of the point
persons being published on the Internet. It concerns only those whose
names and contact info were on the list. We now know who did it and
since we know we owe them that information. There was also a sort of
accidental discovery that there is among us a criminal convicted
predator who did not join the effort to get his state done but joined
to find his next victim. That information too will be shared in the
interest of protecting and warning those among us who would
potentially be targeted. I will be running the board and I will make a
statement at the beginning of the call to the effect that the issues
you guys have raised WILL NOT BE DISCUSSED. The call is not being held
to give you a platform. If you attempt that I will mute your line. I
will share that too at the start of the call. The two or three
individuals who helped with the investigation will be on the call in
case there are questions they can answer but only on the issue of the
investigation. As far as I am concerned the project was completed on
February 7, 2012 to the satisfaction of those who requested it. We
were asked and now I have been TOLD to stand down unless further
requests are made. I intend to do just that. So until and if and when
I am asked to convey further information by those who requested the
project this will be the last call I attend. This is not rocket
science for me and I will do as I have always done. I will keep my
respectively submitted by:
--- On Tue, 6/26/12, Teri Hinkle __ wrote:
From: Teri Hinkle 
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: myinspector@sbcglobal.net
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 9:22 PM
No you are once again as wrong as wrong can be. Nobody owes you
anything. You obviously never had a clue what the purpose was for the
project in the first place. You were asked nicely as well as the other
egos to stop trying to make something else of it. You wouldn't listen
then and you aren't going to listen now. The folks who initiated the
project are more than happy with how we got it done. That alone is the
fulfillment of what I agreed to do. If you wanted it to be something
else you did not have to participate. You did not have the right to
demand it be other than it is. 
There never was any question as to what was done except in Jim Wrights
imagination. If those who requested it be done and gave the
requirements for it are satisfied that it was indeed done correctly
what anybody else thinks is irrelevant. I don't care. I also don't
care if you buy into Jim Wrights fantasies. I do care that you spread
lies such as what is in the outlandish story in your email. Where do
you get this stuff? Lady Trustee who's trust was high jacked? Lady
Trustee who thought the military might help her get it back?  You know
damned well nothing like that was ever said.
This whole thing is pathetic Gene and you guys are starting to make
Tim Tuner look smart. I don't really care what you do you will never
be given copies of the other states documents and unless you to talk
to the gentlemen who actually got the job done you will never know the
truth of how they did it and what they did. All you will know is the
fantastic stories Jim Wright has concocted because his precious vision
was not recognized as valid. 
As for all this crap about the military you also know I corrected that
illusion at least a hundred times. Drake is the one who kept giving
that info and I said also a hundred times Drake was not and is not in
contact with the folks who initiated the project. You're right about
one thing you don't know those people because you have proven along
with the rest of you on this witch hunt that you couldn't be trusted
with that information. It was another point person looking for
personal admiration who it turns out was forwarding our docs and
information out all over the place including the list of point persons
which was posted on the Internet. Gee I wonder why the folks who
initiated didn't trust everybody huh?
Once again I am tired of talking to brick walls. You aren't owed
anything and you won't get anything. Start your own project and good
luck with it. It won't undo what has already been done.
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:44 PM, wrote:
Attacking me personally will not solve the problem. You failed to
address the issue as usual. The issue is: Do you, or do you not, have
documentary evidence of exactly what was in the package that was
delivered to the Hague? If not, throwing another tantrum will not
correct the fatal error. If you do, produce it - simple. 
--- On Tue, 6/26/12, Teri Hinkle__ wrote:
From: Teri Hinkle 
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: myinspector@sbcglobal.net
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 6:22 PM
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Gene inspectionservice@yahoo.com>
Do not respond to the above email address. 
To respond, please use myinspector@sbcglobal.net  
Brothers and Sisters:
        I understand that you are the contact person for the Nation State
project, and as such, you are obligated to share this with your
People.  I appeal to you and the People in your State to consider this
information objectively with an open mind, because it is extremely
important and decisions need to be made – on facts, not hearsay.
        First, a brief summary of events as they happened.
        1. Midsummer 2011, a group of People in Pennsylvania, led by Jim
Wright, took action to lawfully reclaim and assert their status as
sovereigns on the land. Because this would ultimately affect the
entire world, proper Notice needed to be given to everyone affected,
so they sent the Notice to the Hague Conference on Private
International Law in the Netherlands.
        2. The Notice came to the attention of a lady that is said to be the
Trustee of a huge trust, the assets of which had been hijacked by
someone. She planned to have our military help her regain control of
the trust, and reasoned, or was told, that if a majority of the states
would duplicate the Pennsylvania process, and join in a union, it
would increase the chances of being able to utilize the military in
her quest.
        3. She then made contact with Terri H., who then contacted the record
keeper for Pennsylvania, Delanne W., and from there the “Nation
State” project was born.
        4. Either by misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or disinformation,
the participating People in the Nation States project were led to
believe that the military had requested this action, when in fact, it
was not the military - it was this Trustee.
        5. It was determined by those core facilitators that instead of each
State mailing their own individual Notice to the Hague as Pennsylvania
did, everyone should mail their original documents to Delanne in
Pennsylvania, whereupon they would be assembled into one package and
sent to the Hague location. Everyone was requested to not send their
Notice directly to The Hague.
        6. The documents were collected and assembled in Pennsylvania, then
sent by Courier to Rhode Island for an apostille, then back to
Pennsylvania, then to Florida, and finally to the Hague in February,
        There was a fatal flaw in this process. Our documents changed hands
several times with no chain of custody documentations. All we have now
is a receipt that some package arrived at The Hague. There is no
evidential proof of what that package contained because proper
protocols were not followed in the handling of those documents. 
        In order to lawfully prove what was sent to the Hague, witnesses must
testify by verified affidavit that they personally observed and listed
each and every document from each and every state being placed into
the notice package, including the page count, attesting that they
observed them being placed together into the shipping container,
properly sealed, and handed over to a bonded courier service, noting
the tracking number – and writing all observances on a verified
affidavit - to establish a chain of custody that is irrefutable. This
is critical. For example, please note this excerpt from a report
regarding the “voter punch card” incident in Florida in the year
        “_In the celebrated “voter punch cards” incident in Florida in
the Al Gore dispute with George Bush in the last election, Gore’s
attorneys introduced a batch of “voter punch cards” as evidence
for the purpose of proving that the election was flawed. The judge
never even looked at the evidence and threw Gore’s attorneys out of
court. Although the press and public were not aware of the rationale
for the action, the judge’s basis for doing what he did was that the
cards were never presented to the court by a competent witness. There
had to be a witness to state that the cards came from such and such a
precinct and that the one testifying witnessed the cards being
gathered up, boxed, and transported and was stating such matters under
oath. Without such competent witness, there was nothing on which the
judge could rely to substantiate any claim that there had been
tampering with the cards during the gathering and transporting
        The same principle applies in any legal or lawful action. Take the
mortgage foreclosure issue for instance. An ever increasing number of
foreclosures are being thrown out of court because the plaintiff
cannot prove ownership of the note and mortgage due to the lack of
chain of custody documentation when the mortgages were sold and
transferred several times.
        Also note this excerpt from the Jurisdictionary publication:
        _“Everyone with even a tiny smattering of exposure to the world of
law and its courts knows that “proof” is the test by which
lawsuits are determined … proof of facts based on admissible
evidence. Proof, however, is based solely on evidence presented and
admitted (into court). One cannot “prove” a case by clever
argument alone. No one can “prove” a case by convincing a jury
he’s a nice guy who deserves to win! The test of every case is proof
that rests on evidence presented to the court in a manner the rules
allow to be admitted._
        You can see how important it is that we have documented evidence that
our Notice was lawfully completed. As it stands, all we have is
someone’s word that someone gave them their word that everything has
been taken care of and would be OK. Please consider the following
        1. Only one or two people in the Nation State project know who this
trustee is. Nobody else even knows her name, or how to contact her.
        2. As a Trustee, her primary responsibility and fiduciary duty - by
any trust law - is to the trust, not to the Nation State project. Her
interest in the Nation State project is to facilitate the achievement
of her own agenda, which is regaining control of the trust’s huge
sum of money from the cabal. That does not make her bad, but we should
be in control of our own fate, not a single individual whom we do not
        3. Since large sums of money are involved, she could very likely have
a large target on her back. In fact, attempts have reportedly been
made on her life. That alone raises questions about the effectiveness
of her military contacts who supposedly promised to protect us too.
        4. Since she is human, she is vulnerable. Anything could happen to
her, whether natural or induced.
        5. If something bad does happen to her, where does that leave us?
        From the beginning we were told that the military asked us to
reproduce Pennsylvania’s process. That is not true -it was this
trustee - in her effort to regain control of the trust. 
        Now consider this:
        One trusted individual who has been involved in this project from the
beginning is in touch with an active military person who works inside
the pentagon. When this military person heard about our project he was
actually excited, and wanted to do anything he could to facilitate our
goals. This person has direct contact with trusted “white hats” in
various departments inside the pentagon who are very worried about the
fate of this Nation. If any action was underway or even planned on
behalf of the Nation State project, one of the people he deals with on
a daily basis would necessarily have to know something about it.
Please keep in mind that this military individual has all the
clearances needed to find out if something was on the “drawing
board”. He knows who the good guys are and who the bad guys are (the
good guys are in the majority by far). He searched diligently for any
clues and found nothing. 
        Knowing that the Nation State project provided the lawful authority
for the military to follow, and that our project was in harmony with
the missions of the “white hats”, he offered to help us invoke
their help and deliver a copy of the documentation to the appropriate
people inside the Pentagon. He also stated that once they get said
evidence of Lawful Notice, he would provide a direct military contact
for each Nation State contact person. 
        Problem is: We don’t have the evidence to give them. All we have is
a receipt that some package was received at The Hague. There is no
evidential proof of the contents of that package. That is not good
enough, given the nature and scope of this historical event. Our
military cannot act on its own authority – If We the People don’t
provide a lawful civil authority, they will have to continue to take
their orders from the corporate CEO Obama. 
        However, the core facilitators, who have a copy ofour document
package, refuse to make it available so that the process can be done
again as a second notice in a manner acceptable to the military. 
        We are told that the Nation States project has been completed – not
true, at least not correctly. 
        We are told to stand down and do nothing, yet we know there were
fatal flaws in the procedures. 
        We were also told other things that turned out to be false, such as: 
        We were told that each of us would immediately be getting a list of
certain account numbers that we were to file claims against. That
didn’t happen. 
        We were told that important inside Intel of breaking news was being
sent to everyone, yet we received old information that was readily
available to anybody on the Internet.
        There have been numerous other statements since February that have
not proven out.
        I am not saying that any of this was intentional – I don’t
believe it was. I believe the mishandling of our Notice package was
merely due to the lack of knowledge or experience, and the reluctance
to ask for or accept help or advice from others.
        The only viable reason that was given by the core facilitators for
refusing to allow the process to be done again was that it might
jeopardize those who signed the original Notice. Yet they were posted
on various websites for all to see. If those people who were brave
enough to stand up and sign those documents believe that their names
are not known, they are fooling themselves. Besides, sending the
Notice again (but properly this time) would merely amount to a second
notice – they would have no more exposure than they did the first
time. Doing the process a second time would do no harm.
        Our future and the future of this Nation are at stake. We all know
the system is crumbling and time is short– the signs are everywhere.
We have all put our fate into the hands of one person – one
vulnerable human being. We have done what was asked, and nothing has
happened that we were led to believe would happen, and now we are to
sit and wait until someone hears from the mysterious trustee. 
        We must provide lawful authority for our military to follow before
everything completely caves in and it is too late. We cannot afford to
wait. Our fate should not rest in the hands of one or two vulnerable
people. Each of us should have solid evidential proof of our lawful
standing and authority to direct the military. We stood up and put our
names on the line - Isn’t it time to finally take control of our own
destiny? When are we all going to stop acting like sheeple and stand
up together as a group and be heard!
        There is only one solution - since the core facilitators refuse to
allow us access to our document package, and/or refuse to provide the
proper chain of custody documentation (because they don’t have it),
and refuse to discuss it or give any valid reason why it should not be
done again, the Notice process must be repeated – this time
        It has been stated many times that “there are no leaders” in this
project, it is everyone’s project and everyone has a say, yet when
People ask the wrong questions, or if they make certain suggestions,
they are labeled as “troublemakers”. We have been told many things
that were revealed as untrue, what to accept and what to ignore, how
and when we should communicate with each other, among others too
numerous to list. 
        I expect to get some harsh criticism for sending this plea out –
that’s OK – let’s talk, but there are many other people that
agree with me. 
        I, for one, do not want history to show that we had our chance, but
blew it – that we did not do everything in our power to correct the
events that happened when we knew or believed it was wrong. I do not
want to have to explain to my family that we failed to take the
options needed to secure their future when we had the chance. Do you?
        There will be a Nation State conference call on Tuesday, July 3, at
8:30 PM eastern time:
        Let your voice be heard – your fate, and the fate of your Posterity
and your Country is in your hands. Do you really want to rely on
hearsay instead of evidence? Think and pray about it. 
        Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 121596
        Respectfully submitted
        by gene
DISCLAIMER - Legal Information is NOT the same as Legal Advice - Some
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preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response
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State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening
Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb Incident Facility Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious
package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear
threat Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Leak Biological infection (or
event) Chemical Chemical burn Biological Epidemic Hazardous Hazardous
material incident Industrial spill Infection Powder (white) Gas
Spillover Anthrax Blister agent Chemical agent Exposure Burn Nerve
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Evacuation Bacteria Recall Ebola Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth (FMD)
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Grid Power Smart Body scanner Electric Failure or outage Black out
Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power
lines Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana
Heroin Border Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon
Yuma Tucson Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock
San Diego Ciudad Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13
or MS-13 Drug war Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf
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equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap
Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix
Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic Assassins Mexicles New Federation
Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran
Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco terrorism Conventional
weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched Nuclear Chemical
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Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA
(Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF
(Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization
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in the Islamic Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates
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Nationalist Recruitment Fundamentalism Islamist Emergency Hurricane
Tornado Twister Tsunami Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor
Extreme weather Forest fire Brush fire Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail
Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon
Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet Mud slide or Mudslide
Erosion Power outage Warning Watch Lightening Aid Relief Closure
Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System Cyber security Botnet DDOS
(dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus Trojan
Keylogger Cyber Command 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain
and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror
Hacker China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media
DISCLAIMER - Legal Information is NOT the same as Legal Advice - Some
of these sites and emails, provide information about law designed to
help users cope with their own legal needs. But legal information is
not the same as legal advice. The application of law varies with an
individual’s specific circumstances. The laws of every state are in
constant change, and Although we go to great lengths to make sure our
information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult a
licensed  lawyer. That is imperative if you want professional
assurance that this educational information, and your interpretation
of it, is appropriate to your particular situation. We do not offer
legal, tax, or accounting advice and are not licensed to do so. United
Nations (UN) Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise
Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster
management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National
preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response
First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired
Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster
medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National security
State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening
Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb Incident Facility Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious
package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear
threat Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Leak Biological infection (or
event) Chemical Chemical burn Biological Epidemic Hazardous Hazardous
material incident Industrial spill Infection Powder (white) Gas
Spillover Anthrax Blister agent Chemical agent Exposure Burn Nerve
agent Ricin Sarin North Korea Outbreak Contamination Exposure Virus
Evacuation Bacteria Recall Ebola Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth (FMD)
H5N1 Avian Flu Salmonella Small Pox Plague Human to human Human to
Animal Influenza Center for Disease Control (CDC) Drug Administration
(FDA) Public Health Toxic Agro Terror Tuberculosis (TB) Agriculture
Listeria Symptoms Mutation Resistant Antiviral Wave Pandemic Infection
Water/air borne Sick Swine Pork Strain Quarantine Vaccine Tamiflu
Norvo Virus Epidemic World Health Organization (WHO) (and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever E. Coli Infrastructure security Airport CIKR
(Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources) AMTRAK Collapse Computer
infrastructure Communications infrastructure Telecommunications
Critical infrastructure National infrastructure Metro WMATA Airplane
(and derivatives) Chemical fire Subway BART MARTA Port Authority NBIC
(National Biosurveillance Integration Center) Transportation security
Grid Power Smart Body scanner Electric Failure or outage Black out
Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power
lines Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana
Heroin Border Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon
Yuma Tucson Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock
San Diego Ciudad Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13
or MS-13 Drug war Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf
Cartel La Familia Reynosa Nuevo Leon Narcos Narco banners (Spanish
equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap
Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix
Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic Assassins Mexicles New Federation
Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran
Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco terrorism Conventional
weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched Nuclear Chemical
weapon Biological weapon Ammonium nitrate Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Abu Sayyaf Hamas FARC (Armed
Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA
(Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF
(Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization
Car bomb Jihad Taliban Weapons cache Suicide bomber Suicide attack
Suspicious substance AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula) AQIM (Al Qaeda
in the Islamic Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates
Extremism Somalia Nigeria Radicals Al-Shabaab Home grown Plot
Nationalist Recruitment Fundamentalism Islamist Emergency Hurricane
Tornado Twister Tsunami Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor
Extreme weather Forest fire Brush fire Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail
Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon
Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet Mud slide or Mudslide
Erosion Power outage Warning Watch Lightening Aid Relief Closure
Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System Cyber security Botnet DDOS
(dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus Trojan
Keylogger Cyber Command 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain
and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror
Hacker China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media
DISCLAIMER - Legal Information is NOT the same as Legal Advice - Some
of these sites and emails, provide information about law designed to
help users cope with their own legal needs. But legal information is
not the same as legal advice. The application of law varies with an
individual’s specific circumstances. The laws of every state are in
constant change, and Although we go to great lengths to make sure our
information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult a
licensed  lawyer. That is imperative if you want professional
assurance that this educational information, and your interpretation
of it, is appropriate to your particular situation. We do not offer
legal, tax, or accounting advice and are not licensed to do so. United
Nations (UN) Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise
Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster
management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National
preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response
First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired
Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster
medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National security
State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening
Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb Incident Facility Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious
package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear
threat Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Leak Biological infection (or
event) Chemical Chemical burn Biological Epidemic Hazardous Hazardous
material incident Industrial spill Infection Powder (white) Gas
Spillover Anthrax Blister agent Chemical agent Exposure Burn Nerve
agent Ricin Sarin North Korea Outbreak Contamination Exposure Virus
Evacuation Bacteria Recall Ebola Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth (FMD)
H5N1 Avian Flu Salmonella Small Pox Plague Human to human Human to
Animal Influenza Center for Disease Control (CDC) Drug Administration
(FDA) Public Health Toxic Agro Terror Tuberculosis (TB) Agriculture
Listeria Symptoms Mutation Resistant Antiviral Wave Pandemic Infection
Water/air borne Sick Swine Pork Strain Quarantine Vaccine Tamiflu
Norvo Virus Epidemic World Health Organization (WHO) (and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever E. Coli Infrastructure security Airport CIKR
(Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources) AMTRAK Collapse Computer
infrastructure Communications infrastructure Telecommunications
Critical infrastructure National infrastructure Metro WMATA Airplane
(and derivatives) Chemical fire Subway BART MARTA Port Authority NBIC
(National Biosurveillance Integration Center) Transportation security
Grid Power Smart Body scanner Electric Failure or outage Black out
Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power
lines Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana
Heroin Border Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon
Yuma Tucson Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock
San Diego Ciudad Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13
or MS-13 Drug war Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf
Cartel La Familia Reynosa Nuevo Leon Narcos Narco banners (Spanish
equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap
Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix
Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic Assassins Mexicles New Federation
Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran
Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco terrorism Conventional
weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched Nuclear Chemical
weapon Biological weapon Ammonium nitrate Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Abu Sayyaf Hamas FARC (Armed
Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA
(Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF
(Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization
Car bomb Jihad Taliban Weapons cache Suicide bomber Suicide attack
Suspicious substance AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula) AQIM (Al Qaeda
in the Islamic Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates
Extremism Somalia Nigeria Radicals Al-Shabaab Home grown Plot
Nationalist Recruitment Fundamentalism Islamist Emergency Hurricane
Tornado Twister Tsunami Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor
Extreme weather Forest fire Brush fire Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail
Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon
Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet Mud slide or Mudslide
Erosion Power outage Warning Watch Lightening Aid Relief Closure
Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System Cyber security Botnet DDOS
(dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus Trojan
Keylogger Cyber Command 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain
and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror
Hacker China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media
 Sent using Hushmail




Drake and Terri H and his crew are all liars, scammers, cheats and crazy

From:   truth@truthpress.org  © ™ original works <truth@truthpress.org>

Date:   Thu, June 28, 2012 1:48 pm


To: Stewwebb@stewwebb.com

An Essay on Drake the Cabal  the Pentagon White Hats and Waiting for the Mass Arrests

The Art of Dreaming on Revolution Radio (freedonslips,com)...I weigh in on the controversery surrounding Drake Bailey, self-proclaimed spokesperson for the white hats within the Pentagon, a man who cliams he yields "the Rainbow Sword" of Merlin.

Is this guy for real or a nut?



Published on Jun 24, 2012 by worfpoe <http://www.youtube.com/user/worfpoe>
The Art of Dreaming on Revolution Radio (freedonslips,com)...I weigh in on
the controversery surrounding Drake Bailey, self-proclaimed spokesperson
for the white hats within the Pentagon, a man who cliams he yields "the
Rainbow Sword" of Merlin. Is thus guy for real or a nut?
--- On *Tue, 6/26/12, Teri Hinkle<queensongbird@gmail.com>* wrote:
From: Teri Hinkle <queensongbird@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: myinspector@sbcglobal.net
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 6:22 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Teri Hinkle <queensongbird@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 1:33 PM
To: Teri Hinkle <queensongbird@gmail.com>
Attention Everyone,
This message is two fold. First a heads up to a fraud being attempted and
second to announce a conference call for POINT PERSONS ONLY for Friday
Many of you may have received an email from a Ms. Bolton claiming to have
replaced Wil and Delanne as the Point Persons of Pennsylvania. Please
disregard that email as it is blatantly false. The project has for all
intents and purposes been completed by the strict parameters set forth from
the beginning with the exception of states which are joining late. Ms.
Bolton has no authority and no recognition to make any such claim. I am
sorry many of you are being bombarded with outlandish lies and claims of
conspiracy etc. I ask you to to use common sense when contacted. If there
had been an ounce of truth in those claims we would have continued to work
on getting it done correctly. Furthermore all the calls from the Nation
States Project have been recorded and archived so it is a simple task to
prove the allegations as to what was said on any given call are false as
Please accept my apology for your having been dragged into the private
agenda of certain individuals for their own purposes. This is exactly why
we hesitated even to share the contact information between point persons.
That list has been published on the Internet and now is being used for
personal gain. Unfortunately the age of technology is also many times the
age of headaches for the users of it.
*There will be a call for POINT PERSONS ONLY tomorrow night, Friday, June
28, 2012 and the call info is as follows:
424-203-8000 pin 888462#  8:30 pm EST*
This call will be for the purpose of sharing the final findings of an
investigation which was launched to discover who among us was responsible
for publishing the personal information and identity of your states point
person. Only those people were impacted or put at risk by those actions. I
will be running the board and anyone not on the official list of point
persons dialing in will be removed. I will wait only ten minutes for
everyone to get on the call and then I will lock it. The individuals who
helped with the investigation will be available on the call as well. There
will be NO DISCUSSION of any other subjects most pointedly the issue of
doing the whole project over again or the false claims circulating this
past week. If you, as a point person wish to be involved in some other
effort to repeat what we have already done that is your privilege however I
will not take part nor will I provide a platform for it. That being said I
will see you tomorrow night.
DISCLAIMER - Legal Information is NOT the same as Legal Advice - Some of
these sites and emails, provide information about law designed to help
users cope with their own legal needs. But legal information is not the
same as legal advice. The application of law varies with an individual’s
specific circumstances. The laws of every state are in constant change, and
Although we go to great lengths to make sure our information is accurate
and useful, we recommend you consult a licensed  lawyer. That is imperative
if you want professional assurance that this educational information, and
your interpretation of it, is appropriate to your particular situation. We
do not offer legal, tax, or accounting advice and are not licensed to
do so.United Nations (UN) Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill
Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster management
DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National preparedness Mitigation
Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb Domestic nuclear detection
Emergency management Emergency response First responder Homeland security
Maritime domain awareness (MDA) National preparedness initiative Militia
Shooting Shots fired Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police
Disaster medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National
security State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening
Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing Pipe
bomb Incident Facility Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious
package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear threat
Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Leak Biological infection (or event)
Chemical Chemical burn Biological Epidemic Hazardous Hazardous material
incident Industrial spill Infection Powder (white) Gas Spillover Anthrax
Blister agent Chemical agent Exposure Burn Nerve agent Ricin Sarin North
Korea Outbreak Contamination Exposure Virus Evacuation Bacteria Recall
Ebola Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth (FMD) H5N1 Avian Flu Salmonella Small
Pox Plague Human to human Human to Animal Influenza Center for Disease
Control (CDC) Drug Administration (FDA) Public Health Toxic Agro Terror
Tuberculosis (TB) Agriculture Listeria Symptoms Mutation Resistant
Antiviral Wave Pandemic Infection Water/air borne Sick Swine Pork Strain
Quarantine Vaccine Tamiflu Norvo Virus Epidemic World Health Organization
(WHO) (and components) Viral Hemorrhagic Fever E. Coli Infrastructure
security Airport CIKR (Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources) AMTRAK
Collapse Computer infrastructure Communications infrastructure
Telecommunications Critical infrastructure National infrastructure Metro
WMATA Airplane (and derivatives) Chemical fire Subway BART MARTA Port
Authority NBIC (National Biosurveillance Integration Center) Transportation
security Grid Power Smart Body scanner Electric Failure or outage Black out
Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power lines
Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana Heroin Border
Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon Yuma Tucson
Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock San Diego Ciudad
Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13 or MS-13 Drug war
Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf Cartel La Familia Reynosa
Nuevo Leon Narcos Narco banners (Spanish equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout
Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth
Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros
Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic
Assassins Mexicles New Federation Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror
Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco
terrorism Conventional weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched
Nuclear Chemical weapon Biological weapon Ammonium nitrate Improvised
explosive device IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Abu Sayyaf Hamas FARC
(Armed Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA
(Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF
(Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization Car
bomb Jihad Taliban Weapons cache Suicide bomber Suicide attack Suspicious
substance AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula) AQIM (Al Qaeda in the Islamic
Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates Extremism Somalia
Nigeria Radicals Al-Shabaab Home grown Plot Nationalist Recruitment
Fundamentalism Islamist Emergency Hurricane Tornado Twister Tsunami
Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor Extreme weather Forest fire
Brush fire Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center
Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet
Mud slide or Mudslide Erosion Power outage Warning Watch Lightening Aid
Relief Closure Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System Cyber security
Botnet DDOS (dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus
Trojan Keylogger Cyber Command 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain
and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror Hacker
China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media
An opportunity to correct the errors of our forefathers 
From:   1question@hushmail.com 
Date:   Thu, June 28, 2012 8:02 pm 
To:   stewwebb@stewwebb.com

Drake K. Bailey, claims to be a 'L.O.R.D. Associate Dragos'       

U.S. Army Stooge “DRAKE” wants you to do nothing while they plan to put you in

Concentration camps.

Checking Drake's - AmericanNationalMilitia.com one finds the



Citizens Advisory Counsel


Route 1

Box 238K

Marlinton, West Virginia 24594

United States


Registered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (http://www.godaddy.com)


Created on: 15-May-12

Expires on: 15-May-17

Last Updated on: 15-May-12


Administrative Contact:

Bailey, Drake dragos2112@yahoo.com

Citizens Advisory Counsel

Route 1

Box 238K

Marlinton, West Virginia 24594

United States



Technical Contact:

Bailey, Drake dragos2112@yahoo.com

Citizens Advisory Counsel

Route 1

Box 238K

Marlinton, West Virginia 24594

United States



Domain servers in listed order:




So, a Drake Bailey, of Marlinton, West Virginia 24594, is the owner.


Now looking for "Drake Bailey" on google results in



At LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/drakebailey


At YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsGd_z0za4wP5H_L4d4VSrg

Drake K. Bailey, claims to be a 'L.O.R.D. Associate Dragos' Age 57

Current-- Logistics Officer, Theater Sustainment Command at US Army


The paperwork that Drake speaks of is virtually worthless   Nation
States Project FLAWED  from day one
--- On Wed, 6/27/12, myinspector@sbcglobal.net__ wrote:
From: myinspector@sbcglobal.net 
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: "Teri Hinkle" 
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 10:24 PM
Ok, you have made your stance clear, but your answers are not
consistent with the facts. You did not reveal that your interest in
the Nation State project was financial until well after the project
was sent to the Netherlands. Neither did you reveal that you were
taking your orders from someone whose motivation was financial until
after the fact. I wonder how many people feel used. I will not bother
you again. 
have made your promised to, and are loyal to. 
--- On Wed, 6/27/12, Teri Hinkle __wrote:
From: Teri Hinkle 
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: myinspector@sbcglobal.net
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 6:31 PM
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:29 PM, wrote:
Again with the personal attacks and drama Teri?  I could respond to
each one of your statements below, but I prefer to stay on
point.Drama? I am peacefully working my butt off to make a real
difference in areas in which real people can empower themselves trying
hard to ignore the bs but no matter how hard I try the few of you just
keep up trying to involve me indirectly by attacking people totally
innocent of any wrong doing. I don't know if you think you can get me
to concede to what you want in the interest of protecting those being
assaulted or what. In the first place that would be stupid because
those people would kick my butt for doing that and I would never do it
anyway. This is about my integrity, not yours not anybody else's. That
is the only thing I possess given by God which cannot be taken from me
and I will never willingly compromise it. So if you don't like "drama"
as you put it, stop creating it because it will not work.
You still did not answer the question - Do you, or do you not, have
chain of custody documentation of the handling of ourpaperwork? It's a
simple, legitimate question that deserves an answer. There is no
reason for youto take this personally, or to get defensive. No it is
not a legitimate question nor does it deserve an answer. It has
nothing to do with what we have done. None of the so called concerns
over legalities have anything to do with what we have done. It was
said many times that what we were doing had nothing to do with their
laws or their rules. What we were doing had nothing to do with any
sub-plan Pennsylvania may have had going on when they sent their
paperwork to the Netherlands. The sub-plan wasn't known, wasn't
recognized and frankly was lunacy to start with. If the folks who
requested the project had indicated to me that in fact they were
intending to follow Mr. Wright's vision I would have said, What are
you smoking? I would never have had anything to do with it. That said,
there were only three individuals total involved in delivering the
documents to their destination. I have written documents from them but
they are part of the original documentation now and will remain that
way. Period.
I have seen many of these types of movements come and go - only to
fail because details were ignored and people operated on assumptions
and presumptions.  "he said, she said" does not cut it.  For at least
THIS IS NOT A PLAN. This was a project requested by others. Everyone
was told many times the parameters of the project and how it was going
to be done and if they felt uncomfortable with it please bow out. Was
that not English? "he said she said" Who cares? Certainly not me. I
know we did what I gave my word to facilitate. I know the persons who
asked me to are quite happy with it. I know it was done exactly as
requested except that we delivered far more than was asked for. And
that is all I need to know.
Again - don't kill the messenger - I am not trying to cause trouble,
and I certainly am not on an ego trip. With all my heart I wish this
issue did not exist. You created the issue it is in your power to end
it. It is not in your power to make demands and have them met. 
You keep badmouthing Jim Wright, but if it wasn't for him, this
project would never have happened in the first place. Please give
credit where credit is due. Jim Wright had his own private agenda for
what Pennsylvania did although he did not even sign the documents. He
has been given credit for that many times. However he cannot accept
that the Nation States Project was not and is not and will never be
the extension of HIS plan. I cannot help that. TPTWB are not
interested in his plan nor are they interested even in a conversation
with him. I'm sorry for him. I knew the first ranting and raving phone
call I got from him that something was really wrong with his thinking.
He was making things up out of thin air and going off like a raving
lunatic on steroids at me on the phone. I tried to get to the bottom
of it by confronting those he was accusing of wrong doing. They
honestly had no idea what he was talking about. We decided just to
ignore and hoped he would come to his senses but he didn't. It got
much worse until the second call I got from him I had to hang up. Even
though I told him to call me back in an hour so I could get out of the
pool and access my computer so I could give him the contact
information for John and Mario HE NEVER BOTHERED! I couldn't email it
to him he doesn't use computers. Now it is claimed that John and Mario
refused to cooperate. Excuse me they were NEVER contacted! As a
facilitator, you did a yeoman's job of launching it nationwide, but
this is a project of, by, and for the People, not just one person - we
all played a part. I am going to attempt to ignore the condescending
content of the first part of that statement as beneath me. As for the
second part... exactly and NOBODY deserves credit. Not you, not me,
not a single person involved. What we did was our duty and we do not
deserve to be given recognition and accolades for it. You don't see me
running around shooting my mouth off because I facilitated it. So
what? I hope I fade into history very soon. I dearly love Drake but if
he would hold still I would happily use a case of duct tape on his
mouth and he knows it. He does as he pleases anyway and that is fine.
What he doesn't do is attempt to involve me. There's a lesson there.
In your last two sentences in your email below you stated: "Start your
own project and good luck with it. It won't undo what has already been
Your absolutely correct - If a second Notice was sent,it would not
undo anything - and it would also do no harm.Indeed, issuing three
notices is a common practice, even necessary in law, depending upon
the case. What law? What we did has nothing to do with any law but
God's/Natures law and you cannot play in both sand boxes. It is so
clear that you guys don't even truly understand why we did what we did
or what it even means. Not my problem.
Please explain why you are so reluctant to help in this matter, even
if you don't think it is necessary.  As you stated, "it would not undo
So what's the problem? To say I am reluctant would be to infer that
there was even the tiniest chance I could be persuaded to do as you
wish. There is not. I am not in the least reluctant, I am in fact
adamant! This is not necessary. It is an exercise in futility and a
monumental waste of time which we are just about out of. As I stated
above my plate is over running with work that does make a difference.
Nothing can be accomplished by helping you guys in my number one pet
peeve, redundancy! Nothing can be gained by wasting time and repeating
the same actions except maybe proving the validity of the definition
of insanity.
We have an opportunity to have military contact with each point person
in each State if we can show the proper documentation - that is huge!
- think of the magnitude. Ok here is where the real insanity finally
rears its ugly head. First of all the military already has access to
the documents if and when they want them. Second if they actually
wanted another copy they know who has the authority to give it to
them. They know where they are. Not once have those with that ability
been approached. Zip, nada, not a word. All they would have to do is
request it, prove they were authorized to make the request ie: a Flag
Officer as Drake explained. Not some low level Major who's wife works
at the Pentagon. You have made a HUGE assumption here. That being that
you have any contact with the REAL DEAL! YOU DON'T. AND YOU WON'T. Was
the Tim Turner experience not enough? Think of the growth potential of
this movement if everyone could see that we are in harmony with our
sworn protectors.  If there is a movement its in your head and it does
not involve me or anyone else who wasn't consulted. 
Throughout history there has never been an opportunity like this - an
opportunity to correct the errors of our forefathers and set this
country back on course. Let's not inject our own errors because
someone's feelings got hurt. 
If you refuse to do the right thing, then there is no choice but to
re-do the project as you suggested earlier.  Attempting to lay some
kind of guilt on me for some imaginary wrong doings will not fly
either. Hint, never try to use reverse psychology on a woman
especially not a mother, we invented it. My feelings are not hurt none
of you are capable of doing that. I am not some wilting violet Gene
who will cry over slights. I am a full grown woman who refuses to
compromise her integrity. Imagine that. What a waste of time and
effort, given that the only thing needed is for you to give your nod
of approval. You don't want my approval and you don't need it. If you
are so convinced you are right, you are a full grown man with the
power to do as you please and other than standing in the way of your
harming others or bringing dishonor to those who are also involved I
have no interest in what you do. What you want is to use me to
validate your efforts then have me get out of the way so you can have
things your way. To go forward with what you want your way. Not
interested in that game.  I don't care if we call it a Nation State
project or something else, if that is your concern - it makes no
difference, so long as it is done correctly.
With your cooperation, this issue could be put to rest in a matter of
hours.  It's completely in your hands to put it to rest this instant.
It's your issue not mine. Then we could all rest assured that our fate
is in our own hands, not one or two individuals. Your fate? Do you
honestly think this project seals your fate or even defines it? Are
you serious? Your fate is in your creators hands and hopefully in your
own as well certainly not in mine nor am I interested in holding it.
This project was simply to put the world on notice of the people's
intent and declaration. That has been done and in the end will not
define or even effect events which will unfold. We have told the world
we are not asleep and we do not recognize the jurisdiction of unlawful
entities and their claimed control over us. That's it! That's all!
Done! If the military act because we have made that declaration I will
jump for joy but they already have it. You will not force them, I will
not force them. Isn't that the way you want it? It seems that you are
trying to carry this whole thing on your shoulders when it is not
necessary. I certainly would not want be the one that stubbornly let
this opportunity slip through our hands. There are many competent
People out here, and we don't deserve to be talked down to or treated
like traitors just because we don't hold the same opinions as you. The
rest of the above paragraph is ALMOST to ignorant for me to address
but I must be a masochist or something because I am gonna give it a
shot. There is nothing on my shoulders, nothing but the commitment to
keep my word. That is not a burden. It would become a very great
burden if I allowed myself to succumb to your demands or those of any
other. I am stubborn you bet and it turns out that is why I was asked
in the first place do head up the project. I was told that by an upper
level Naval Officer recently and I guess I'll take his word for it. He
said, you have been watched for a very long time and "they" (didn't
say who they are) knew that if you gave your word you would die before
you broke it and if you said you would do something it would take
death to prevent you from doing it." I said at that point ok so it was
because I have guts for brains and am as stubborn as a bulldog with a
bone. He said, "yeah that's about it". This great opportunity you
speak of is fantasy. God bless him but Jim Wright is delusional. I
hold no animosity toward him however I am wholly disgusted at the
level of harm to others he is willing to stoop to all to realize his
dream. But that's all it is. I won't be a part of it and I won't
enable it. At the very least, it should be put to the People for a
vote don't you agree? So get a bunch of people and take a vote. I will
not help you to convince anyone to follow you guys. I will however go
to great lengths to publicly discredit if the personal attacks based
on lies and fantasy against innocent people do not stop. Nobody has
done anything wrongful. There were no phantom spies, or infiltrators
or highjackers of the documents. It didn't happen and this crap has to
stop. The only dishonor within this group of people has happened from
within and it sure wasn't Wil, Delanne, Drake, R or myself.
You said in your earlier email that: "THERE WILL BE A REAL NATION
that I am the duly elected point Person for Indiana Free State, and I
expect to be included on any calls that may affect us.  That call will
be for the purpose of sharing the results of the investigation into
who was responsible for the names and contact information of the point
persons being published on the Internet. It concerns only those whose
names and contact info were on the list. We now know who did it and
since we know we owe them that information. There was also a sort of
accidental discovery that there is among us a criminal convicted
predator who did not join the effort to get his state done but joined
to find his next victim. That information too will be shared in the
interest of protecting and warning those among us who would
potentially be targeted. I will be running the board and I will make a
statement at the beginning of the call to the effect that the issues
you guys have raised WILL NOT BE DISCUSSED. The call is not being held
to give you a platform. If you attempt that I will mute your line. I
will share that too at the start of the call. The two or three
individuals who helped with the investigation will be on the call in
case there are questions they can answer but only on the issue of the
investigation. As far as I am concerned the project was completed on
February 7, 2012 to the satisfaction of those who requested it. We
were asked and now I have been TOLD to stand down unless further
requests are made. I intend to do just that. So until and if and when
I am asked to convey further information by those who requested the
project this will be the last call I attend. This is not rocket
science for me and I will do as I have always done. I will keep my
respectively submitted by:
--- On Tue, 6/26/12, Teri Hinkle__ wrote:
From: Teri Hinkle 
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: myinspector@sbcglobal.net
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 9:22 PM
No you are once again as wrong as wrong can be. Nobody owes you
anything. You obviously never had a clue what the purpose was for the
project in the first place. You were asked nicely as well as the other
egos to stop trying to make something else of it. You wouldn't listen
then and you aren't going to listen now. The folks who initiated the
project are more than happy with how we got it done. That alone is the
fulfillment of what I agreed to do. If you wanted it to be something
else you did not have to participate. You did not have the right to
demand it be other than it is. 
There never was any question as to what was done except in Jim Wrights
imagination. If those who requested it be done and gave the
requirements for it are satisfied that it was indeed done correctly
what anybody else thinks is irrelevant. I don't care. I also don't
care if you buy into Jim Wrights fantasies. I do care that you spread
lies such as what is in the outlandish story in your email. Where do
you get this stuff? Lady Trustee who's trust was high jacked? Lady
Trustee who thought the military might help her get it back?  You know
damned well nothing like that was ever said.
This whole thing is pathetic Gene and you guys are starting to make
Tim Tuner look smart. I don't really care what you do you will never
be given copies of the other states documents and unless you to talk
to the gentlemen who actually got the job done you will never know the
truth of how they did it and what they did. All you will know is the
fantastic stories Jim Wright has concocted because his precious vision
was not recognized as valid. 
As for all this crap about the military you also know I corrected that
illusion at least a hundred times. Drake is the one who kept giving
that info and I said also a hundred times Drake was not and is not in
contact with the folks who initiated the project. You're right about
one thing you don't know those people because you have proven along
with the rest of you on this witch hunt that you couldn't be trusted
with that information. It was another point person looking for
personal admiration who it turns out was forwarding our docs and
information out all over the place including the list of point persons
which was posted on the Internet. Gee I wonder why the folks who
initiated didn't trust everybody huh?
Once again I am tired of talking to brick walls. You aren't owed
anything and you won't get anything. Start your own project and good
luck with it. It won't undo what has already been done.
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:44 PM, wrote:
Attacking me personally will not solve the problem. You failed to
address the issue as usual. The issue is: Do you, or do you not, have
documentary evidence of exactly what was in the package that was
delivered to the Hague? If not, throwing another tantrum will not
correct the fatal error. If you do, produce it - simple. 
--- On Tue, 6/26/12, Teri Hinkle__ wrote:
From: Teri Hinkle 
Subject: Re: Nation States Project FLAWED
To: myinspector@sbcglobal.net
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 6:22 PM
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Gene Lunsfordwrote:
Do not respond to the above email address. 
To respond, please usemyinspector@sbcglobal.net  
Brothers and Sisters:
        I understand that you are the contact person for the Nation State
project, and as such, you are obligated to share this with your
People.  I appeal to you and the People in your State to consider this
information objectively with an open mind, because it is extremely
important and decisions need to be made – on facts, not hearsay.
        First, a brief summary of events as they happened.
        1. Midsummer 2011, a group of People in Pennsylvania, led by Jim
Wright, took action to lawfully reclaim and assert their status as
sovereigns on the land. Because this would ultimately affect the
entire world, proper Notice needed to be given to everyone affected,
so they sent the Notice to the Hague Conference on Private
International Law in the Netherlands.
        2. The Notice came to the attention of a lady that is said to be the
Trustee of a huge trust, the assets of which had been hijacked by
someone. She planned to have our military help her regain control of
the trust, and reasoned, or was told, that if a majority of the states
would duplicate the Pennsylvania process, and join in a union, it
would increase the chances of being able to utilize the military in
her quest.
        3. She then made contact with Terri H., who then contacted the record
keeper for Pennsylvania, Delanne W., and from there the “Nation
State” project was born.
        4. Either by misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or disinformation,
the participating People in the Nation States project were led to
believe that the military had requested this action, when in fact, it
was not the military - it was this Trustee.
        5. It was determined by those core facilitators that instead of each
State mailing their own individual Notice to the Hague as Pennsylvania
did, everyone should mail their original documents to Delanne in
Pennsylvania, whereupon they would be assembled into one package and
sent to the Hague location. Everyone was requested to not send their
Notice directly to The Hague.
        6. The documents were collected and assembled in Pennsylvania, then
sent by Courier to Rhode Island for an apostille, then back to
Pennsylvania, then to Florida, and finally to the Hague in February,
        There was a fatal flaw in this process. Our documents changed hands
several times with no chain of custody documentations. All we have now
is a receipt that some package arrived at The Hague. There is no
evidential proof of what that package contained because proper
protocols were not followed in the handling of those documents. 
        In order to lawfully prove what was sent to the Hague, witnesses must
testify by verified affidavit that they personally observed and listed
each and every document from each and every state being placed into
the notice package, including the page count, attesting that they
observed them being placed together into the shipping container,
properly sealed, and handed over to a bonded courier service, noting
the tracking number – and writing all observances on a verified
affidavit - to establish a chain of custody that is irrefutable. This
is critical. For example, please note this excerpt from a report
regarding the “voter punch card” incident in Florida in the year
        “_In the celebrated “voter punch cards” incident in Florida in
the Al Gore dispute with George Bush in the last election, Gore’s
attorneys introduced a batch of “voter punch cards” as evidence
for the purpose of proving that the election was flawed. The judge
never even looked at the evidence and threw Gore’s attorneys out of
court. Although the press and public were not aware of the rationale
for the action, the judge’s basis for doing what he did was that the
cards were never presented to the court by a competent witness. There
had to be a witness to state that the cards came from such and such a
precinct and that the one testifying witnessed the cards being
gathered up, boxed, and transported and was stating such matters under
oath. Without such competent witness, there was nothing on which the
judge could rely to substantiate any claimthat there had been
tampering with the cards during the gathering and transporting
        The same principle applies in any legal or lawful action. Take the
mortgage foreclosure issue for instance. An ever increasing number of
foreclosures are being thrown out of court because the plaintiff
cannot prove ownership of the note and mortgage due to the lack of
chain of custody documentation when the mortgages were sold and
transferred several times.
        Also note this excerpt from the Jurisdictionary publication:
        _“Everyone with even a tiny smattering of exposure to the world of
law and its courts knows that “proof” is the test by which
lawsuits are determined … proof of facts based on admissible
evidence. Proof, however, is based solely on evidence presented
andadmitted (into court). One cannot “prove” a case by clever
argument alone. No one can “prove” a case by convincing a jury
he’s a nice guy who deserves to win! The test of every case is proof
that rests on evidence presented to the court in a manner the rules
allow to be admitted._
        You can see how important it is that we have documented evidence that
our Notice was lawfully completed. As it stands, all we have is
someone’s word that someone gave them their word that everything has
been taken care of and would be OK. Please consider the following
        1. Only one or two people in the Nation State project know who this
trustee is. Nobody else even knows her name, or how to contact her.
        2. As a Trustee, her primary responsibility and fiduciary duty - by
any trust law - is to the trust, not to the Nation State project. Her
interest in the Nation State project is to facilitate the achievement
of her own agenda, which is regaining control of the trust’s huge
sum of money from the cabal. That does not make her bad, but we should
be in control of our own fate, not a single individual whom we do not
        3. Since large sums of money are involved, she could very likely have
a large target on her back. In fact, attempts have reportedly been
made on her life. That alone raises questions about the effectiveness
of her military contacts who supposedly promised to protect us too.
        4. Since she is human, she is vulnerable. Anything could happen to
her, whether natural or induced.
        5. If something bad does happen to her, where does that leave us?
        From the beginning we were told that the military asked us to
reproduce Pennsylvania’s process. That is not true -it was this
trustee - in her effort to regain control of the trust. 
        Now consider this:
        One trusted individual who has been involved in this project from the
beginning is in touch with an active military person who works inside
the pentagon. When this military person heard about our project he was
actually excited, and wanted to do anything he could to facilitate our
goals. This person has direct contact with trusted “white hats” in
various departments inside the pentagon who are very worried about the
fate of this Nation. If any action was underway or even planned on
behalf of the Nation State project, one of the people he deals with on
a daily basis would necessarily have to know something about it.
Please keep in mind that this military individual has all the
clearances needed to find out if something was on the “drawing
board”. He knows who the good guys are and who the bad guys are (the
good guys are in the majority by far). He searched diligently for any
clues and found nothing. 
        Knowing that the Nation State project provided the lawful authority
for the military to follow, and that our project was in harmony with
the missions of the “white hats”, he offered to help us invoke
their help and deliver a copy of the documentation to the appropriate
people inside the Pentagon. He also stated that once they get said
evidence of Lawful Notice, he would provide a direct military contact
for each Nation State contact person. 
        Problem is: We don’t have the evidence to give them. All we have is
a receipt that some package was received at The Hague. There is no
evidential proof of the contents of that package. That is not good
enough, given the nature and scope of this historical event. Our
military cannot act on its own authority – If We the People don’t
provide a lawful civil authority, they will have to continue to take
their orders from the corporate CEO Obama. 
        However, the core facilitators, who have a copy of ourdocument
package, refuse to make it available so that the process can be done
again as a second notice in a manner acceptable to the military. 
        We are told that the Nation States project has been completed – not
true, at least not correctly. 
        We are told to stand down and do nothing, yet we know there were
fatal flaws in the procedures. 
        We were also told other things that turned out to be false, such as: 
        We were told that each of us would immediately be getting a list of
certain account numbers that we were to file claims against. That
didn’t happen. 
        We were told that important inside Intel of breaking news was being
sent to everyone, yet we received old information that was readily
available to anybody on the Internet.
        There have been numerous other statements since February that have
not proven out.
        I am not saying that any of this was intentional – I don’t
believe it was. I believe the mishandling of our Notice package was
merely due to the lack of knowledge or experience, and the reluctance
to ask for or accept help or advice from others.
        The only viable reason that was given by the core facilitators for
refusing to allow the process to be done again was that it might
jeopardize those who signed the original Notice. Yet they were posted
on various websites for all to see. If those people who were brave
enough to stand up and sign those documents believe that their names
are not known, they are fooling themselves. Besides, sending the
Notice again (but properly this time) would merely amount to a second
notice – they would have no more exposure than they did the first
time. Doing the process a second time would do no harm.
        Our future and the future of this Nation are at stake. We all know
the system is crumbling and time is short– the signs are everywhere.
We have all put our fate into the hands of one person – one
vulnerable human being. We have done what was asked, and nothing has
happened that we were led to believe would happen, and now we are to
sit and wait until someone hears from the mysterious trustee. 
        We must provide lawful authority for our military to follow before
everything completely caves in and it is too late. We cannot afford to
wait. Our fate should not rest in the hands of one or two vulnerable
people. Each of us should have solid evidential proof of our lawful
standing and authority to direct the military. We stood up and put our
names on the line - Isn’t it time to finally take control of our own
destiny? When are we all going to stop acting like sheeple and stand
up together as a group and be heard!
        There is only one solution - since the core facilitators refuse to
allow us access to our document package, and/or refuse to provide the
proper chain of custody documentation (because they don’t have it),
and refuse to discuss it or give any valid reason why it should not be
done again, the Notice process must be repeated – this time
        It has been stated many times that “there are no leaders” in this
project, it is everyone’s project and everyone has a say, yet when
People ask the wrong questions, or if they make certain suggestions,
they are labeled as “troublemakers”.  We have been told many
things that were revealed as untrue, what to accept and what to
ignore, how and when we should communicate with each other, among
others too numerous to list. 
        I expect to get some harsh criticism for sending this plea out –
that’s OK – let’s talk, but there are many other people that
agree with me. 
        I, for one, do not want history to show that we had our chance, but
blew it – that we did not do everything in our power to correct the
events that happened when we knew or believed it was wrong. I do not
want to have to explain to my family that we failed to take the
options needed to secure their future when we had the chance. Do you?
        There will be a Nation State conference call on Tuesday, July 3, at
8:30 PM eastern time:
        Let your voice be heard – your fate, and the fate of your Posterity
and your Country is in your hands. Do you really want to rely on
hearsay instead of evidence? Think and pray about it. 
        Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 121596
        Respectfully submitted
        by gene
DISCLAIMER - Legal Information is NOT the same as Legal Advice - Some
of these sites and emails, provide information about law designed to
help users cope with their own legal needs. But legal information is
not the same as legal advice. The application of law varies with an
individual’s specific circumstances. The laws of every state are in
constant change, and Although we go to great lengths to make sure our
information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult a
licensed  lawyer. That is imperative if you want professional
assurance that this educational information, and your interpretation
of it, is appropriate to your particular situation. We do not offer
legal, tax, or accounting advice and are not licensed to do so. United
Nations (UN) Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise
Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster
management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National
preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response
First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired
Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster
medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National security
State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening
Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb Incident Facility Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious
package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear
threat Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Leak Biological infection (or
event) Chemical Chemical burn Biological Epidemic Hazardous Hazardous
material incident Industrial spill Infection Powder (white) Gas
Spillover Anthrax Blister agent Chemical agent Exposure Burn Nerve
agent Ricin Sarin North Korea Outbreak Contamination Exposure Virus
Evacuation Bacteria Recall Ebola Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth (FMD)
H5N1 Avian Flu Salmonella Small Pox Plague Human to human Human to
Animal Influenza Center for Disease Control (CDC) Drug Administration
(FDA) Public Health Toxic Agro Terror Tuberculosis (TB) Agriculture
Listeria Symptoms Mutation Resistant Antiviral Wave Pandemic Infection
Water/air borne Sick Swine Pork Strain Quarantine Vaccine Tamiflu
Norvo Virus Epidemic World Health Organization (WHO) (and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever E. Coli Infrastructure security Airport CIKR
(Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources) AMTRAK Collapse Computer
infrastructure Communications infrastructure Telecommunications
Critical infrastructure National infrastructure Metro WMATA Airplane
(and derivatives) Chemical fire Subway BART MARTA Port Authority NBIC
(National Biosurveillance Integration Center) Transportation security
Grid Power Smart Body scanner Electric Failure or outage Black out
Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power
lines Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana
Heroin Border Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon
Yuma Tucson Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock
San Diego Ciudad Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13
or MS-13 Drug war Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf
Cartel La Familia Reynosa Nuevo Leon Narcos Narco banners (Spanish
equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap
Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix
Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic Assassins Mexicles New Federation
Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran
Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco terrorism Conventional
weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched Nuclear Chemical
weapon Biological weapon Ammonium nitrate Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Abu Sayyaf Hamas FARC (Armed
Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA
(Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF
(Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization
Car bomb Jihad Taliban Weapons cache Suicide bomber Suicide attack
Suspicious substance AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula) AQIM (Al Qaeda
in the Islamic Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates
Extremism Somalia Nigeria Radicals Al-Shabaab Home grown Plot
Nationalist Recruitment Fundamentalism Islamist Emergency Hurricane
Tornado Twister Tsunami Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor
Extreme weather Forest fire Brush fire Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail
Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon
Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet Mud slide or Mudslide
Erosion Power outage Warning Watch Lightening Aid Relief Closure
Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System Cyber security Botnet DDOS
(dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus Trojan
Keylogger Cyber Command 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain
and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror
Hacker China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media
DISCLAIMER - Legal Information is NOT the same as Legal Advice - Some
of these sites and emails, provide information about law designed to
help users cope with their own legal needs. But legal information is
not the same as legal advice. The application of law varies with an
individual’s specific circumstances. The laws of every state are in
constant change, and Although we go to great lengths to make sure our
information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult a
licensed  lawyer. That is imperative if you want professional
assurance that this educational information, and your interpretation
of it, is appropriate to your particular situation. We do not offer
legal, tax, or accounting advice and are not licensed to do so. United
Nations (UN) Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise
Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster
management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National
preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response
First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired
Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster
medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National security
State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening
Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb Incident Facility Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious
package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear
threat Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Leak Biological infection (or
event) Chemical Chemical burn Biological Epidemic Hazardous Hazardous
material incident Industrial spill Infection Powder (white) Gas
Spillover Anthrax Blister agent Chemical agent Exposure Burn Nerve
agent Ricin Sarin North Korea Outbreak Contamination Exposure Virus
Evacuation Bacteria Recall Ebola Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth (FMD)
H5N1 Avian Flu Salmonella Small Pox Plague Human to human Human to
Animal Influenza Center for Disease Control (CDC) Drug Administration
(FDA) Public Health Toxic Agro Terror Tuberculosis (TB) Agriculture
Listeria Symptoms Mutation Resistant Antiviral Wave Pandemic Infection
Water/air borne Sick Swine Pork Strain Quarantine Vaccine Tamiflu
Norvo Virus Epidemic World Health Organization (WHO) (and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever E. Coli Infrastructure security Airport CIKR
(Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources) AMTRAK Collapse Computer
infrastructure Communications infrastructure Telecommunications
Critical infrastructure National infrastructure Metro WMATA Airplane
(and derivatives) Chemical fire Subway BART MARTA Port Authority NBIC
(National Biosurveillance Integration Center) Transportation security
Grid Power Smart Body scanner Electric Failure or outage Black out
Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power
lines Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana
Heroin Border Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon
Yuma Tucson Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock
San Diego Ciudad Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13
or MS-13 Drug war Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf
Cartel La Familia Reynosa Nuevo Leon Narcos Narco banners (Spanish
equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap
Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix
Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic Assassins Mexicles New Federation
Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran
Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco terrorism Conventional
weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched Nuclear Chemical
weapon Biological weapon Ammonium nitrate Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Abu Sayyaf Hamas FARC (Armed
Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA
(Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF
(Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization
Car bomb Jihad Taliban Weapons cache Suicide bomber Suicide attack
Suspicious substance AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula) AQIM (Al Qaeda
in the Islamic Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates
Extremism Somalia Nigeria Radicals Al-Shabaab Home grown Plot
Nationalist Recruitment Fundamentalism Islamist Emergency Hurricane
Tornado Twister Tsunami Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor
Extreme weather Forest fire Brush fire Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail
Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon
Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet Mud slide or Mudslide
Erosion Power outage Warning Watch Lightening Aid Relief Closure
Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System Cyber security Botnet DDOS
(dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus Trojan
Keylogger Cyber Command 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain
and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror
Hacker China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media
DISCLAIMER - Legal Information is NOT the same as Legal Advice - Some
of these sites and emails, provide information about law designed to
help users cope with their own legal needs. But legal information is
not the same as legal advice. The application of law varies with an
individual’s specific circumstances. The laws of every state are in
constant change, and Although we go to great lengths to make sure our
information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult a
licensed  lawyer. That is imperative if you want professional
assurance that this educational information, and your interpretation
of it, is appropriate to your particular situation. We do not offer
legal, tax, or accounting advice and are not licensed to do so. United
Nations (UN) Assassination Attack Domestic security Drill Exercise
Cops Law enforcement Authorities Disaster assistance Disaster
management DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office) National
preparedness Mitigation Prevention Response Recovery Dirty bomb
Domestic nuclear detection Emergency management Emergency response
First responder Homeland security Maritime domain awareness (MDA)
National preparedness initiative Militia Shooting Shots fired
Evacuation Deaths Hostage Explosion (explosive) Police Disaster
medical assistance team (DMAT) Organized crime Gangs National security
State of emergency Security Breach Threat Standoff SWAT Screening
Lockdown Bomb (squad or threat) Crash Looting Riot Emergency Landing
Pipe bomb Incident Facility Hazmat Nuclear Chemical spill Suspicious
package/device Toxic National laboratory Nuclear facility Nuclear
threat Cloud Plume Radiation Radioactive Leak Biological infection (or
event) Chemical Chemical burn Biological Epidemic Hazardous Hazardous
material incident Industrial spill Infection Powder (white) Gas
Spillover Anthrax Blister agent Chemical agent Exposure Burn Nerve
agent Ricin Sarin North Korea Outbreak Contamination Exposure Virus
Evacuation Bacteria Recall Ebola Food Poisoning Foot and Mouth (FMD)
H5N1 Avian Flu Salmonella Small Pox Plague Human to human Human to
Animal Influenza Center for Disease Control (CDC) Drug Administration
(FDA) Public Health Toxic Agro Terror Tuberculosis (TB) Agriculture
Listeria Symptoms Mutation Resistant Antiviral Wave Pandemic Infection
Water/air borne Sick Swine Pork Strain Quarantine Vaccine Tamiflu
Norvo Virus Epidemic World Health Organization (WHO) (and components)
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever E. Coli Infrastructure security Airport CIKR
(Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources) AMTRAK Collapse Computer
infrastructure Communications infrastructure Telecommunications
Critical infrastructure National infrastructure Metro WMATA Airplane
(and derivatives) Chemical fire Subway BART MARTA Port Authority NBIC
(National Biosurveillance Integration Center) Transportation security
Grid Power Smart Body scanner Electric Failure or outage Black out
Brown out Port Dock Bridge Cancelled Delays Service disruption Power
lines Drug cartel Violence Gang Drug Narcotics Cocaine Marijuana
Heroin Border Mexico Cartel Southwest Juarez Sinaloa Tijuana Torreon
Yuma Tucson Decapitated U.S. Consulate Consular El Paso Fort Hancock
San Diego Ciudad Juarez Nogales Sonora Colombia Mara salvatrucha MS13
or MS-13 Drug war Mexican army Methamphetamine Cartel de Golfo Gulf
Cartel La Familia Reynosa Nuevo Leon Narcos Narco banners (Spanish
equivalents) Los Zetas Shootout Execution Gunfight Trafficking Kidnap
Calderon Reyosa Bust Tamaulipas Meth Lab Drug trade Illegal immigrants
Smuggling (smugglers) Matamoros Michoacana Guzman Arellano-Felix
Beltran-Leyva Barrio Azteca Artistic Assassins Mexicles New Federation
Terrorism Al Qaeda (all spellings) Terror Attack Iraq Afghanistan Iran
Pakistan Agro Environmental terrorist Eco terrorism Conventional
weapon Target Weapons grade Dirty bomb Enriched Nuclear Chemical
weapon Biological weapon Ammonium nitrate Improvised explosive device
IED (Improvised Explosive Device) Abu Sayyaf Hamas FARC (Armed
Revolutionary Forces Colombia) IRA (Irish Republican Army) ETA
(Euskadi ta Askatasuna) Basque Separatists Hezbollah Tamil Tigers PLF
(Palestine Liberation Front) PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization
Car bomb Jihad Taliban Weapons cache Suicide bomber Suicide attack
Suspicious substance AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian Peninsula) AQIM (Al Qaeda
in the Islamic Maghreb) TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan) Yemen Pirates
Extremism Somalia Nigeria Radicals Al-Shabaab Home grown Plot
Nationalist Recruitment Fundamentalism Islamist Emergency Hurricane
Tornado Twister Tsunami Earthquake Tremor Flood Storm Crest Temblor
Extreme weather Forest fire Brush fire Ice Stranded/Stuck Help Hail
Wildfire Tsunami Warning Center Magnitude Avalanche Typhoon
Shelter-in-place Disaster Snow Blizzard Sleet Mud slide or Mudslide
Erosion Power outage Warning Watch Lightening Aid Relief Closure
Interstate Burst Emergency Broadcast System Cyber security Botnet DDOS
(dedicated denial of service) Denial of service Malware Virus Trojan
Keylogger Cyber Command 2600 Spammer Phishing Rootkit Phreaking Cain
and abel Brute forcing Mysql injection Cyber attack Cyber terror
Hacker China Conficker Worm Scammers Social media
 Sent using Hushmail


the fake drake flake

From:   "aaron wilson" <gonob.com@gmail.com>

Date:   Thu, June 28, 2012 7:33 pm

To:   stewwebb@stewwebb.com


why dont you ripp this guy a new one, there is no bigger bullshitter out